Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    gah Shanan i'm so jealous!!!!!! I think it's Bay Lake Tower or something like that... and a park view room?! Awee you could wake up in the morning and have mickey waffles which staring at the castle before you hit the parks for the day! Wow I am totes jealous!!!!!!!!!!

    And Matty, I dont know if you heard but they decided to give the Cinderella's suite to me!!!!!! hehe I wish! But seriously... I dont know what they're planning on doing with it! I'm hoping they still are giving away nights in it - I STILL NEED TO SPEND THE NIGHT IN IT! lol! I'm dying to get up there!!!
  2. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Hey Everyone!

    I just signed up for the discussion board - funny that I never knew it was here and I did the ICP in 2006. Anyways, I'm really hoping to do the cultural rep program in the new year. But it seems I'm all out of sorts with the process and what not, I've been trying to find information on how long it should be before I hear back after I apply and when the interviews will be. And scary, thought, I seen a bunch of posts about a dreaded waiting list...ahhhh!! I would love for someone to fill me in on the scoop - oh and I'm from southwestern Ontario and I don't think I'll be going with anyone so I'm hoping to make some online friends :) Thanks
  3. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Hiii! I'm Shayna! I'm from southern Ontario... well Guelph actually but right now i'm living in BC - but I will be back in the fall! You did ICP in 06 too?! Well welcome to the club! Where did you work and all that jazz?!

    The new year is when I, and a couple others, are hoping to go down for CRp too!! All the hiring is now done though Yummy Jobs instead of Castaway...

    This will give you some general info. They'll start accepting our applications for 2010 from July onwards :) and i'm assuming our interviews would be sometime mid-fall! The waitlist thing is scary, although i'm hoping that having done the ICP before will give a bit of an edge ;D

    We should totally get a little online group together - it's good for questions, and it will get us all hyped up and excited! Plus when interviews come and the stress of waiting... we're gonna need eachother!!! lol oh the dreaded waiting!
  4. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    My name is Jackie, from Aylmer Ontario... if that doesn't ring a bell, about 45 minutes southeast of London.

    I worked at the Flame Tree BBQ in Animal Kingdom, and had a total blast that summer! I can't believe I didn't know this forum was here, its definitely a great idea for us to keep in contact so come January we all kinda know someone... yes we are ALL going lol. I hope you're right about our former experience giving us that little cut above the rest. If not, we'll have to rely on our charm :)
  5. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Hey Jackie! I'm Chelsea from Calgary, applying for the new year. I haven't done any previous programs and I haven't even been to WDW, so I am completely relying on my charm :D and it will be great for me to know people that have actually been there, so I'm not so lost at the start of the program!

    And we are totally all going! No question ;)
  6. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Chelsea it's totally cool that you've never been before! My friend Tim who I met on the program - he'd never been to Disney World before either so ICP was his first time - and he got accepted with flying colours and fell in love with it too!

    It's so nice though to get a group together just to talk and figure stuff out! The CRP is much different than ICP and you go for a year!! And we totally all will get in - and we'll have a fabulous magical time all living in the Commons together, working at the Canadian Pavilion and making magic!!! ;D
  7. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Hey Jackie!!!

    I might be totally wrong, and if so, I apologize, but I am fairly sure I know who you are. I did the ICP in the summer of 2006 too. I worked at the studios in Outdoor Foods. You're friends with Elise and Lisa right? I was roomates with Kevin, Tim, Jamie, Nick and another Matt.
    I'm hoping to go next year as well. That's cool that you want to head down again! It will be an exciting year for sure! And I agree... 2006 was the best summer ever!
  8. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    So, what does everyone want to do? I'm really hoping for Food and Bev so I can hopefully get a tipping position eventually. I have lots of serving experience here in Canada so hopefully it pans out well for me. I just talked to a friend whos there now doing merch and she said she loves it but doesn't make much money.
  9. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    I am hoping to do attractions for something different! But whatever I get I will be more than happy to do! Just to be working for the mouse is *a dream come true* :D
  10. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I'm hoping for a serving position too Jackie! Like you said, it's the money and i've been serving for a while now too so hopefully the sooner the better I can start at Le Cellier - i hear the tips are stellar!

    Like Matty said, were you friends with Elise and Lisa? Because I think if you were we're in a picture together! lol like all of us! Or it totally could be another Jackie! lol!

    ahhh I can't wait for July so we can finally apply!!!! ;D
  11. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    omg yes! Matt thats you? And I was roommates with Lisa and Elise... but Shayna... I don't remember you... I'm really sorry lol. But this is making it just all the more exciting!
  12. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I just remember your name! I dont even know if we ever even really spoke! But I think we're all together in a picture from our ICP graduation! Wow what a small world!!! lol!
  13. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    ok good, i dont feel so bad then! we'll make sure we hang out this time! Simply cannot wait! I'm going to Disney for vacation for new years eve until Jan 7th... maybe they'll just let me move right in after lol.
  14. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Right, I thought you were roomates, but wasn't sure so I said friends to be safe lol

    I would also like to work in Le Cellier. Haven't served in a while, but I'm sure it will be fine. I think there is just more opportunity to make magical moments!

    Attractions is fun Chelsea. I know someone who worked there on the CRP. They said they really enjoyed and they prefered it over the restaurant, but each person is different. I really like the new Canada video with Martin Short! The old footage was really old....
  15. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    lol I am ashamed and proud at the same time to say I have never seen the Canadian video! lol! But i'm sure at some point I will!

    This'll be great! It's nice to have a place to communicate and talk to eachother about whats going on... I wonder how soon after we apply we'll get phone interviews... hmmm.
  16. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Are you guys applying right on July 1st or is there a more specific date? Can't wait to get the process started :)
  17. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    there isn't a specific time - on the Yummy Jobs website it just said we will be considered from July onwards so really anytime after July 1st! lol but i'm impatient and want to get it in asap! lol! just in case - and then its out of my hands!
  18. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Oh totally, me too! I'll probably have it in there on the 1st, although thats Canada Day, so maybe the 2nd ;)
  19. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    The video is sweet! Though the song really is meant as a duet, in my opinion...

    I agree, July 2nd or 3rd sounds like a good time. Shows initiative and desire! ;D
  20. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    exactly Matty!!! We gotta be keeners lol!

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