Canadian Face To Face

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Ducannon, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. jimbolico

    jimbolico New Member

    Jajajaja super invaders!!! jajaja yeah we wanna make friends, we're not invading cuz we're writing in english not spanish right?
  2. Ducannon

    Ducannon New Member

    I had a Mexican roomie the first program I was on, very cool guy. Though No Ma'am (Canadian Men's Drinking Team) and Talipa (Mexican Men's Drinking Team, Spelling I am sure is off.) were feuding and it was not pretty. Our twelve against their thirty almost got in a few fights.
  3. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    uh oh sounds dangerous!! :eek: LOL
  4. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    what is the canadian girls called?
  5. gusmp

    gusmp New Member

    Here with Mexas (mexican guys n gals) we call that "clubs" as Tlapas for boys and Lavas for girls

    U almost get it Ducannon!!! ALMOST! XD
  6. Ducannon

    Ducannon New Member

    Almost, its been a while since I have seen one of those Green Shirts.

    All the drinking teams I know

    Boys: No Ma'am
    Girls: Canadian Girlz

    Boys: Lads
    Girls: Lasses

    See Post above

    Boys: Snikaboo
    Girls: ---- I dunno that one

    That's all the clubs I can remember, I know the Germans have teams and the French used to but I am not sure if they still do.
  7. siliceb

    siliceb New Member

    Vey valuable information! OMG I so want to get into the progam and know all the Behind the scenes at the Commons!
  8. Ducannon

    Ducannon New Member

    Well if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  9. disney_hopper

    disney_hopper New Member

    Hey everyone! So I just applied for the program. I just got back from doing it in February of this year. Best year ( or 10 months - long story) of my life. A whole bunch of us are re-applying, so we'll see what happens. I hope to get a call, but I'm not holding my breath as I know they are trying not to re-hire and give everyone else a first chance. If anyone needs some questions answered, email or MSN me at

  10. jimbolico

    jimbolico New Member

    they can re-hire you? for the same program?
    That would be great jajaja well i need firt to be hired for this that i'm aplying
  11. villarino

    villarino New Member

    i wanna get this job at least once!!! :-\
  12. siliceb

    siliceb New Member

    why not twice :p
  13. gusmp

    gusmp New Member

    y not back n forth??? LOL!

    Dropin' by 2 say hi! ::)

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