Aussie in summer program Nov 2007

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Mel_c, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    It's because we're terrorists. ::)
    Do you think I should disclose my summer internship with Saddam on the forms? ;D

    BTW I saw on the news last night that NZ and the US have made an agreement that NZ students can work in the US on a J1 visa for up to 12 months now rather than just 4. There was a mini protest outside the hotel where the meeting was taking place in Auckland - I don't get it, why protest about that?!?!?! :-\

  2. Loz

    Loz New Member

    oh yeah! (girls can blow stuff up too you know! equal opportunity and everything) anyway, let's get off this topic, or the FBI will be recording it and we'll fail our interviews.

    hmm, maybe that was the best thing they had to protest about? You know how it is, you're walking around, carrying a sign and feeling like yelling...
    (i'm soo going to get arrested)
  3. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI was reading this somehow. ;D
    *Changes topic*

    Has anybody seen Britney Spears' performance at the MTV awards? I loved how they cut to P Diddy and 50 Cent looking scared for their life during it.

  4. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Saw clips of it on the news (which says how far downhill the news has gone). The best bit was the crazy fan on the radio the next day. They played cuts of him screaming and whining into the phone that people should "LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOONE!!" I nearly had to pull over, I was laughing so hard.
  5. stevestone

    stevestone New Member

    Project Over! Project Over!

    Project Over!

    Project Over!!!!



    Sorry had to let it out
  6. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Glad to hear it Steve!
    I go to Sydney in a week!!! So excited, I've never been.
    Until then, time to learn more about feminist criminology.
  7. Loz

    Loz New Member

    and no, I don't know what it is, otherwise I wouldn't have to go study.
  8. Vick86

    Vick86 New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I am hoping to take part in the program this year just awaiting a reply from DK International/Australia. Im from Sydney at Macquarie Uni. Does anyone know how long the wait is to hear back about whether you have been accepted? What happens after that? Im really anxiously awaiting a reply is there anyone you guys knowof who I can contact to ask these questions directly to?

    Thanks for your help
  9. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    Hi Victoria,
    I just saw your email but thought I'd post a reply on here in case others have something to add.
    You said you have emailed Trudy already - as far as I know she is the best person to be contacting. She has answered all my emails pretty quick too.
    I don't really know if they are still accepting ppl but Trudy will let you know. I don't want to say it but it might be too late at this stage sorry. :-[
    I started the whole process over a month ago and am still not completely finished everything, though was 'officially' accepted within about 2 weeks I think.
    If it is not too late Trudy will sort you out with everything you need to do but until then I recommend getting a police clearance underway (get the form from a police station) and if you do not have a current passport getting that underway AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
    On top of all the forms and stuff in relation to the actual job you have to get a US visa which requires having a current passport, filling out more forms and visiting the US consulate (I believe the Aussie one is in Sydney so you should be okay with that).
    Also it is a very expensive job when you take into account the flights and the numerous fees you have to pay.

    Hope this helps,
    Bryce :)
  10. Vick86

    Vick86 New Member

    Hey Bryce,

    Thank you for that, it did help heaps! I have the flight cost covered so that's ok and my passport's ok just waiting now =( Im just so confused as I never knew about the international site I have been trying to apply through the US site and getting no where. I spoke to DK and they said if there are any places let Trudy would be able to organise it for me. I really hope it's not too late but the odds are probably against me unfortunately. I'll keep you posted as if I do get accepted i'd probably get to meeting you all

  11. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I agree that applying is a mission - I too started out by emailing an address I found on the American site (never got a reply for like 2 weeks, in the meantime I found out about DK).
    If you haven't got a CV then you might wanna get started on a basic one, I think that was the first thing I had to send Trudy.
    I've got my fingers crossed for you!!! ;D

  12. nuttybuddy

    nuttybuddy New Member

    Hey guys!!

    @Loz...feminist criminology sounds very interesting. What do you guys study in that??? Also Sydney is awesome!! I honestly wished i lived there. If you are gong all the way there don't forget to go to Kingscross if you like house music. Make sure you have fun!!

    @Vic iif you want things to happen quickly i would suggest that you call Trudy asap if she doesn't reply soon. There is always a chance for you to get in. When i got interviewed they told me that they need about 700 people. I am sure you can be one of us :) her number is T : (08) 8342 3923. It is a long procedure but believe me nothing is impossible!! Make sure you let Trudy know how keen you are because i think that will help. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us. We would be more than happy to help!

  13. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Steve, after brushing up on my feminist criminology, I concluded that it's about: women stealing from men because they've been oppressed for so long, and it's payback time!
    (Or it could be about the inequalities in the treatment and views on women in the criminal system. that sounds more logical)

    Vicki, best of luck to you bud! Living in Sydney should be in your favour, at least you can get to the consulate anytime you need to. Steve's right, they do need lots of people. The day before my interview, they told me they needed about 20 more people.
    What area were you looking at anyway?

    @Bryce, yeah, I tried applying last year, going through the US site. It blathered on about representatives coming to visit. In Townsville? yeah right. Stumbled onto this one through my uni's careers website. lucky!
  14. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I got my welcome pack thing today! ;D
    Haven't had a proper read through it yet but it looks like even more forms to deal with... :eek:
    Also I've semi-booked my flight (haven't paid for it yet, can still change) - Christchurch > Sydney > Los Angeles > Orlando for NZ$2800 return with Qantas. Probably not the cheapest, but at least it's only three flights rather than four (not swapping planes somewhere in the US), and I don't really fancy flying China Air. :p
    I arrive in Orlando at 4:00 in the afternoon which is a bit of a pain, I'd rather have a full day to settle in, though I suppose after a 30 hour journey I'll be pretty tired lol.
  15. stevestone

    stevestone New Member

    Hey Loz,

    I agree that women should be treated equally to men in all respects. However, I do think that women SHOULD NOT ask for or be given any special priveliges because thats basically saying that we aren't equal to men. But I agree with your assessment on criminal psych.

    Do call trudy up ASAP as Peter said.

    Thats not such a bad deal for your flight.

    BTW we should be booking our visa interviews on Thursday. If I am not mistaken we fill 156 online and then print and sign and take it to the embassy right? Also, 157 and 158 just have to be printed, filled and taken for the interview. I've paid the SEVIS fee what other fee do I need to pay.

  16. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    Yeah submit the 156 online then print and just print the others.

    You have to go to a Post Shop and pay the US Visa fee too ($140). I had to explain what I was wanting to do about 5 times to the old woman/hag in the store I went to. ::) Plus you can't pay by credit card?!

    Don't forget about the evidence or the courier bag too.
  17. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Steve, I don't think this is the place to get into any sort of debate about equality/chivalry/sexism. Bet the exam was great! Not only was it open book, also the questions were posted online. So basically, I wrote it out the night before and copied it into the booklet. If I could have stapled it in, it would have been even faster.

    Bryce, so you can't pay by credit card? huh. I'd better go do that one soon anyway. Also, there's the issuance fee, but I think that's after the interview, so take money (sounds like bribery to me...)

    Are there any other countries doing the summer program? The only other southern hemisphere country that might be interested (That I can think of anyway) is South Africa.
  18. SistaAct

    SistaAct New Member

    Hi Guys,

    Speaking about the issuance fee, in Melbourne they don't accept cash or eftpos at the consulate - it says you gotta bring a bank cheque or a money order. Do you reckon we pay the issuance fee after we've been granted the visa or at the consulate? I don't know whether to bring a $126 money order or not! And to phone and ask they charge you $20!

  19. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I don't know whether you guys have to pay the exact same fees as we do in NZ - I haven't heard about an 'issuance' fee here - just the $140 at the Post Shop (maybe that's our equivalent) and the SEVIS fee. :-\
  20. SistaAct

    SistaAct New Member


    Sorry to tell you that before the issuance fee we also paid $120 to the post office! There may be another cost to add to your budget!

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