Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    lol Shanan i'll be behind you as your cheerleader and emotional support! lol! :D
  2. Perhaps I will keep my team choice silent... :p

    And I'm going to have to agree with Shanan. Wii's games are far more interesting and appeal to a wider range of people, too.

    Will anybody come to hockey games with me, by the way? It's pretty dirt cheap to go to games in Tampa... we'd wait for teams we like to come, of course. :)
  3. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    to an actual game I will def be there! I'm really no hockey or sports fan, but i'll play for fun and i'll def go to games so I can get all pumped up and yell things and drink beer! lol!
  4. Hahaha, well, the getting pumped up and yelling things at hockey games is one of the best parts! I loooove going to hockey games. :) I didn't get to go to any this year, but I got to go to my team's open practice, and that was fun.

    But I wouldn't ever go alone, so having someone who would go with me would be fantastic. ;D
  5. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Yeah, I rarely, if ever, watch sports on tv - unless it's a big deal like the Stanley Cup final or something like that. BUT I always find that when I actually go to a game, I have a blast! I've been to a few Leafs games, and actually surprise myself by how much I get into it haha! At least hockey is nice and faced paced - golf, on the other hand, is a sport I don't imagine I would enjoy even if I was there in person *golf clap*

    Sometimes for kicks, the best thing about being at a sports game is to shout out all the wrong things. For example, if at a hockey game... "oH YEAH he totally just scored a home RUN! YEAH!!" "OH that dude is totally dribbling the puck into the wrong endzone! How are they going to make a field goal that way?!"

    Also, they're awesome excuses to have sweet hot dogs!
  6. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    hahahaha I love it!!!

    I'm sure they'll be lots of hockey fans though that'll go to a game!
  7. Awesome!

    Hahahaha golf is actually on TV right now... I'm just too lazy to change it. :p
  8. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I actually love golf! But i come from a hardcore golf family! Call me a loser, but on a lazy sunday afternoon I love watching the PGA tour lol especially if Tiger's playing :D
  9. Haha, you're not a loser! That's totally fair!

    I enjoy mini-golf, myself... :p
  10. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Wow... I just about gagged when I saw this.
    I DO NOT like the leafs, in fact, I despise them. Just thinking about them makes me shudder.

    My team's les glorieux Candiens de Montreal!!! But regardless of which team you root for, we can still be friends :D It just makes things interesting and a lot more fun if they're rival teams!

    I will definitely go to some hockey games! They will be so much cheaper than here, and going to any TB game, you still get to see some quality Canadian talent like Lecavalier, St Louis and Stamkos.

    I am not a hater of the Wii, in fact I quite enjoy Wii sports! I just think that it is more of a novelty system, it's not something I could play over and over whereas with the PS3, there are more games that I can play for countless hours! And also the utility of the system, again, there's not even a dvd player on the wii!!! Anyways, enough about that, let's agree to disagree, hold hands, sing kumbaya and go to Disney World!!!!

    I've never really watched golf, but I'd like to try doing it! Maybe we could go to one of the courses that Disney has!
  11. Oh, well, good, at least we're in agreement about the Leafs. ;D But nothing matches my hatred for the Blackhawks. Dustin Byfuglien upsets me. :p

    Habs over the Leafs any day! Not my team, but a good one nonetheless. ;)

    And good! Hockey games are fun. :) I checked the season tickets price (just to see what the difference was) and you can actually get seasons tickets (nosebleed seats, but still) for $287. AH. That's RIDICULOUS. But good for those in Florida.

    ... And who puts two hockey teams in FLORIDA, anyway? It's FLORIDA.
  12. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Whatever Matt, I totally know you have a small shrine to the Maple Leafs in the corner of your room. I bet you even sleep in a Leafs jersey! teeeeeeeeheeeeeeeee

    Also, instead of kumbaya, can we do the Hoedown Throwdown? For no reason other than that it is the definition of cooooooooool! 8)

    Though I tend to fall asleep while watching golf, I'd actually would like to learn how to play it. I used to live in a house with a massive back yard, and I would take my Dad's clubs out and just start smacking balls (into the neighbour's yard... ::)). Even one summer after work, my friend and I would literally leave work, and try out our stuff on the driving range! More often than not though I'd miss the ball hehe Mini-golf is definitely more my forte, but I'm willing to try anything!

    Well, they also have is snow on Main Street and at the Osborne Spectacle of Lights in Hollywood Studios during the winter, and supposedly it's going to snow all the time in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal... so I think they just like to make up their own weather system there :D
  13. Hahahaha, that's true. Silly Florida and their lack of snow.

    Where I live it snows a LOT, so I don't know what I'd do in Florida during the winter with the lack of snow.
  14. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    I get tired of the snow and ice it will be nice for a change to have sun
  15. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    You celebrate, that's what you do. You go to the parks, get one of those Celebrate buttons, and write on it "I'm celebrating no more snow!"

    I am not fond of winter... not fond at all. I was born in the wrong climate!
  16. Haha, I can tell! :p
  17. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    yeah I was born up way north lol where we had no rain only dry snow ... and i like sun and rain
  18. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    oh winter... lol

    Snow isn't so bad - like it's great for snowmen, tobogganing, snowboarding, whatevs! It's more just the cold I can't stand... I feel the cold sooooo much. I'd much rather be roasting my booty off, I just love it!

    I would love to travel to different parts of Canada, but I will never, ever do it during winter! haha If I can't stand it in Toronto, I suspect I'd have a hard time leaving the warmth of a home up North!
  19. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I don't mind the snow... as long as it's not -40 C like it is here for most of the winter....

    I can't say I have anything against the Hawks... I was hoping they would beat Detroit actually, cause I don't really like them either. What have you got against Byfuglien? Haha, it's a funny name... I remember like his first season the announcers were pronouncing it Bi-foo-glee-en. I didn't notice until a game or 2 it was the same person as Buff-lan or however they pronounce it now.
  20. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    hmm I think I will start to root for the Anaheim Ducks. I like their state because it's sunny and has palm trees and has Disneyland... and it allows me to spontaneously QUACK! Ducks fly together! I wonder if their coach is named Gordon Bombay... ::)

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