Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    man are we ever deprived of awesome ice cream in nb although pei has cows which is just to die for
  2. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    oh I've heard of cows! There's one on Niagara on the Lake here - I've never been, but I'm a fan just based on their shirts alone! :D Like the "Jonas Br-udders", "Dairy Potter" and "Pirates of the Cow-ibbean" :D
  3. I've never heard of Cows! Maybe it's an East Coast thing?
  4. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    yeah mainly it is based in pei and a ns ferry but there are some the other places i believe and well there shirts are epic
  5. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    well now I wanna try cows icecream!! I LOVE icecream!!!
  6. I just want ice-cream now... I've been craving a Dole Whip since Shanan brought them up earlier...
  7. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    man I could definitely go for a dole whip right now! they are heaven!
  8. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    I have never tried dole whip D: but I am always craving ice cream ever since I started watching what I eat so I settle for frozen ice treets lol XD
  9. If only I were not five hours from Vancouver... I'd so be there. Eating a Dole Whip.
  10. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Better to be 5 hrs from a Dole Whip in Vancouver, than a 21 hour drive from a Dole Whip in Orlando! It's some form of punishment, I swear! I wish flights were cheapie cheap, then I'd have no excuse to stop me from hopping on a plane and grabbing a bite! Well... the ticket entry into the park is a bit of a shock to the wallet as well I suppose... shall have to re-think this plan through...
  11. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    OR you could come here for one... Vancouver is only a ferry-ride away... but still - i'd rather be at home too and just go to Orlando with ya! lol!
  12. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Ah, but is a Dole Whip worth an $800 plane ticket to Van?


    lol :D
  13. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    haha true! I'm only here another month and a half! When I get home we'll just go to Disney for Dole Whips ;) We know it's worth the cost to go there!!! ;D
  14. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I had a dole whip! They had them at the calgary stampede! Not exactly the same, in fact it was more like frozen yogourt than ice cream, and it was white, not yellow... but it was still tasty cakes... and I had a Turkey Leg too! It was like having a little taste of Disney in Calgary! No Churros though... :'(
  15. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    did they have spicy cheesy pretzels?!
  16. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    So the Calgary "Dole Whip" was white and tasted like yogurt... cheap imitation of the real deal! They may try, but that shan't succeed! And didn't you tell me the turkey leg was itty bitty compared to Disney's? Disney must hop their turkey's up on steroids or something, those things are huuuuuuuuge! I've never had one, and I'm not all that enticed to get one lol Maybe a bite, but I certainly couldn't stomach a whole leg!

    Matt, question - apparently the Disneyland Cinnamon Rolls are better than WDW's. True? I can't believe it! Those things in WDW were mmm mmm good (and large... 'tis the American way I suppose :D)
  17. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    those cinnamon buns on main street were to die for!!!! Disneyland has even better ones?! I want one as soon as I get back to the magic kingdom!
  18. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I didn't notice any Spicy Cheese pretzels... but it is quite possible they had some. They had lots of crazy stuff... like deep fried jelly beans! mmm......
    Yeah, the turkey leg was smaller, but was still good.

    I would say the cinnabuns from Disneyland are better than WDW. I think they're softer and moister and they use a different cream cheese topping. So good!!! The ones at WDW are delicious, but in Disneyland, they're even better!!! Just like the dole whip floats in Disneyland... they come with a nice little umbrella and a maraschino cherry!
  19. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member


    See, now I feel like I've been missing out or something. Next time, I'm going to go to the Wally Mart, buy my own little set of mini drink umbrellas, take them into the park, and stick them in my Dole Whip. Problem solved. :D

    I am miiiiighty curious about these cinnabuns in Disneyland though... I guess I'll just "have" to make a trip for a taste comparison. It's for the sake of taste bud science really. Yes, that's my excuse.
  20. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    hmm okee shanan you buy the umbrella's and i'll buy the maraschino cherries!! Then we'll be set!!!

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