Canadian 2012

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by xxzazzzxx, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    AHAHAH Yes This blog is pretty nice!

    Are you lisa and Nicole on Tumblr too?
  2. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

  3. ksmart

    ksmart New Member

    Good Luck Everyone!! I think we need a Canadian FB group! The people from AU/NZ have one and they are planning out roommates and people going early to do site seeing and stuff! Its really neat!!
  4. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    OMG MAGIC THURSDAY!!!!! Just got my email from Kristen!!!!!
  5. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    Okay so we get to choose from a Wednesday or Thursday... I'm thinking we should go with the Thursday (that is, anyone who wants to meet up lol)... because it's a Thursday... And Thursday is our magic day!
  6. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member


    And it's definitely magic Thursday! :D

    So I picked Thursday :)
  7. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    Oh and for the Fb group it's a good idea! :D

    Do you wanna do it?

  8. Canada_rocks

    Canada_rocks New Member

    Wow! So right about Magic Thursdays!! I was so excited to have that Email pop up!! Good luck everyone!!!!
  9. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    Yeah, I'm down for a Facebook group too :) I'll go start it!
  10. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

  11. roxy84

    roxy84 New Member

    Yeah, I am so excited for you guys! It is magical Thursday after all!

    PS. My skype interview is moved up - to tonight! ahhhh I'm so nervous. Let's hope magical Thursday lives up to it's name.

    I'll go join the FB group. And also I am not on Tumblr yet.
  12. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    Wouahh!! Tonight!

    I'll send you good waves :)
    But you'll do great! :)

    Have a magical thursday and come ON TUMBLR AND THE FACEBOOK GROUP!"" :D
  13. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    Good luck Nicole!!! Sending you Magical Thursday vibes :D
  14. melancholy_hill

    melancholy_hill New Member

    So I've been lurking these pages basically since I discovered the CRP about two years ago ... I've seriously probably read every reply in every single thread in each discussion, but I never had anything to post until now haha. Anyway my name is Alice (yeah, I know) and I'm from Maple Ridge (near Vancouver, BC). I applied on the day Canadian apps opened in July and have been checking my email religiously ever since. I couldn't move when I found out I had a phone interview, and when I actually got the email saying I got a f2f, I screamed, slammed my laptop closed and started to cry. My mom thought someone had died hahahaha.

    I thought about waiting for Disney to come to Vancouver in the spring for an interview, but I honestly have been impatient enough throughout this process I don't think I could wait another six months!! So it looks like I'm headed to Montreal with all you guys :D I haven't picked a date yet, it'll be a several day process for me anyway so it doesn't really matter in the long run.

    So that's about it, just wanted to get some of this crazy excitement/anxiety/aksdjhfapieurhasdf off my chest with some like-minded Disney people!
  15. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    Oh my gosh Alice that's so exciting!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I've definitely know how you feel about reading all the posts on all the threads on all the boards, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I definitely screamed when I got both of those emails too haha

    Join our Facebook group (! I've set up a doc to see when people are doing their interviews etc, and it's always a good place to vent some crazy excitement/anxiety/aksdjhfapieurhasdf, I go through all three of those everyday!!

    Again, SO EXCITED for you to be joining us :D
  16. roxy84

    roxy84 New Member

    Welcome and congrats!!! So glad you came out of lurking and have such great news. Please join our facebook group too!
  17. Canada_rocks

    Canada_rocks New Member

    I know how you feel!! I'm from Lethbridge Alberta but I couldn't wait that long for the Vancouver interviews so I chose Montreal:) I have never been there so I am sooooo excited!!!! It'll be great to meet up with everyone going:)
  18. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    All of these posts are making me SO excited, I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight!! But yes everyone please join the Facebook group so we can all freak out/get excited/do whatever, I'm sorry if I post a lot, but I honestly have nothing else going on right now :-\ haha
  19. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    Like everybody said...WELCOME AND CONGRATS!
    This is really nice! We are all in the same situation here!
    I'm sooo happy that I will know some people before the interview!
  20. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    I agree, it's going to make it SO much easier! I feel less nervous knowing that I'll know some faces :)

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