Canadian 2012

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by xxzazzzxx, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Liser17

    Liser17 New Member

    You guys have to let me know the dates when you know! I'm too excited for my own good, and I don't even know my fate yet!

  2. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    Kristen said 3-4 weeks, and this would be week #3 (CRAZY that it's already been that long!!), so fingers crossed! And I'm sure you'll hear soon, and I'm sure you'll be coming to Montreal with us :)

    Does anyone else kind of roller coaster a little bit? Like get really excited and then get really nervous?
  3. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    Roller Coaster all day.....
    It's amazing but I'm ALWAYS nervous about the interview but it's a good nervous! :D
    This week is the week I can feel it!

    And I'M SURE you will come with us :D
  4. Liser17

    Liser17 New Member

    I don't know what I'd do without this board! Waiting alone would be such agony!
  5. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    haha I don't know what I'd do either!! Probably just drive my friends and family crazy about the waiting since I wouldn't have anyone else to talk to about it :p

    I'm also on Tumblr A LOT which makes me really want to be at WDW lol
  6. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member


    Also this board is Magic! :D
    Cause we wouldn't know each others if we weren't here! :p
  7. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    It's so true! And we could all be working together :)
  8. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    Working : Together : LOVE THIS IDEA!
  9. Liser17

    Liser17 New Member

    AHH! That would be amazing!!

    Do you ladies know what the chances are of getting the job once you get the face to face? Because, I mean, I'm willing to do anything to get to WDW, it would just be stinky to travel so far and spend so much money if one doesn't have a good shot at getting the job.

    That being said, if they want me at the F2F, there is no way I'm missing the F2F for anything!
  10. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    I think it depends on how many people apply in general, but I've heard some numbers from different pavilions, but I'm not sure about Canada!
  11. Canada_rocks

    Canada_rocks New Member

    I'm sooo stoked for Montreal I can hardly stand it!!!:) I hope that by traveling so far they see how dang much I want to do this :D TOTAL Dream job!!!
  12. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    I've seen a blog of a Canadian girl that went to the face to face and they were like 20?!? I was like woowwww D:: This is not a lot :p MORE CHANCE FOR US! :D

    I think it's pretty cool and I can't wait to see what's gonna happen! :p
  13. roxy84

    roxy84 New Member

    I've heard that there are about 40 F&B, 10 Merch and 10 Attractions positions in total (from a former CRP person). So 60 positions for the year. With 2 interviews rounds a year it looks like they would be looking for about 30 people each interview round.

    I would hope they only invite people in the F2F that have a good chance of getting it (as it is a lot of money to travel and a big time commitment). I think it's most likely the idea that most of us may go on a waiting list for dates. But I will take a waiting list if it means I am going to go work at WDW!

    I cannot wait to get the email with the date. I rush home everyday after work and the first thing I do is check email for it.

    And if anyone wants any information about working for Disney Cruise Line, please let me know. It is also a great opportunity and I loved the 3.5 years I spent working there. It's not totally the same as working for WDW but the added bonus of traveling the world makes up for it :)
  14. CanadianCole

    CanadianCole New Member

    Thanks for all the info, Roxy! Hopefully I can be one of the five people chosen for Attractions in the Toronto interviews. lol Fingers crossed!

    And I would like to work on the Disney Cruise Line, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time to do it. I might do it if I don't get into the CRP, but I kind of doubt it. Do we have to be over 21 to actually work on the ship?
  15. brad

    brad New Member

    This wouldnt happen to be part of the Disney Wonder TC Trio would it? :p
  16. roxy84

    roxy84 New Member

    You found me! Yes this is part of the Disney Wonder TC trio. The other Canadian (not Filipino just in case you were wondering).
  17. roxy84

    roxy84 New Member

    Yes to work for DCL you need to be 21 (unless you are a main stage or character performer - you have to be 18).

    As far as attractions and Merch - it seems like there are a couple people on here that had their F2F last spring (2011) and are finally getting positions for this upcoming spring (2012). It may be a long wait but I hope it all works out for you!
  18. brad

    brad New Member

    Im still waiting for that flilipino to send us that picture!
  19. xxzazzzxx

    xxzazzzxx New Member

    So we gonna be around 30 at the interview? Wow I can't wait! :D
  20. lselbyma

    lselbyma New Member

    I guess we'll see when we get the email list :) Assuming everyone shares their information...

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