Birmingham Interview 6th March

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by louise, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. mark

    mark Guest

    I've got to admit i've been tempted to send an email myself but i was going to give them til next week, but i'm glad someone else had the nerve. Make sure to put the rest of us out of our miseries if you get a response :D
  2. Nina

    Nina New Member

    I was thinking about emailing too!! But then after the mails I sent her following the interview I wrote that I would wait to hear from her so I didn't want to go back on what I'd said ;)
  3. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    She's ignoring me, or she's busy lol. I presume she was the right person to ask soon as she's our in country c/o for this program, but i did rea she was recruiting in Switezerland at some time this month.

    I'm going to have my party rings to cheer myself up. I'm writing my dissertation and because it's about Disney resorts not even that takes my mind off it.
  4. mark

    mark Guest

    I doubt that she is ignoring you, lol. She's hopefully just busy getting our results ready.

    I think that since there is interviews for one of the other programs on the 19th and 21st then we'll probably get our results by the end of next week to get us out of the way before they have to consider other peoples interviews/results. And the end of next week is the 16th so that is mid-march.

    Or maybe thats just wishful thinking!
  5. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear New Member

    We will know whether weve been accepted or not by 3 weeks from out interview day.

  6. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Ours is already over a month ago.
  7. Nina

    Nina New Member

    That means we'll have been waiting for 7 weeks at that point, not fair :mad:
  8. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Kristen doesn't know as much as we don't. She said hopefully as Kim said, mid march. I feel a bit stupid for asking now lol, but I'm sure Kim said to me 4 weeks.

    Kristen says we will know as soon as she does. :)
  9. louise

    louise New Member

    Well I don't know whether this makes any difference but Kim was one of the recruiters at the Birmingham interviews. She said they only flew in the day before the interview. They said they weren't doing anymore interviews in the UK for this program so maybe they are deciding now.
  10. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    What does she look like? I'm so curious.
  11. louise

    louise New Member

    lol. shes quite petite and has gingerish curly hair. I didn't have her as my interviewer though.
  12. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    I imagined her as quite small. Thanks for putting my mind at ease.
  13. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Kim said to me start of March too!

    I pictured her as small but blonde!
  14. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Yeah I thought she would be blonde too.

    What trivial conversation we make. lol
  15. Nina

    Nina New Member

    I think me and you are beginning to go insane ;D
  16. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Yeah, I'm having Britney's breakdown.xx
  17. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Keep your hair on!!
  18. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    I will, I'd look fugly without hair.


    She shaved it off coz it had grown too long while she was waiting for Disney.
  19. Nina

    Nina New Member

    I don't think it would really fit in with the Disney look though! ???
  20. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear New Member

    I'm going to Disney World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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