Automated Response from Julie!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Canuckliz, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    I don't think there were any French Canadians at the Halifax interviews... A wee bit surprising since any applicants from NB would probably go to the Hali ones!

    I'm supposed to be able to speak French, my high school diploma says I'm bilingual. High school diplomas are funny like that ;) I took late-french immersion, it means I didn't start until grade 7 and took only core french from grades 4 - 6. Julie asked me, "Vous parlez francais?" and my ingenius answer was, "Un peu... Yeah, I didn't have any problems at all when I was travelling in France." Which is true, but why I didn't take the half-second to say that in French was kind of retarded on my part!

    I agree that it would be a huge plus to have any other sort of language on your resume! If only so you can get the pretty flags put on your name tag :)

    I put on my resume that I took spanish for two years... which is true, but it's incredibly rusty since I haven't used it in two years and there is, unsurprisingly, no where on PEI where I could practice!

    Happy weekend!
  2. Cathy

    Cathy New Member

    Hey guys!

    I was at the Halifax interviews and my first language is french...
    I had Stephanie and the way she was talking, I don't think there were any other french speaking people in halifax....I'm hoping it might work in my favor!! But everyone there was so excited and so awesome that it will probably be very hard for them to decide!! I wish they'd just hire everyone!!!

    And I've had enough of all this waiting!!! AARRRGGGGHHHH!!

  3. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    haha je peu lire francais comme je peu le parler...mon grammaire dans l'ecole etait horrible!!! si ce n'etait pas pour l'orale je n'aurais pas the "biligual" sure mon diploma...mais oui je peu comprens tous que vous dissez...umm je ne crois pas qu'il y avait beaucoup to francais canadiannes a l'entrevue....j'ai aussi dis que je pouvais comprender l'espange et italienne...j'ai visite le quebec quand j'etais dans 7ieme annee...j'adoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee quebec..une jour je veux travailler au chateau frontinac!!!! je suis en amore avec le chateau!....

    did u speak french at your interview?! ive been told by others that when i speak french it sounds like im from quebec...that's what someone from paris told me...i just kinda let it go...ahha...
  4. joelle

    joelle Guest

    hey lizzie , en autant que tu peux te faire comprendre c'est l'essentiel! ... anyway ( swith to english lol) i didnot speack with julie in french but i think it is so obvious that im french canadian that she did not bother ask me to speack french, i have a huuuuuge accent when i speack in english..quebbeccer accent ... very different from the parisian one lol!
    J'adore le chateau frontenac aussi , mais je le vois a chaques jour ... donc il est devenu un peu banal a mes yeux ... meme si parfois je predn le temps de l'admirer quand il est tout illuminé il est trop beau ! julie asked me a question about the chateau and i did not answered very good... she asked me : what is the chateau frontenac .. i said that it was an hotel, and then she asked me a french or and american hotel ... i said french .. but i think she was talking about the meaning of the word hotel ... jetais toute mélangée , j'ai bafouillée une réponse bizzarre , et elle avait l'air tres perplexe....! anyway !
    jenmacp, what pretty flags ?? there is flags on the name tags ?

    2 days left guys ! wouhou
    joelle :D
  5. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    hahha she asked me in my interview where in canada id send tourists..and i said quebec..i think she was VERY shocked i did not say vancouver (where my interview was...or somewhere in British columbia haha) anyway..she asked why..and i said because i spent 13 years learning the language and appreciating the french culture. she asked where in quebec..and i said old quebec city and chateau frontinac..i think she was very surprised i knew more about canada then just my province..ahah another added bonus!!!

    what are these flags about?!
  6. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    I wasn't asked where I would send tourists... I wish I was though because when she asked about PEI my response wasn't overly grand! (I said not to go there in the winter and I don't think she liked that answer too much. However, if you ask ANYONE from PEI, and I am serious, ANYONE, they will tell you to wait until the summer.)

    About the flags, I *think* they put something on your nametags about what languages you speak. I remember speaking to a girl from Montreal who had spent time in Italy and had something on her nametag or a pin of sorts showing she could speak Italian. Maybe it wasn't right on the nametag, but I think there was something...

    When Julie was talking about Chateau Frontenac at the Halifax interviews she accidently said it was in Ottawa. None of us were cheeky enough to correct her, but there was a slight murmmer (however one spells that) in the crowd!

    J'ai travaille en Gatineau, Quebec, pour huit mois et je sourviens quand j'ai essaye parler francais il y avait, comme, trois fois que la personne a qui je parle ne m'a pas repondu en anglais! (uggh... grammer... ne me suis repondu? Mental note to brush up on French.) Vraiment, c'est difficil de practiquer la francais en Quebec, sauf si on va a une petite ville quelque place.


    (PS: We should just all storm Eric's office Monday morning. Very practical given all of us live, you know, right close to his building I'm sure ;))
  7. joelle

    joelle Guest

    2 days lefttt ahhh so harrrd ! yeah i spoke about the chateau frontenac but im not satified with my answer mpff... she mixed me up with her questions !!! actually i think you gave me more points for me by speacking of quebec city like that at yr interview lol!!! she will want to hired someone from quebec even more because everybody talks about it !! yéééé lol , hope she'll think about me !
    i said while describing the chateau that actually it looked a little bit like the chateau laurier , but in more old european fashion .. and then she asked me the thing about hotel in french or in english that i didnt understood! is an hotel different in french than american? anyway

    eh yesterday i went to see the ring 2 !!!!! hooooriiible !!!! i though about disney a lot to make me fall asleep!
    2 days 2 days 2 days
    joelle ;D
  8. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Lol guys I completely know how you feel. I went over and over my answers and wasn't satisfied with ANY of them!
    Try not to worry about it (although people saying stuff like that to me never made any difference) I got my fingers crossed for you all :)
  9. joelle

    joelle Guest

    this is it guys!!! the last day of waiting before real stress begin!!! i still hope and beleive that eric will call us in the first tree days of the week... so prepare yourself ( humpf!)
    good luck everybody :) hope that we all get news!
    joelle :D
  10. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    GOOD LUCK! bonne chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    The wait for the call is hard, but the harder it is, the more the yes response is worth to you, u will all see

    Good luck

  12. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    i wish they'd just hire everyone so no one felt bad! even if we do get the job we'll still feel awful for all of those who didn't. :(
  13. mandi_luffi

    mandi_luffi New Member

    HEY A.LO,

    I agree, but now the waiting really begins because it's nearly time for the calls to start a commin. Good Luck Everyone!! :D
  14. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    Hey all!

    Ugggggh!!! Three cheers for a long week and a half ahead of us! I was talking to my parents last night about their travelling plans for the spring and fall and all too often the phrase, "Well, it depends on whether you are at Disney or not," popped up! No pressure indeed ;)

    It would be awesome if all of us on the boards got hired! I agree, I'm going to feel bad for those (if there are any! :) ) of us who don't get in. Personally, I'll just return to lurking about the boards randomly and watch my post count remain static!

    Maybe I should call Eric and ask him. I'll lie and say I'm touring the Himalayas for the next two months and he won't be able to get ahold of me. I'm sure he'll believe me. Right?

    It's actually probably dangerous to our health to be kept waiting too long. The earlier I find out the less likely I'm going to have a stress related heart attack while waiting ;)

    Oh dear. This is rather awful, isn't it? I'll practically sprint to the library after work to check my email.

    I told my parents they won't be getting a phone call from me if I hear via phone I'm not getting the job. I figure my mobile will be smashed into 900 tiny pieces. I also told them I would apply at Universal Studios just to rub it in Disney's face :p

  15. candianºoº

    candianºoº New Member

    Hey Jen, I've thought about that too... Universal Studios?... But it's just NOT the same. Disney is a whole other ball game. This next week and a half/ 2 weeks is gonna be hell. I'm sure we'll all be able to get through this in the end. Now, Eric just needs to call.

  16. mandi_luffi

    mandi_luffi New Member


    It's gettin close to that time now. I can't wait. Good Luck. Once someone gets a call post it on here.
  17. JoRdAnA

    JoRdAnA New Member

    Hey Guys

    Well its so close to Eric calling. Seriously I check my e-mail like every 2 would rather get no e-mail from him, then I know I am Well I hope everyone is doing well. I cant wait. The end of last week wasnt so bad because I stopped thinking about it. But this week I have started thinking about it again because I know sometime soon we should be recieving a call, so I am starting to get nervous again. Good Luck, everyone

    Jordana ;D
  18. jenmacp

    jenmacp New Member

    I hope we all get calls at the EXACT SAME MINUTES. Because if I come online during lunch hour at work or something and see other people have received calls and/or emails my reactions will be (in this VERY particular order) 1) check my phone for messages / missed calls, 2) run to the internet cafe (work does not trust us and one can't access hotmail/yahoo/msn/etc - can't say I blame them ;) ), and 3) (provided my inbox is empty) burst into tears and not go back to work.

    My reaction if there *is* an email would be almost the same, except replace tears with insane laughter and jumping.

    Today after work my phone showed one missed call and one voice message. It would have been a good science experience to take my pulse while I checking my messages. (For the unfortunate record, it was a hang-up. )

    Blah blah blah. Sorry I'm rambly... Everytime I start talking about this to people I know they just say, "Oh Jen, I'm sure you got the job." and I want to scream, "BUT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!"

    Yay! None the less, just in case I get bitter and forget, huuuuuge props to those of you (and by you I mean all of us, of course ;)) who get the jobs!

    ~ Jen
  19. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Been there...*lol* I found myself making plans and all but then thinking..."wait...that's IF i get the job!"
    I saw people starting to write about calls on here at 5pm and didn't get my call until after 7, so I was pretty much dead ::)
  20. candianºoº

    candianºoº New Member

    I really hate this b/c I'm almost never home at night. My fear is that if Eric does call, He might not get me. I hope that Eric would try all the numbers listed for that person. Oh well.... * big sigh* what can we do? I agree though that I hope everyone gets a call at like the same time and then we could cheer and yell together... that'd rock!

    Anyway... the waiting continues...


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