no, trust me....the $hit is left EVERYWHERE in my kitchen too!! imagine you wake up one monday morning, walk into the kitchen, and last night's drunken night got a bit out of hand...there's rice all over the floor and leftovers splattered everywhere and a broken glass on the carpet..... ...that's what happened to me a few weeks ago!! I was NOT impressed!! Ellen xxx
Actually I was more concerned about the broken glass that no-one had bothered to pick up....lucky I had shoes on!! ellen x
haha thats the scene in my room every sat sun morning!i can deal with that as long as i clean it straight away! x
Oh my! are ALL going to have issues out there. I guarantee you that not all of your roomies will be as obsessed with cleaning as you. If you want everything spotless 24/7 you are going to have to do it all yourself!!! Be prepared for this when you go or it will drive you nuts. You have to be prepared to live in some kind of mess...maybe not dirt...but just "stuff"...there weren't too many tidy tidy tidy apartments. Usually everyone has just too much stuff and there isn't enough space for it all. The only really clean apartments I ever went into had compulsive cleaners like you, and they were all always mad at their roomies for being messy and them having to clean up after them. Just a warning!!! But on a happy note, there is a dishwasher in Commons apartments, so you don't have to cry while washing dishes...just loading and unloading the dishwasher...which is hard for some people!! Shan
Lol yeah I have to say, in my experience - girls are untidy and boys are DIRTY. I know which of those two I can just about live with! As for halls - I get annoyed when the kitchen is a mess since it's the ONLY room people have to share. By all means, keep your bedroom and bathroom like a hole - but make an effort with the room I have to use too *rant over*
you never know, we may turn into the messiest of the lot! dishwasher....yes! as long as its an ok one and everything doesnt come out still dirty!eeew! x
A dishwasher! That´s so great... I was already wondering whether there´d be one...saves so much time...
oh god you're all going to hate me! :'( I'm not a clean freak (although I don't like things to be dirty...and bathrooms are different!) But I live in a mess, as almost anyone who knows me, and especially anyone thats ever lived with me will testify! My sole justification is a bad one...I'm always very disorganised, so I'm uusually frantically searching for stuff, and am running out of the house just as the bus leaves. Then I am mega busy at the moment, so I literally don't have a spare hour or so to tidy properly! I swear! (50 pages to write in 10 days!) But if I have time to tidy I'm really not THAT bad, but I'm not that neat either :-[ I'm sorry, I'll stop rambling- and I do keep common areas tidy-it's just my room thats a tip!! Charlotte x
That's me too Charlotte! Not dirty, but I do tend to just throw stuff because I'm ALWAYS running late!! I have multiple clothes piles on my floor in my room...but I do vacuum every weekend to combat the hair and dustbunnies!!! That's what i was meaning by a lot of the mess being stuff...not so much your apartment. Shan
Not being organized is nothing bad, it doesn´t automatically mean that you´re dirty. My room is relatively tidy, the only chaotic part is my desk with my stuff concerning uni...but I call that 'creative chaos'! ;D : And also: I can´t really throw things away...I´m keeping way too much, because of old memories...I should really throw a bunch of it away... :-\ I already know I´ll get back home with LOTS of souvenirs from Florida...
I do that too Anika....cinema tickets, bus tickets, wristbands, postcards, birthday cards, stupid plastic mixers for drinks....all end up in boxes in my one day I can look through it all and say 'oh yeah...I had the best time that night when I....' Ellen xxx
That´s just what girls do, isn´t it...we can be so melancholic... Plus, I know I´ll be packing way too much as well...I have to think about the heavy suitcases, but I´m always afraid that I might forget really important things...which is of course nonsense... :