Canada CRIP Waitlist

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by vader1, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    nothing going on here no call i bet there wont be any calls today hense its friday so hopefully we hear next weel
  2. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    well i guees no one heard anything i really have a feeling next week will be the call so have a good weekend everyone :)
  3. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    another week another wait good luck everyone hopefully we all hear something this week
  4. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Anything yet Kyle??? This wait is just killer
  5. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    I did have a chat with Eric on the e-mail i on top of the waitlist almost so hopefully it won't be too long before i hear from him this wait is killier but i am sure it will be over very soon :)
  6. keithy

    keithy New Member

    hello everyone i started a topic called crp waitlist for everyone 2 chat on so its not a seperate chat for the different countries
  7. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Hey guys great news I am on top of the wait list spoke to eric and he said the sec a date comes up he will call me first. I wish good luck to everyone else and hope to see everyone at disney very soon :D
  8. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Is this waiting slowly killing you guys as much as it's killing us????
  9. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Its getting there but i know i will hear very soon since i am on top and i know Joel your girl will hear very soon we got to get dates togther so we can chill when we all get down there :)
  10. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Just to let you know Kyle I was also told last year that I was at "the top of the list" by Eric and 2 months later I never heard back... thats when he called me for a different program. I wouldn't be too exicted by Eric telling you, that you're on top (I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was on top of the waitlist ::))
  11. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    LOL Jorden, I couldn't agree with you more
  12. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    jordon i hear u it could be a while before i hear but eric has told serval times that i am on top i will be called first so i be excited if i want to :mad: jk dude :) thanks for the advice
  13. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah not saying you're not at the top, just saying I wouldn't get my hopes up too high that you'll hear soon... it could be a while.
  14. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    I hear ya i just think its cool to be on top of the list :)
  15. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Has anyone heard anything lately?
  16. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    We got some bad news today guys, an email saying that their done recruiting and to re-apply....has anyone else heard anything???
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah that is too bad...... has anyone else heard anything? Kyle?
  18. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    I'm sorry to hear that Joel...I am not sure when the next block of hiring is...but if your gf is going for the year program too...then there is always the chance that she will be there for the second half of your contract?
  19. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Yeah, it's tough, especially since we're in manitoba, we had to fly to Toronto for those interviews and if she does it again i guess she'd have to fly to Calgary or something for another interview. It's all worth it if we make it work in the end but we'll try to hack it out for sure! thanks for your encouragemet!!!
  20. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Kyle, have you heard anything???

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