brm brm brmmmmmmmm.....yay Cars! :)!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by lizziewizzie, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i wont b able 2 buy a car for definate, not got the £/$s

    so ill end up rentin when i wana do a road trip, or again my plan A, find a nice guy 2 drive me around ;)

  2. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    You won't really need one, as you have transportation to lots of places. You can team up for roadtrips and rent a car together. Or you can always have a ride with a friend who has a car. It's really just a luxery to own a car! And the driving on the other side would really scare me if I were you LOL

  3. ~*Mel*~

    ~*Mel*~ New Member

    It could get really pricy to be buying a car once you get to Florida. Right now i'm trying to decide whether I'm going to bring my car when i come down in December or not. I mean, all i'd have to do is drive it down from Winnipeg, but is it really worth the added expense in getting a florida license plate and insurance?

    @ Julia, i agree with you. It probably would be just as fun and probably cheaper to rent a car as a group. That way, at least one of you would know how to drive on the opposite side of the road ;)

    Does anyone know how to go abouts getting a florida license plate and insurance?

  4. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I know there is an office where you can get your drivers liscence! It is in Kissimmee, but I don't exactly remember it. I will have to do the same (only for Ft Lauderdale ) as I really need a car! I would just try in the Alumni forum Mel, ask people who are already there and also ask about the prices. It may be easier for you to decide this way!!!

  5. firefox

    firefox New Member

    whats the price to rent a car ???per week??
    can i rent a car with my home license???

    whats the price to buy a car ?license,insurance,tax and so on??is it a lot of paper work to buy a car ?

  6. Anna

    Anna New Member

    The actual driving out there won't bother me, I wish I could afofrd a car, but I'm definitely up for splitting costs and doing mad road trips :D
  7. tania

    tania New Member

    i well want to go on a road trip but for spring break i wanna cruz around in a hummer !! im such a wanna be!!!!lol it looks so power full and the sound system is neat
  8. Anna

    Anna New Member

    Ooh god yeah I'd love to have a go at driving one of those!!!!! :D
  9. tania

    tania New Member

    yeah i no driving to the beach music loud every guy would want to chat and it just looks soooooo sexy!!!!
  10. Anna

    Anna New Member

    And no doubt you'd be in one of your bikini's ;)

    I love how we all think up all these great scenarios, I swear its just the idea of actually seeing the sun :D
  11. tania

    tania New Member

    lol lol lol defo!!!!! i get there in sept i bet my bikinis are locked up for a few months!!!!!!
  12. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

  13. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    I don't like the Hummer! Never understood what people like about that car! ??? I know they are sooo in fashion right now, but I like the sporty little cars better! ;D

  14. Anna

    Anna New Member

    I like both lol, I'm a bit car mad lol - I'd love to drive a lovely little mustang convertable, or a hummer, im just nuts lol!! :D
  15. tania

    tania New Member

    how bout this one then ;D
  16. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Tania- now we're talkin lol :eek:
    Yeah I love Mustangs, too. And my dad used to drive a Ford Probe, that was also a fantastic car. Also wouldn't mind a Porsche or a BMW Z3.

  17. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Almost forgot I am absolutely in love with trucks as well!

  18. tania

    tania New Member

    its a very sexy car !!! or sould i say machine!!!!lol
  19. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    It's definitely sexy. Now we need to find a way of financing it! LOL
  20. mojojojo

    mojojojo New Member

    Awww Tania i love hummers as well!!! and Escalades and Navigators! pity i cant drive!! gonna hav 2 get that sorted wen i get back from florida!


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