Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

  2. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Oh wow! That is the best marriage proposal I've seen ;D I've always wanted my proposal in Disneyland, and my wedding too! We'll see I guess... :D
  3. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    That was really cool! I would wager a guess he's in entertainment. But it's crazy he got so many people involved and got a good camera to shoot it too! That would be hard to one up...
  4. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I totally agree! I was impressed! lol!
  5. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Well, either he's in entertainment... or he's got a group of fabulous friends who are all things Disney (so a Disney family if you will ;) ) and would wildly support and get involved with such a fabulous proposal.... *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*
  6. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I would sing in your proposal Shanan ;) teehee!
  7. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Speaking of engagements...

    Tonight is the ultimate, most epic engagement in recent history...


    Does it get any better? Well, obviously if my team was actually in it, but it will be a wicked game!

    Chalk up a cup for Crosby... GO PENS GO!
  8. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    I just want everyone to know I've been thinking about disney ALL DAY :)

    I watched Peter Pan and Aladdin this week, its getting a litttle out of hand but in a magical way!
  9. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    lol it's ok Jackie! I watched Enchanted the other day and it's mostly all I think about! lol! July's almost here!!!

    And Matty enjoy the game tonight - i'll be working - but I know how much you looooooove hockey so GO PENS GO! lol! I'm such a fake hockey fan! ;)
  10. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    The Penguins have a way cooler mascot, therefore I'm rooting for them! :D What the heck is one little red wing anyway? It's not even attached to anything; it's just a wing! Now, if it were the wing of say a hawk or crazy pterodactyl, well that's something that's intimidating. But a lonely wing? What? "Ohhhhh I'm gonna flap you with my wing if you don't give me that hockey puck!". Lame. Penguins are cooler, and they walk soooo hilariously which just adds to their awesomeness.

    Sometimes teams need to come up with better mascots/names... like the Maple Leafs... OH GOOD GRAVY IT'S A LEAF COMING IN TO ATTACK! BEWARE! THEY FALL DOWN FROM TREES WITH THE FORCE OF A THOUSAND ANVILS!! Yeah, not likely. :p
  11. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    LMAO Shanan, you made my day. I never really gave it much thought but you make a very clear, very valid point and I really appreciated the laugh. PS: I'm also rooting for the pens, but to be honest my team is the leafs - but if they aren't in it I tend to go for the underdog team so go PEN GO!!!

    SO I think I'm going to sign off my messages each time with a fun disney movie quote - we'll see how long that lasts lol

    Woody: You are a TOY!!!! T-O-Y!!! TOY!!
    Buzz: I believe the word you're searching for is "space" "ranger"

    haha i love it
  12. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I haven't watched a classic Disney movie in awhile. But I've been listening to plenty of music! Aladdin is one of my favorites movie wise and music wise... so many good tunes!

    The Penguins are just better, PERIOD. I am pumped for the game!!!! Only 2 hours left of work!!! Me=Excited. Unless the Penguins lose, then it would be ME=PISSED
    Sorry Jackie... but the Leafs... I don't even have the words to say, lol :p

    Toy Story 3 will be amazing!!! The trailer before "Up" for it was pretty cool. I wonder if it will be in Disney Digital 3D...
  13. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I'm sorry I can't add to the hockey chatter - lol I just can't get into it!

    But Disney chatter I can get into! lol! I believe Toy Story 3 will be in 3D - and supposedly they are releasing Toy Story 1 and 2 before hand in 3D back into movie theatres to get the hype up for it! I thought that was a cool idea :)
  14. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    haha Jackie, I aim to please! The only way for me to deal with sports is via humour :D Weirdly enough though, if I'm actually at a hockey game, then I get all into it - regardless of whether or not I know what's going on! Bonus points if I have a flag or one of those big foam fingers (those are sweet!!). I'm a Leafs gal by default, they're the home team after all (sorry Matty!) However, whether or not I'll see them win the Stanley Cup in my lifetime remains to be seen hehe :p I have a couple friends who managed to get some amazing tickets for the hockey games at the 2010 Olympics - now those would be CRAZY to see! I randomly looked on ebay to see what tix are going for... $6000 for a pair... ye-ah... I'll save that for a closet full of fabulousness me thinks. No doubt those games are going to be electric though!

    Yep, TS3 is def in 3D, as are TS1 & 2 (1 comes back in October, and 2 in Feb I think). Apparently they're also doing an adaptation of Rapunzel which should be super fun!! And something called Newt... I think it's about the last two newts in the world and so their species depends on them... but they hate each other :D I also heard that they're releasing a Cars 2 "down the road"! heh heh get it? get it? I made a funny!

    Throw The Princess and the Frog in there as well, and basically we have lots of goodies to look forward to! Yes, I heart my Dis movies so I get easily excited by news of new ones hehe!

    Fun fact, I read yesterday that apparently it took 5 years to make "Up". Goes to show how much work goes into making these things! Those animators are my heroes, no question.
  15. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Haha, I enjoyed reading all of your guys' posts about sports and such. Good stuff! :D

    Wow five years is a long time to make a movie! But I can totally see how it took that long... UP was amazing! I'm totally looking forward to the new movies... almost as much as going to Walt Disney World! ;)
  16. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Seeing as how most people don't seem to keep up with the sports, I feel it is my duty to tell you....





    And in the 3rd period, they were leading 2-0... and Crosby, their captain was injured and I was thinking...
    "16...... 16...... 16 minutes got to get it done....
    16...... 16...... 16 minutes until we're #1!!!!!!"
  17. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Yay!! I watched about the last two minutes of the game :p but it was a great outcome! Now let's hope for a Canadian team in the finals next season :D
  18. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    :D I caught some bits n' pieces, plus the last little bit of the game! It was a good one! Gotta be nice to be Sidney Crosby though - he's 21 and already has his name on the Stanley Cup. Not too shabby!

    'Now or Never' is such an ace song, it really should be played on full volume for the last few minutes of any game. It would totally get me amped! And with hockey, I always think of the Mighty Ducks, and just go "quack quack quack" (regardless of who the team actually is!). I suppose I could replace that with penguin sounds... though I'm not entirely sure of what they sound like. I have heard before that one kind sounds a bit like a donkey? So I could shout "Hee-haw, hee-haw, hee-haw!" in their honour! Or maybe they're somewhere between a quack and a squeek? So.. "Queek! Queek! Queek!". Yeah, maybe not. That sounds better in my head I swear!

    Would be nice to have a Canadian team to root for, fo' sho'! Though I guess Canada might be inheriting the Phoenix Coyotes? Or has that fallen through? I know they were looking to bring them to Hamilton... why there I have no idea... Ontario has enough hockey teams me thinks. We could have the... P.E.I. LOBSTERS!! Waaaatch out, they'll snip snip ya with their claws!

    Yeah... sometimes the voices in my head need to quieten down :D
  19. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    ahahah PEI Lobsters for sure!!!

    I'll watch hockey when the olympics roll around :)
  20. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Haha you should suggest that name... PEI Lobsters... too funny :D

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