Canadians for January 2010??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by princess_shayna, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Is that show even around anymore? I loved it! I imagine it would be so fun to just do random improv like that - hilar!
  2. I don't think they're doing it anymore, since Drew Carey is hosting The Price is Right, now. :(

    My theatre group used to do improv every once in a while... I was SO bad at it. Mostly because I just start laughing. :p Very fun, though!
  3. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Riiiiiiiight I totally forgot that he took over the Price is Right! Ah boo to losing out on Whose Line though :'(

    I have no doubt in my mind that I would probably suck at that sort of improv merely because it's SO hard for me to keep a straight face! I would be that person that would bust a gut and break the scene every single time. All for the fun though - laughing is the best!

    For instance I somehow managed to trip up the stairs today and land on the top floor with a thud. My efforts to "save" myself probably looked like I was something out of a cartoon, so I immediately just started laughing at myself! :D I am just far too easily amused haha
  4. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Whose line was one of the best shows ever! I loved when they did the songs. And Wayne Brady!!! He rocks!
    I would take Whose Line Is it Anyways over the Price is Right any day!
  5. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    they have totally killed price is right eh without bob it is painful to watch
  6. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    A lot of the peeps on Whose Line were awesome! Greg, Colin, Ryan - all so fun! Wayne Brady has rocked Disney's Very Merry Christmas Parade a few times though, so he leads the pack in coolness as a result ;)

    Bob Barker reigns supreme on The Price is Right - though I never really watched the show. Wheel Of Fortune on the other hand... well I tend to scream out the words at the tv as if I feel the contestants actually hear me. Maybe they'll make a tv in the future that does that? hmmm...

    So any big Potter fans out there? The movie comes out tomorrow! Colour me PUMPED!
  7. I am SO EXCITED for HP6! It's my favourite out of all the books, so I'm hoping they do it justice! However, I have no idea when I'm going to be able to see it, as I have no money. :p
  8. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Ah yeah, it is a great book in the series! I've heard some rumblings that they've taken a lot of stuff out from the end of the book, so I'm not too keen on that... we shall seeeeee...

    It's probably for the best if you go see it a little later. You can avoid the crazy crowd that way!! The movie starts showing tonight at midnight, and I've heard that the theatres around here have been long sold out for that show since they were first put on sale!
  9. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    I love love love harry potter .... well actually draco .... XD but yeah I am broke and have no friends to go to all of my friends are university students and live out of town 4 months out of the year ... so no clue when I shall see it D: the midnight release is at 11:55 pm here lol
  10. Wow, that's nuts. I was doing a play (well, a musical) when the last one came out, and we all went to see the midnight showing after rehearsal. It was amazing.

    I hope they haven't taken TOO much out of it... I mean, I understand some cuts, but anything major would be really off-putting.
  11. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    I dunno, I'm reserving judgment until I actually see it. Either way, I know I'll still love the movie, I'm just such a sucker for the books that I hate it when they cut so much out. It's a necessary evil in that business though, otherwise all the films would be 6 hours long (not that I'd complain!).

    You guys have heard about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter that's opening in Universal I hope? They're building like a whole land that's basically Hogsmeade and Hogwarts. They're keeping the big ride there very hush-hush which just raises my curiosity even more. It's suuuuupposed to open some time in 2010. Originally it was to open late 2009, so it's already been pushed back once, I'm hoping it'll stay that way! Yeah, totally hitting that place up on opening day, WITH a killer Hogwarts costume! haha
  12. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    I honestly would love it even if they had only tom felton on the screen I just need to see him lol

    Oh and I went to universal this summer and saw the new area for harry potter and it looks epic though the fence was to high to see much
  13. Yeah, definitely heard about it! It's looking pretty fantastic. If it opens in 2010 and we're all in Florida I'm preeeetty sure we all have to go opening day. And DEFINITELY in costume. I wonder if the big ride will have anything to do with the flying Ford Anglia? I think that would basically be fantastic. I just re-read Chamber of Secrets, so that's been on my mind. :)
  14. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Oh going on the official opening day is a definite must! Especially because I'm willing to bet that JK Rowling and maybe even some of the stars would be there to cut the ribbon! EEK! I've signed up to some mailing list on the official web site, so I *hope* that at some point they'll send out a message about when they'll open. And if they're nice they'll be all "hey Shanan! Since you're on the mailing list and all, you get to a) Meet the stars, b) skip the lines, c) Meet the author, d) Have a lifetime supply of butterbeer!" Wishful thinking?

    Curse Universal and their excessively large fences *shakes fist*

    What they do with the ride could be a whole long list of things, so it's hard to imagine what! If they did it so you could fly on a broom stick I would probably spazz out (and then fall off said broom). I've definitely read somewhere that the flying car may be used, but really, who knows?!

    All I know is that I really want some butter beer....

    and possibly some ice cream... I hear the ice cream truck approaching my house... I may or may not run out :D
  15. I was thinking that the stars might be there as well! And JK Rowling... ooh... that would be amazing.

    I really want some butterbeer. I'm hoping they make it taste as good as I imagine it!
  16. MeganHitachiin

    MeganHitachiin New Member

    I have never actually seen an ice cream truck before XD
  17. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    I think they would be under a lot of pressure to get the butterbeer juuuuust right. They probably figure they would experience the back-lash of Potter fans should that be the case. I bet it'll be mmm mmm gooooood! Hmm, I definitely need to invest in a Gryffindor scarf for this winter I feel, then I can start to get into character haha :D

    Ah ice cream trucks aren't all they're cracked up to be, I'd still take a Dole Whip any day! :D Or a little somethin' somethin' from Marble Slab Creamery! Or Ben & Jerry's! Or Starbucks ice cream (only available in the U.S. grrrrrr!)

    Clearly I have just revealed my weakness for ice cream. Guilty as charged.
  18. There's... Starbucks ice-cream...?

    And Dole Whip.... omnomnomnom. They sell them at the PNE in Vancouver during the summer. So fantastic.

    And I've never been to Marble Slab Creamery! Is it anything like Coldstone Creamery? I went there when I went to New York last year, and it was just beautiful...
  19. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    It's the same concept as Coldstone Creamery BUT Coldstone Creamery has started making ice cream cupcakes... *droooool* Actually, Coldstone Creamery has now partnered up with our very own Tim Hortons apparently! They've opened 6 flag ship stores in Ontario. One is somewhere here in Oakville, but I have yet to find it. Seems like a weird mix to me, donuts, coffee, and $5 ice cream, but hey, I'll take it lol

    I was in Arizona in May and took part in the glorious experience of having a Java Chip Frapp Starbucks ice cream. Divine!! Then again, I'm pretty sure my body is partially composed of Starbucks liquids, so that may have something to do with my obsession towards it.

    I've never EVER heard of a Dole Whip being aaaaaaaaanywhere in Canada! I thought it was a "there are only 4 places in the world you can get this" sorta deal. Well now I just have to go to Vancouver, for this is unacceptable and dammit I want a Dole Whip!
  20. Dole Whips were one of my FAAAVOURITE parts of the PNE. I've never seen them anywhere else, though! To have them around all the time in Florida would be just amazing... Yep, I am definitely going to be weighing four hundred pounds when this is over.

    Oh, I hope they put some Coldstone Creameries in BC! It was one of the more delicious experiences of my life...

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