Canada Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by vickig80, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. vickig80

    vickig80 New Member

    were the people who got called with the april and may start dates put on the waitlist first though?
  2. jackattack

    jackattack New Member

    Nope ;)

    They are just testing your sanity lol, thats what I figured. I'm one of those starting in May lol. Kristen told me when she called to tell me the exciting news that they only were calling the Feb/March people and getting their visa stuff underway that first week and then they started calling the other group of us going a little later.
  3. KMac

    KMac New Member

    Does anybody know anyone who hasn't heard from Disney yet? I still haven't heard and I'm wondering if this is normal? Thanks!
  4. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

    no opportunity list email or anything either??
  5. KMac

    KMac New Member

    OO I guess posting helped me out.. just got my waitlist email haha
  6. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

  7. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    Well kids, I got a call from our beloved Kristen this morning.
    Taken off the waitlist and starting July 27th :)
    there's hope for the rest of you :)
  8. :O Congratulations :D
  9. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

    augh no fair!!
    but congrats!!!

    did anyone else get an email from yummyjobs saying DON'T WORRY, WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU... YET. ...or possibly a little nicer, longer, and without so many capital letters?
  10. hahaha yess!!!!!
    I did lol, before I opened it I got all excited :D :D :D
    sure its not the job offering but its still a nice email :)
  11. KMac

    KMac New Member

    congrats!! :D
  12. Lizz

    Lizz New Member

    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to the site but have been looking at the CRP program for a while. I'm thinking of applying this June for positions in 2011. I was just wondering if anyone can tell me about the interview where they are, is there a phone interview, what kind of questions they ask? Any info would be great. Ohh I live in London, Ontario and I read something about interviews in this where I will have to eventually go? Again any information would be awesome! :)
  13. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    Hey Lizz!
    The interview process is a little intense but super fun at the same time.
    After you apply you'll hear whether you'll be getting a phone interview. Then
    they will call you. It';s a pretty quick interview with just a few basic questions.
    After that you wait forever and find out if you got a face to face interview. Then
    begins the process of waiting to find out when and where you're going. You're lucky because
    there is usually an interview in Toronto at both fall and spring interviews so you won't have to wait too long.
    And then you go to the interview which is surprisingly easy and then you wait some more to
    find out your fate. It's a lot of stress but totally worth it in my opinion :)
    Hope that helps let me know if you have any more questions!
  14. Lizz

    Lizz New Member

    Hey Amyanne,

    Thanks for the info it definately helped! I had another question about the actual "applying" exactly do I do that? ie. do I fill out a form or what?
  15. Hey Liz!!
    I'm Rachel, from Whitby ON and on the current waiting list for this year :p
    If you go to you can create an account (they are the recruiters for Canada) and fill in all of the boxes they have, on that page you submit your CV/Resume.
    This link is for the actual program (info & application) now currently, since they aren't beginning applications until July-ish, the Application button is non-existent temporarily. For now you can still create an account with them and check back in June/July and the Application button should be ready to be clicked :D Good Luck-- It's a bit stressful- MOSTLY all exciting, and SO worth the shot :)
  16. Lizz

    Lizz New Member

    Hey Rachel,

    Thanks for the info :) and I was also wondering, with the resume do they also like you to include references?
  17. Well most people I know, including myself, Have put references on their resume (3 references) but it's not required. Also a Cover Letter is HIGHLY recommended!!!!! Again not required but it shows you really care :D
  18. dspringa

    dspringa Member

    hey everyone! I was at the March 3rd F2F interview in Toronto, and after being wait-listed for 2.5 months, I'm hired!

    Food & Bev on Oct 19th. See you all down there!
  19. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

    oh i'm so jealous!! i'm still praying for my magical call!!
  20. dspringa

    dspringa Member

    when was your interview? And what section did you apply for? Merch/attractions/F&B?

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