Canadian 2012

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by xxzazzzxx, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Canada_rocks

    Canada_rocks New Member

    Two weeks doesn't sound bad at all!
  2. Robyn8

    Robyn8 New Member

    hey everyone !

    i'm Robyn , I'm just about to apply I would like to interview in March at the Toronto interviews so I can go out Sept 2012 and beyond ! :)

    does anyone know if you can still apply for this time? i'm super duper excited at potentially meeting you guys :)

    happy thanksgiving !
  3. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Hey there Robyn!

    The applications for Spring Recruitment (July-December 2012) are still open right now. I applied back in July but chose to have a face-to-face in Toronto instead of Montreal, which automatically put me in the Spring Recruitment pool. Still waiting to do a phone interview that will apparently be done at the end of October so it's a good time to apply! Go for it! It would be great if we both got through and met up in Toronto. Fingers crossed!

    Good luck!
  4. Robyn8

    Robyn8 New Member

    excellent ! !

    i'm going to be applying tomorrow or tuesday , so cross your fingers for me that I get a phone interview :)

    soooo excited !!
  5. Canada_rocks

    Canada_rocks New Member

    Good Luck :)
  6. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Wooooo! I got a phone interview next week!!! *is going nuts* ;D
  7. Canada_rocks

    Canada_rocks New Member

    Congratulations!!!! That's so exciting!!!!
  8. roxy84

    roxy84 New Member

    Congrats! I am so excited for you (and I must commend you on your patience skills to wait this long!) You are going to rock it!
  9. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Gah! Thanks guys! I thought it would never come it was taking soooo long! :p
  10. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    wouuahhhh congratzz :D
  11. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    Woohoo congrats! You're going to rock it!!
  12. Robyn8

    Robyn8 New Member

    well everyone, I JUST APPLIED !! !!

    cross your fingers, toes and eyes that i get a phone interview :)

    heres a couple fun facts about me so you don't think im someone random on the boards lol !

    name : Robyn (obviously)
    i currently live in K-W while im attending school
    i'm hoping to go out next september !!

    so hopefully i will get to see some of you out there and at the F2F interviews if everything goes how im hoping it will go :)

  13. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Phew! We seem to have a lot of people from K-W on here! lol
    But good luck! Hopefully we can meet up at the F2F. Fingers crossed!
  14. majorjessica

    majorjessica New Member

    Oh so I'm waiting for a phone interview! Got it. This is quite the extensive process isn't it? The wait is totally killing me though, I wish I knew whether I was actually going or not! It's raining in BC so I am thinking of Florida today.
  15. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    OMG Robyn where do you go to school?? I'm in K-W too!
  16. Robyn8

    Robyn8 New Member

    thaaats sooo awessome!!!

    i'm at conestoga ! how about you?
  17. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    I just graduated from UW :) I was looking at taking a class at Conestoga, but I don't have a way of getting to the Doon campus...
  18. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    Hi people,

    Since we have our new facebook group I'm not coming here really often anymore....IT'S SAD!
    So I'm back!

    Still waiting for October to end!!

    Hope we'll all meet pretty soooon!
  19. roxy84

    roxy84 New Member

    I agree. I can't believe how many people have joined the facebook group. It's nice, don't get me wrong, bit I kinda miss the original people from here. I still wish I could meet everyone at the F2F - If I wasn't working I would have made the trip just to meet everyone, but hopefully we will all be in Florida soon enough.

    I am still waiting on my skype interview results. It was two weeks yesterday. I just want to know already! This last wait I think is the hardest.
  20. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    Ahhh you'll have your answer pretty soon I'm sure :D
    Wait is worth!

    Hope we'll meet in Florida :D

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