Big Brother

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gismo1554, May 24, 2006.

  1. GeorgyGirl

    GeorgyGirl New Member

    How much do you wanna bet that Imogen will talk if Sezer goes? He's like her only friend! She has Grace and Mikey, but they're all coupley, so she'd probably feel like a 3rd wheel, and it's too late for her to move into the other group cos they'd see right through her!

    But..what would happen if imogen, grace, and mikey all get voted out in succession, would the other group start to turn on each other....Oooo, thionk of the fights..

    Oh yeah, i was also watching it live this morning at some ridiculous time, and there was a massive argument between sezer, richard, imogen and mikey, and lea every now and again. I;m not entirely sure what started it, but it seemed a bit loud...
  2. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Yeah but imagine the fight that Grace will get in with Leah and Richard if Sezer goes?!!!! It would be hilarious!

    The argument thingy (looked on BB website) was due to Richard saying that Imogen was a little boring and Sezer pouncing on him and everyone else joining in. Richard had a cry afterwards too
  3. GeorgyGirl

    GeorgyGirl New Member

    Imogen is boring!! She doesnt do anything apart from moan about people she doesnt like with sezer, i swear I havent seen her smile! I;m going to miss the eviction again tomorrow night! Celebrating the end of exams, woo!!

    I'm liking Sam, the new guy/girl. Also, did anyone see Aisleyne (or however you spell her name) without her make up on last night?? She much put layers on cos she looked completely different!
  4. GeorgyGirl

    GeorgyGirl New Member

  5. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    was she pretty without her makeup??
  6. doowop

    doowop New Member

    I quite like Imogen im still loving Lisa
  7. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Aisleen looked like death without her makeup. Very odd.

    Imogen isn't allowed to vote again this week cause yet again she talked about nominations! God is she stupid or what?
  8. cleeness

    cleeness New Member

    Haha yeay Sezer is out!

    It was so funny loing at his face when they Davina called his name because he totally wasnt expecting it! I can't believe he got like 90% of the votes too! Guess it serves him right!

  9. doowop

    doowop New Member

    He did deserve to go. Poor imogen not being able to vote... i reckon that its gonna be lea and imogen up for the vote this week. How funny is Nicky!! i love her!
  10. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    Im promised myself i wouldn't get into BB this year (mianly cos Ill miss the end cos I'll be in sunny Florida!) HOWEVER...


    The guy is a legend!! As for the rest...
    Glyn- lovely lad
    Lea- Lovely Lady
    Lisa- Shes chinese with a mancunian accent- gotta love it!
    Richard- Im not convinced I like him (although i didnt see that fight)
    As foir Sam and Aisleyne (or whatever!) I havent seen enough of them to judge, although Aiswhatever seems a bit up herself
    Nikki- I SWEAR if another stupid blonde wins I'll cry!!

    As for the rest of them I couldnt care less, Ive no time for arrogant bullies and Im glad those that walked did, and those that are left better get out soon!!! Id love to see Grace walk, purely because she doesnt deserve the attention of a post eviction interview- shes nothing but a pathetic bully!! ( Sorry for a mini rant, but I really have no time for people who enjoy making other people feel small- No one has the right to make other people feel bad about themselves!) :mad:

    So thats my say on it anyway (and i wasn't going to get involved, oh dear :-\) LOL

  11. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    So glad that Sezer is gone!
  12. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    no i liked sezer :'(
  13. doowop

    doowop New Member

  14. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    He was just slimy! Every other word he said was a corney line! He just wound me up going on about how everyone will vote for him cause he's good looking when he wasn't
  15. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    aw man i so want grace to go this week ... the girl is like queen bitch! if grace doesnt go then i hope imogen does! lisa is also starting to annoy me now ... did you see it last night? 'aw i cant believe people are seeing my face leak', what a fool, call it crying! me and my mum were watching it and my mum was like nah nah she's laughing! the only person i like in the house at the moment is pete ... but im thinking when the group gets smaller i will start likeing more people
  16. doowop

    doowop New Member

    I totaly disagree these are the people that are making it entertaining. Grace is sooo good shes like one of youngest in the house but seems to be in total control of the group and she has her head screwed on, she knows exactly what shes doin. Imogen is great she just needs to liven up a bit! Lisa is awesome shes such a scally!!
  17. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    nah i would just sooo love to hear the sound of grace getting 'BOO'ed out on friday!!shes so mean!... poor sam, i feel sorry for the little he/she. im likeing richard more today though... hmm probably hate him again tomorrow though. i do agree with you though doowop, these people are making it what it is ( really annoying and i want to through things at the TV ) and if they did leave it would probably get boaring!
  18. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Did anyone else notice she was lying yesterday to everyone? Even Imogen picked up on it with the whole argument with Sam where Grace said she had stirred it and then Lea said she had
  19. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    I KNOW!... i felt so sorry for sam... i just wanted to jump through the screen and slap grace! i dont think she is going to get nominated though :(
  20. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    dammit dammit dammit ... grace isnt up for eviction ... im so sad :'(

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