Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    peppermint green tea is the best everrr well I will admit I like a lot of other teas I just don't drink the caffienated ones lol ... i used to live off black tea XD
  2. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Hey Matt, I also enjoy the dos equis tea ;D
  3. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Haha, thanks Jackie! I'm glad someone caught that one...
  4. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I like chai tea, but I like it better in latte form :)
  5. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    I have never actually had a latte before ><
  6. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    they really are good :) Especially on a cold day - hot milk and tea just are a great combo - although saying it like that it doesn't sound so delish, but they're really good!!!
  7. It's been a week since I got that email and I feel like I'm going to be sick from my nerves...

    Please call me, Yummy Jobs. :(
  8. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    the waiting game sucks hard! lol! At least we have on here to vent about it to eachother! We're all going through the same thing!!
  9. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    mhmm the waiting game is the worst ><
  10. Yes. Thank goodness we all found this website. I think I would quite possibly be curled up in a ball muttering incoherently if I didn't have someone to talk to about this.
  11. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    lol! me too!
  12. And I still have not seen Harry Potter yet! AGH.
  13. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    Yeah this website is my life since I don't plan on telling my friends unless I get in so I can't talk about it >< and I haven't seen harry potter yet either
  14. Oh, I've been telling everyone... But that's because I tend to talk a lot when I'm excited about something. :p
  15. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    haha I an usually the same but I am also majorly stressed and when I stress I am obsessive and annoying so only my family, my 2 closest friends and the people here on the forum know XD
  16. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    it's so hard not to talk about it! lol
  17. Ooh, I saw HP on Saturday night and I loved it.

    Just thought I'd let everybody know. :p
  18. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    it's super good eh! ;D
  19. Hilarious! They did cut some stuff out, but I think they made it flow really well. Veeery enjoyable.

    There was a big lack of Weasley twins, though... that made me sad. They're my favourites.
  20. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    I so need to see it soon cause I loveeee tom felton he comes right after disney as to what I need to survive

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