Blizzard Beach - June 28!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Matt1133, Jun 13, 2006.

  1. FeeBleu

    FeeBleu New Member

    Well I would be coming by car ::) Im living in Winter Haven, thats why ... But sure Ill wait for indications ;)
  2. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Can't go... 11:30 - 10:00 shift Epcot nuts training
  3. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Pardon the pun ;D
  4. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah I'm a little nervous... the smell of roasting nuts almost always makes me nausious... :-[
  5. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Ok... so this plan has not been finalized. For anyone living in Chatham, Vista or Commons, we are going to take the A route to the TTC. We decided against taking the J route and transfering to the K route which goes to Blizzard Beach since that is reserved mainly for castmembers who are working. I am going to the TTC tomorrow to find out for sure if there is a bus from the TTC or we may have to walk to the polynesian to take one from there. Basically, if you're not planning on taking the route we've got planned, just meet at the entrance of Blizzard Beach (assuming there's like a main entrance like other parks) before 9:00AM. If we know how many people are coming then we can know how long to wait for. I will let y'all know more info tomorrow but essentially, just get there before 9:00 AM and look for a group of people with a ridiculously good looking asian in it. ;)
  6. Birdman22

    Birdman22 New Member

    give u a heads up guys the waterparks do NOT open til 10am !!!!!! so if u meet at 9 u will be twiddling ur thumbs

    You only get in early if u are resort guest, just letting u kno but have a gd 1

  7. amber

    amber New Member

    having just arrived, and loving it so far..:)
    some of us have days off on weds and would love to come, but are not sure if we'll have i.ds etc... does anyone know how possible itll be for us to go????
    thanks mucho xxxx
  8. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Hey Ian? Are you sure about that? I checked it out on the Cast Portal and they said it opened at 9:00AM and the Extra Magic Hour started at 8:00 AM.

    Amber, you can definitely come, as for getting the 50% discount, that may be slightly harder depending how many people are coming that don't have ID's, but not entirely too difficult.

    "Florida Site Cast Members without a Main Entrance Pass may purchase discounted tickets for themselves plus one (1) Guest. "

    This is from the cast portal, so as long as we have a greater or equal number of people with ID's than people without, it's all good.

    Hope to see y'all on Wednesday! and I'll put some more info tonight!
  9. FeeBleu

    FeeBleu New Member

    I am at 95% sure that I can come.... I would only be able to stay until 1.30pm though (dont know how long you are planning to stay), cause I have to drive back home and pick up my bro to bring to work.... But I should be able to make it for the morning... :D I'll confirm tonight :D (it really depends on my mom lol)

    OH YEAH And to recognize me... Not too complicated.... Fat blonde with a tinkerbell bag (or purse) mwahahaha....
  10. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Ok... i hafta go to work right now, but I'll try and get in touch with everyone tonight!
  11. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    So here's the plan. We are taking the A route to the TTC at 8:01AM from Vista Way. This bus is the 7:49AM from Chatham. We are then going to walk over to the Polynesian and take the bus from there at 8:30AM and get to Blizzard Beach before 9:00AM.
    We will stay there however long we feel like but probly by 4 or 5 PM. If anyone has any questions, send me an e-mail or call my room after 10:00PM. (407) 560-2280 Ext. 2719.
    Hope to see y'all tomorrow!
  12. Ona

    Ona Member

    Ooch sheesh 7.49 bus! :eek: Right off to bed asap then. Lol! ;D Anyone else getting on at Chatham? How to spot me ..... hmmm... fat curly haired brunet with a castle lanyard. I may wear some ears... hmmm... I'll see..... :-\ Lol! ;D ;D ;D

    Ona x
  13. gingerbeacon

    gingerbeacon New Member

    May wear some ears ona????? Dont listen to that for a minute. She had a transplant last week and now she has real micky ears!!!!
  14. monkian

    monkian New Member

    I hope everyone had fun!
  15. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    I'm hoping so too... :'(
  16. monkian

    monkian New Member

    oh bless...were you busy??? two months...two months...then you can take me to typhoon lagoon...i even bought a new swim suit ....v cute tankini with boy shorts...

    After oue Indycelebration of course!!
  17. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    It was a blast. And the rain even held off until 4:00ish so that was nice... although they closed it down just as we were about to head down another slide... oh well! Twas a good day!

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