Canada CRIP Waitlist

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by vader1, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    I am still on top of the list my guess is that she was near the bottom and it was easiler for them to tell her to reapply real sorry to hear that she did not get in Eric told me something should open up for me soon :) Joel again really sorry to hear that but i am looking forward to meeting u again in florida good luck to your girl if she reapplys take care
  2. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Just got my date July 15 woooooooooooooo!
  3. Linz

    Linz New Member

    Thats awsome! can't wait for you to get here. What position did you get?
  4. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    F@B how are things down there linz make plans i am comeing down july 17
  5. Linz

    Linz New Member

    Your gonna love it here! I've only just strated training in the pavillion, You'll have a lot of paper work and online training before you even see it. I hope you got your passport done. wow you have less the a month, I thought i was rushed with 6 weeks.
  6. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    I going to the office next week and i will have it before i go. Eric said has long has i have before i go its all good. so much stuff to get done its nuts
  7. Linz

    Linz New Member

    If you book your flight and have a print out of the itenerary they'll put a rush on it for you. Congrats again.
  8. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Me and my dad were looking into filghts i kind of bumed becuase the haunted mansion is closed but like i said we still have pirates have done a lot of rides yet
  9. Linz

    Linz New Member

    I've done a few, and a few twice. On average when i get to the park it's for 2-3 hours at a time, which is just enough to keep you wanting to come back. I did get to go on Spaceship earth before it closes( i think its closing this week until Nov). went on everest last week for the first time, it was awsome!!! definatley going to become a new favorite. Check with Westjet for your flight, i got my ticket for $192 including taxes with them.
  10. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    I just hope i can get all the things i need to get done in time before i go. the passport is killing me so much crap on there other than that it will be cool
  11. Linz

    Linz New Member

    it will be stressfull for the next few weeks but once you get here you'll have a lot of down time in that first week to relax( between trips to walmart that is).When i got my passport done it took 3 weeks, as long as you let them know your departure date they will make sure you get it in time. While your waiting for that arrival package to come you can get other things done. Pay the program assessment fee$85USD) on line there is a link to it on a thread in the accepted forum. Get your medical insurance, you need 4 months worth. Get a quote from Travelguard they give upfront coverage and had the best rates when i was searching. Get the CBC done soon it took 2 weeks for me to get mine back even though they told me it would only take one. can't think of anything else right now, i hope this helps.
  12. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    The only thing is the porgram assessment fee could not find the link
  13. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    and the med insurance what kind of insurance do i have to look for other than that i think i am good. Can't wait to meet you down there hope you have not gone nuts on the rides becuase i know i will when i have down time
  14. Linz

    Linz New Member

    Try this site to pay the fee on line. Print and keep the receipt, they will ask you for it on day 2.

    For insurance your looking for travel medical coverage. You want to make sure thepolicy covers you for 24 hr emergency assistance, emergency evacuation(if you are confined to hospital this will cover the cost of air ambulance to take you back home to receive care in Canada), should also cover the cost of flying a family member to your bedside if hospitalized, Medical expenses, and expenses related to your death. Look for a minimum 2 million dollar policy, most are for 5 and a few cover unlimited. Sounds like alot but medical services are expensive down here. (IE a friend of the family was hospitalized with an attack of angina, he spent 4 days in the hospital, had tests and procedures done. The bill came to just under $25,000 USD.)

    Get quote from it will compare the rates of 3 or 4 dif companies for you so you can get an idea. Expect to pay anywhere from $150-$450 for 4 months of coverage.

    Don't worry as long as i'm not working i'm always ready to go to the parks. who else besides us has the luxury of being able to go into the parks for an hour at a time without spending $70.
  15. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    is the insurance and the program fee something that we can pay for down there from what i heard that can be done. also what about the visa i am so lost there
  16. Linz

    Linz New Member

    OK you must have proof of insurance, it's one of the first things they are going to ask you for so you wont have time to shop for it down here. It's better to buy it in your country of origin anyway.
    The assessment fee you can pay on day 2 in cash.

    Lastly you will probally get you visa paper by courier in the next week( it is sent from the program office in Florida, not castaway)The only thing you need to do with this is keep it safe until you leave. it will consist of 1 letter to you explaining how the visa works when your taking someone else place in the program. 2 letters that you will need to show at the airport when you go through US customs, explaining that you are replacing the person who's name is on the visa. Last is the notice of action form(visa).

    Be ready for the rain, we get major thunderstorms almost every afternoon. I just got soaked on my way back from downtown Disney. So much water i had to give up on my sandals and go barefoot.
  17. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    while i think i got my plans down and pat. Get my passport and CBC down this week which is #1. Get my insurance next week and get the visa put togther. I think i will pay the assessment fee when i arrive. Did you fly down how did they treat you when they picked you up. Thanks for the help. Rain oh yaaaa its the season for it. Thanks again for all the help and c u in a few weeks :)
  18. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    You thought walking in it was bad... try driving in it! Dunno if I've ever driven in a storm like that!
  19. musicman06

    musicman06 New Member

    I just have my medical insurance left to get and pack and im good to go for the 17th!!!
  20. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    what happens if we dont have the insurrance i don't know if i will get it in time with everything else going on.

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