Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    McDonald's fries are the best!!! I'm lovin' it!

    Also, Princess Aurora does not have an ugly dress, I think it is quite pretty! And you're only thinking about one of the castles that Princess Aurora has. May I remind you that she has 3 compared to Cinderella's 2. :p And one of them is quite extravagant!


  2. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    That doesn't count. It's like they realized that the one in Disneyland was far inferior to Cinderella's castle, and therefore felt compelled to make up for that. AND Cinderella's Castle still wins with it's Christmas decorations - it has way more twinkle lights! AND it still looks smaller than Cinderella's Castle.

    Sorry Matty, it's a nice looking castle for sure, I'll give you that - but I'm still Team Cinderella's Castle :D

    Maybe one day I'll see it in person and I'll budge a little more, but Cinderella's Castle will always reign supreme to me! Maybe because it's the one I've always seen since I was a little girl? Maybe because it's the only Disney castle I've ever seen - period? Who knows? :D

    The thing with Princess Aurora's dress is that it looks nice in cartoon form, more on the "meh" side in real form - at least compared with the others. So Matt, as long as you're in love with the cartoon version of Princess Aurora, I'm a-ok with that :D You have my blessings to wed - if you put in a good word for me with Prince Phillip ;)
  3. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I agree with Shanan, sorry Matty :( lol
  4. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I do agree that her real life dress does not do her justice, and I've said it a million and a half times that it would look way nicer if it was silkier. I think her castle is still really nice too, I mean they had to make it look a lot better because of all the actual castles they have in Europe, the regular castle would look like nothing compared to those! Anyways, she is still my favorite!
  5. chribir

    chribir New Member

    I would have to say that I have the 'Team Cindy' shirt on this one!
  6. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    haha see now I actually want to find a Team Cindy shirt and wear it! :D Though we can't cause any kind of disruption in the land of Fantasy between the princesses - would hate to walk into the Magic Kingdom and see a lot of hair pulling! :D
  7. chribir

    chribir New Member


    the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique could become a complete danger zone
  8. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Hair pins flying everywhere... nobody would be safe.... :D :D

    In today's news, total chaos broke out in Fantasyland when Princess Aurora seized Cinderella's crown in her attempt to gain a prettier one, which in turn prompted Snow White to throw red wine all over Aurora's dress in an effort to stain it beyond recognition. With mascara streaming down their cheeks, the Princes quickly jumped in to break apart the fair maidens, and Guests were left confused and in disbelief of what was just seen. Though the event was covered up by suggesting that the girls' corsets were done up too tightly, thereby restricting blood flow to their heads, the claw marks that remained on the dresses afterward suggested otherwise... Those Princesses can be quite catty to each other, so be sure not to step on any of their shoes/glass slippers!

    Yeah, let's not let that happen. I much prefer everybody wearing smiles and getting along! :D
  9. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    ahahahahaha I want a Team Cindy shirt too! Although Princess Aurora in the movie is really awesome! Just not when you meet her lol
  10. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Come on, there've got to be some Aurora fans out there! Let's show some support! Also, definitely Princess Aurora in her PINK dress!
  11. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I love her in Sleeping Beauty! Therefore I am a half fan! lol!
  12. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member


    hehe Yeah the movie is fab, there's no question about that, she's just up against some stiff competition as far as Princesses go!
  13. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I am excited to meet Princess TIana!!! ;D
  14. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Now her dress is rockin'!! I wonder if you can meet the prince too... and if he's in frog or human form? :D :D
  15. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    yeah that would be so sweet! :)
  16. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    They just need to have more of the Princes around in general for photo ops! *cough*PRINCE ERIC*cough*
  17. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Matty, I think Aurora is incredibly under-rated. That said, if we are judging on dresses alone, I do prefer Cindy's real-life dress. HOWEVER, I want to someday get married in wdw (just need a prospective husband first ;)) and want a dress from the sleeping beauty collection. The wedding gowns are amazing!!!
  18. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    haha oh getting married in WDW is a sure-thing - that's the easiest part of the equation! Just gotta find a guy to give up the ring *cough*Tiffany's*cough* and be all "yeaaaah let's get married in WDW WOO!". Hard to find that one! :D

    They've got a pretty nice selection as far as wedding dresses go, even for some of the other princesses! I'd love to try them on - one day, one day! haha Though I'd also have to raid the closets of Kleinfeld's in NYC to find *the* dress! Who knows where it'll come from, so long as I'm walking down the aisle on Disney property, that's what counts! :D
  19. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Shanan obvs we are getting married at Disney! lol! Our weddings are already semi priced and planned! lol! :D
  20. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    As I said, all that's missing are the grooms! :D

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