Canadians accepted into final stage??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by jordanj942, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. jordanj942

    jordanj942 New Member

    is the presentation like the e-presentation?
  2. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    yeah! It's a video and trivia and they just talk about it! I'm assuming it's very similar! When I went down the first time it was a company called Castaway doing it and not Yummy.. but i'm pretty sure it'd still be very similar!
  3. chribir

    chribir New Member


    My name is Chris from London, Ontario and I just found out I was going to the final stage! :)
  4. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    Hey Chris i'm Shayna!

    Welcome to the group :) You're from London eh! That's not far from me at all i'm from Guelph!!
  5. chribir

    chribir New Member

    Hi Shayna!!

    Yes we are a hop skip and a jump down the good old 401!

    I think the stars are aligned b/c I was thinking last weekend how amazing it would be if I found out about the interview on my birthday....and then I open my email at work this morning and saw it...and it's my birthday lol
  6. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    aweee that's so awesome!

    well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! ;D

    What a great gift eh :) Congrats!!!!
  7. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Hey Chris from London, I'm from Aylmer Ontario if you know where that is... not too far. I'm actually going out for dinner tomorrow night in London somewheres. Happy Birthday!! I'm excited to hear of someone else going to Disney!

    I'm also going to be bringing a car down with me, it'll make it so much easier. When I was there for ICP in 2006 I spent too much time on buses lol.
  8. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    enough people will have cars this time we'll have no problem!! :)
  9. Got my e-mail this morning as well!

    Looking forward to meeting y'all.

  10. chribir

    chribir New Member

    Hey Jackattack!

    Of courser I know where Aylmer is....Spicer's Bakery!!!!!!! I think I will be taking my car down as well....Let me know if you need suggestions for dinner...I am Concierge at a hotel and can make some pretty amazing dining
  11. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I'm really excited to meet everyone :)
  12. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    As am I! This interview couldn't come fast enough lol.
  13. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    My my pardon my rudeness Chris, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jackie.

    So do you guys and gals think there will be an interview in TO?

    I'm trying to estimate the number of applicants from this area. I was kind of hoping to be forced to go somewhere new lol. For the ICP, I had to do my interview in Montreal because I had a meanie professor who wouldn't let me change my midterm date lol.
  14. princess_shayna

    princess_shayna New Member

    I definitely think there will be one in TO! There's a lot of people from the surrounding area I think! I'm hoping the opposite and that there will be Toronto interviews I don't want to go to far - with work and all that jazz it gets difficult!
  15. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Financially speaking I want it close, but it was just so fun to go to Montreal a few years ago and if I had to go somewhere new again, I wouldn't be that upset. 8)

    Hopefully, we find out soon so we can start planning either way.
  16. I'm crossing my fingers for one in Vancouver! I can't really afford to travel very far. :(
  17. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    Woo woo more and more Canadians popping up all over the place! Loves it! Can't wait to get back there with such a solid team of fabulous people! :) Disney on the brain 24/7, oh yeaaaaah!

    I'm sure they'll have one in Toronto, particularly given that Southern Ontario seems to be pretty well represented on here! Oakville baby yeah! :D Plus I've been told that they sometimes combine ICP and CRP interviews into the same day, so they hit two birds with one stone so to speak and just invite everybody to one central spot. Granted, I don't remember any CRPs at all at our interview in 2006, but mayhaps I've either a) forgotten - memory is the first thing to go they say!, or b) they've just changed their organization of it all since Yummy Jobs is now in charge of it. Though it would be neat to go to an interview elsewhere if money wasn't so tight - it's definitely a reason to explore! We shall see I suppose!

    I'm sure there will be an interview out West somewhere, and I'm inclined to think it would be in Vancouver maaaaaybe. I've heard that it's usually there, so ya never know!
  18. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    When I had my ICP interview in Montreal, they had CRP applicants there as well so it likely depends on how many people there are applying for each program. I'm so excited for our interview and to meet everyone hopefully the evening before. Dinner and Disney talk would be fab!
  19. ShanaBanana

    ShanaBanana New Member

    When is dinner and Disney talk not fab?! :D It's like a way of life! Food and Disney - yup, all the necessities for survival! :D

    Once we have our dates/times/locations we can def figure something out! ;D
  20. There's kind of a little part of me which is hoping I'll have to go to Toronto so I can meet everybody... :p

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