Canada Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by vickig80, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. nammers

    nammers New Member

    Just got my email stating they want me for an first interview! :D I am super excited! Am I assuming correctly that this is going to be a phone interview?
  2. nladams

    nladams New Member

    Yup it's a phone interview with Kristen..she is super nice to chat with too!! Good Luck with your interview!! :)
  3. KMac

    KMac New Member

    Hey guys! Haven't been on here in forever but I was at the F2F in Halifax, got waitlisted then got my call today! I'm freaking out! haha.. oh and F&B starting November 2.. Hopefully all the other waitlisters get that magical call!
  4. nladams

    nladams New Member

    Congratulations!!!! ;D
  5. dspringa

    dspringa Member

    sweet! you come only a couple weeks after me :)
  6. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    Congrats! I hope you're freaking out in a good way!
    See you in November :)
  7. KMac

    KMac New Member

    Thanks guys! I'm slightly panicking because I have so much to do and have to tell my boss that I'm leaving but I'm so excited that I don't care! haha Can't wait to see everyone down there!
  8. nladams

    nladams New Member

    Im sure you'll feel amazing after you do finally tell your boss though!! ;D
  9. ChipNDale

    ChipNDale New Member

    Congrats to all the people on waitlist who got called. I am still hoping that kristen will give me that magical call. I was at the Vancouver f2f. Anyone from the westcoast who was on waitlist get the call?
  10. dinotorrid

    dinotorrid Guest

    Hi ChipNDale. I am on the waitlist and from Vancouver's f2f. I did get an offer in May, but unfortunately Kristen called 12 hours after my house burnt down. What luck, hu? So I asked to be put back on the waitlist so I can see what I can salvage (as I had no phone, passport, etc. at the time). No offer since.
  11. ChipNDale

    ChipNDale New Member

    Hi all just go a call from Kristen,my start date is Feb of next yr. I m so excited.
  12. dinotorrid

    dinotorrid Guest

    Hi ChipNDale. I have a start date of February 1, 2011. Got called on Friday. Are you flying from Vancouver? We should connect before hand. ;D
  13. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    Congrats guys! See you in February!
  14. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Hey, I got the call on Friday too! I start March 3 in attractions. See you all there :)
  15. ChipNDale

    ChipNDale New Member

    I guess Kristen called everyone on Friday.....Dino, are you in Vancouver too? we should meet up b4 we go too. I forgot to ask Kristen which position i will b working. I hope it is FnB.
  16. KMac

    KMac New Member

    Congrats everyone!
  17. katie217

    katie217 New Member

    congrats everyone!
    it seems like you all are getting early 2011, which makes me think the people that applied this july will get much later 2011? ???
  18. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    If it's anything like last year, the people who applied in July will have start dates between
    july and december, and possibly later if you get waitlisted
  19. katie217

    katie217 New Member

    oh ok. thats weird because when we all applied it said for positions in early 2011 ???
  20. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    Kristen told us that start date for those who apply now is between january and june 2011... Maybe their is not a ot of application at the moment and they need to put some people of the waitlist to fill the hole...

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