Canada Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by vickig80, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    Well fingers crossed :)
    I have a good feeling about thursday, I don't know why but all
    along I've felt like we will hear by thursday. I've been wrong before but I've also been
    right :) To here's to not going too crazy in the meantime, however it's easier said than done :D
  2. Cheers to that!!
    I'll give all the credit to you if it's Thursday :D
  3. wesleyboyd

    wesleyboyd New Member

    I do believe, I recall hearing her say that they never call the people, who were rejected, so, IF you get a call, Im pretty sure you can start celebrating!
  4. KMac

    KMac New Member

    Well, I thought the wait couldn't get much worse but this week has been crazy! I jump every time the phone rings, even if it's one that I'm expecting and I know it isn't Disney! haha But amyanne hopefully you are right and we hear tomorrow! :D
  5. Everyday I don't get an email, there's a little tim-bit of hope!!
    This week has been going by SO slowly! I hate planning everything but I can't help it :| I've planned virtually everything until the point of the 2nd day lol. Do any of you guys do that too? Please don't let me be the lone ranger on this one!

  6. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

    i got a call from an ontario number yesterday and nearly had a heart attack. i was like well last time kristen called it was from a michigan number but i know she said that sometimes it shows up as ontario!!!

    turned out to be a guy calling about a survey. WAY TO GET MY HOPES UP, GUY.

    also, now i'm not even going to check my email until i start hearing from you guys. yep.
  7. lol That's actually a pretty good strategy! ;)
    Did anyone hear anything yet? Tommorow's the potential lucky (or should I say MAGICAL) day!!
    Seriously though I wish everyone the best, we all deserve this!! ;D

    Do you think they tell the applicants who got in/didn't get in by order of the interview? For example do you think they would tell the Halifax & Montreal people first, and then the Toronto (brap brap 8)) and Vancouver people after?
  8. aimeerose

    aimeerose New Member

    No news yet here. Man, this wait is hard. I feel like I can barely focus on anything...and getting to sleep has been a real challenge. I wake up every day thinking okay today is the day. I have had two calls from the states (random friends I haven't talked to in ages) and two "disney emails" that are just disney insider mailing lists I signed up for years heart skipped a beat for every one of them. I don't know what the order is for the results but from what I have seen on this message board from past application sessions it seems like people from different places find out at about roughly the same time...

    If anything every day that goes by that we don't find out- we are one day closer to the day that we do.

  9. KMac

    KMac New Member

    Oh man, I really hope they tell us in order because I interviewed in Halifax, so this wait is clearly killing me! lol

    Oh and awhile ago someone mentioned getting to know each other in case we end up going at the same time, so here's a bit about me! My name is Kaity, I'm 20 and my hometown is Long Sault, Ontario (I don't expect any of you know where that is :p). I'm currently in Halifax though, at Dalhousie for school. So yeah, hopefully we hear tomorrow and GOOD LUCK! ;D
  10. It seems like it's been 3 days since this morning!! AH the wait..... :p
    lol for some reason the name Long Sault reminds me of Sault St. Marie :p But yeah, no idea where that is, but sometimes its best to be from a unique place!
    I'm Rachel, 18 years old, born and raised in Toronto and currently live in the suburbs :(. I took a year off after high school and its been the best choice yet!! I was SO nervous for the interview and on the way in to the city I heard "Oh Canada" by Classified and it just... reminded me of WHY I liked Canada so much!! Strange I know :p
  11. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    Well, a few people from the interviews that I happen to have on facebook got the good news today.
    I am now so so nervous. But I mean they couldnt possibly call all of us in one day could they? So maybe
    tomorrow really will be the lucky day?
  12. vickig80

    vickig80 New Member

    really?!?!? where did you do your interview?!
    did they say they got hired? or waitlisted? or did any of them get rejected?
  13. vickig80

    vickig80 New Member

    ooo - or do they have early start dates?!
  14. amyanne

    amyanne New Member

    We were in Vancouver.
    They got hired. I am so so terrified right now.
    I could be right though, our lucky day just might be tomorrow :)
    And I don't know what start dates were
  15. vickig80

    vickig80 New Member

    :( and vancouver was the last stop on their tour
    thisss sucks man
    here i was hoping that no one had heard yet ! because i think from what i understood.. they do all their rejections at the same time, and they do all of the hiring at the same time

    the reason why i asked about their start dates, is because apparently people back out of their contracts and so they need to replaced fairly quickly.. and those with earlier start dates get notified first

    did they get a call or an email?
  16. were they CRP's or ICP's??
    I'm kind of panicking but still looking at the bright side.
    and yeah maybe they had earlier start dates!!!
    Okay, today is officially Thursday!! Today WILL be the day for all of us!! Just believe!!!!!
    Ah I can't sleep now :(
  17. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

    i know of two people from the vancouver interviews for CRP that got called (with good news!!!) today. apparently everyone that got in should hear by tomorrow. i guess kristen got the list today?
    from what i've heard, everyone who's in should hear by tomorrow, but ~50 calls per day??? i don't know.

    AUUgHHHHHH too scared to open my email.
  18. helveticarock

    helveticarock New Member

    PS can i just tell you guys that i checked my email and with 5 new messages, it was one of the scariest things i've experiences all week.

    but i guess, my friend did offer me a job as a merch girl if the band ever goes on tour, which it's supposed to do this summer, so i guess that's good news???
  19. KMac

    KMac New Member

    Oh man, I'm glad I didn't get a chance to read this last night because I don't know how you all slept! lol
  20. aimeerose

    aimeerose New Member

    What? :eek: This is crazy...if anybody hears anything at all post here as soon as you know.

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