Aussie in summer program Nov 2007

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Mel_c, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. SistaAct

    SistaAct New Member

    Hi Bryce,

    I originally thought that we'd have to get there on the 26th as well (and booked flights accordingly). I emailed Trudy and asked her and she said to get there on the 27th, so I'd book for then if I was you. I'm hoping that they have a spare bed a day early otherwise I'm going to have to stay at a hotel for a night!

    - Cass
  2. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    Yup I read through the stuff Trudy already sent me again and it says to arrive on the 27th. I wanna arrive in the morning so I have the afternoon to go around the resort and have a look before the official stuff starts (on the 28th?). Gonna be so tired by the end of that day - I have never been able to sleep in cars/planes. :-X
    I wish this woman from Florida would hurry up and ring, I wanna know for sure whether I'm going or not!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm gonna be so distracted through my exam period lol, hope I can concentrate enough. :D

  3. nuttybuddy

    nuttybuddy New Member

    Hey u guys :)

    bryce..sorry for not replying earlier...been busy with my last yr projects.....

    I am 23....i know im getting old but i still feel like im 18 lol!!! buying a return flight Auckland-LA my sister lives there....i agree with you that flights are cheaper if u stop somewhere in the middle like DC or some other place.....i aint really sure what my plan is going to be from LA..i reach LA on 18th then fly to orlando thru some route on 27th!!..i 'm not too sure that we start on 27th or not....cuz there will be some kinda east i hope so :)

    I just cant wait for orlando...getting kinda anxious when we get the packages sent!!...also glad to hear that there will be 8 of us from here(hopefully!!) sure(bryce) u shall get through the interview stage...its pretty easy...

    Orlando is becoming very distracting...i am constantly looking for cheap flights if i plan to travel in the U.S...but i guess its the excitement!!...i really would like to go to LAS VEGAS ;D

    Let me know what all of u guys are planning ....cuz we could plan something out either to meet up in LA and then travel together or just meet directly in orlando!.. you have any clue how many aussies are going ???

    My flights are via tahiti ...which turns out to be pretty cheap...around $1800 NZ for LA return..i booked it through FLIGHT CENTER....

  4. stevestone

    stevestone New Member


    That was a massive post Peter. You are supposed to be working on the Uni project mate!!! Get back to it!!!

    Well about flights, I booked mine on Air NZ for 2100. AKL-SFO return. Because I want to visit SFO.

    When is you interview Bryce?

    BTW Cass did Trudy get back with her discounted fares. She is taking so long with them I doubt we'd get it cheaper than what we are getting now.

  5. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    My interview is tomorrow morning between 8 and 9 apparently. I hope it goes well - I would be so pissed if I got turned down now lol!!! :eek:
    I know what ya mean bout assignments - I was up till 1 this morning finishing a geography report on fisheries and now I gotta get my criminal law one started for next Friday...

    Bryce ;D
  6. SistaAct

    SistaAct New Member

    Hi guys,

    Yeah, got the email about the 'discount' airfares yesterday - it was around $3000 Australian to get there from Adelaide!! I only paid $1900 through Flight Centre, but the travel assistant did say that was an extraordinary offer (paid in early July). Trudy did say that if the discount offer could be beat to tell them because they may reduce the offer to compete. How many Aussies are going? I have no idea - there don't seem to be many on the forum (there's about 4 or 5 that I know of from the forum). I dare say there's more though you'd think.

    - Cass
  7. nuttybuddy

    nuttybuddy New Member

    best of luck bryce....just dont abuse lol ::)

    i would be shocked if there arent much aussies cuz according to the forums a gud number of aussies do go there...ah well...i guess we will find out in about 3 months or soo ...

    im working on the project this moment i feel this is much more fun than our univ also been working pretty late finishing assigments...have two projects due within the next 3 is 50% and the other is about will get pretty busy!

    i was reading online about the new DISNEY says that if we leave the program early we will have to leave U.S straight away...any thoughts on that?

    this is what i found "This visa authorizes employment for your specific company ONLY. Your passport must be valid for 6 months beyond the program end date. If you do not stay to work for the scheduled duration of your program, you must leave the United States immediately. "
  8. stevestone

    stevestone New Member


    Ouch $3000 for a discount fare. Is that a bloody private jet or something. I am paying NZ2105 for my ticket to and from SFO. Still have to buy the domestic tickets to MCO but I dont suppose they should cost more than $400 return at the most.

    How did your interview go Bryce?


  9. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I think the interview went pretty good w00t. :p She said it was her first NZ one.
    Just asked about living with others, working fast-paced etc...
    She said DKI would let me know the result and the next steps - is that what the interviewer told you guys? Hope it wasn't a polite 'no' hahaha. :mad:

  10. stevestone

    stevestone New Member

    Yeah thats what the interviews are like. Usually followed by an email in a few hous confirming your acceptance. A lady called Sue Sharpe interviewed us. She is pretty quick to get back to DKI. Not sure whether the same person interviewed you as well or if it were someone else.

    But you should no soon. And yeah you should go through.

  11. SistaAct

    SistaAct New Member

    Hi guys,

    I had Sue interview me too. She was very direct and asked questions about how I would handle the Disney experiences and previous work experience as well as stuff about uni. My sister was interviewed at the same time by another lady and apparently they spent the whole interview discussing reality tv! Tina still got in though, so I guess the main thing is to make sure that you can communicate properly with others, rather than the content of your interview. Our acceptance email took a couple of weeks.

    Good luck, Bryce!

  12. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    OH YEAH!!!!! ;D

    Just got home from work at Video Ezy ::) and decided to check my email just in case before going to bed. Got a MASSIVE email from Trudy saying I've been accepted and telling me what I need to do now. *Too lazy to get off the chair and do a dance so just wigglin my ass*

    The email says summin about having to travel to a US consulate to get my visa. WTF do I have to go to Wellington to get it or can they just send it out by post or summin?!?!?!

    Anyways so excited but I haven't really got time at the moment to do all this stuff she says I need to lol! I don't know what I'm gonna do bout my job lol, I've only been there like a month so I doubt they'll give me 10 weeks off hahaha. Oh well, Disney World pwns Video Ezy. ;D

    Cya guys,
  13. nuttybuddy

    nuttybuddy New Member

    Ah...congrats byrce 8)...

    i guess u will have to go personally......i think its a face-to-face interview with the U.S far as i know....ring up the embassy or just email trudy!

    Get your police clearance done(i can send u the form if u dont already have it on u..just let me know)...cuz that normally takes about 2 weeks....only after u have given all the documents ..u will be sent the J1 docs and then u can apply for the J1 visa.... its a long process :mad:

    funny that u said about working in video ezy.....i used to work there as well for more than 2 i got a crappy tech support job...

    yeah...disney does rock compared to video ezy but i still enjoyed video was the easiest job ever....and too top it all up movies ;D

    When i had my interview..i was talking to sue that she needs to come down to New Zealand and set up a recruiting camp here!!...that was pretty much what we talked about :p and then after 2 hrs i got an email from trudy!!...

  14. stevestone

    stevestone New Member

    Congrats mate!!!

    What division did you get into? Oh and yeah you probably will have to goto Wellington for your Visa interview. But thats after Disney has sent you all the relevant forms I suppose.

  15. nuttybuddy

    nuttybuddy New Member

    what about us steve?? is there a consulate in auckland
  16. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I'm in Operations Steve, so hopefully something to do with an actual ride and not just working in a parking lot or something. ;D
    Last thing I need is to shell another couple of hundred $$$ to go to Wellington just for an interview lol! Oh well, a day trip never hurt anyone...
    I need to get a new passport first 'cause mine is expired (I'm like 10 in the pic haha).
    If you could send me those clearance forms that'd be great Peter. :D
    Trudy's email had an attachment called Accredidation School Letter but when I open it it's just blank lol. Maybe it's cause I'm using my MacBook; I'll try to open it an uni tomorrow.

    Yeah you're right about Video Ezy being an easy job - from 8-11 last night I think I had like 4 customers hahaha. Some girl rung up going ape saying neither of the DVDs she got were working and she wanted me to DELIVER her some new ones!!! It was probably her player that was broken - psycho byatch.

    Anyways essays don't write themselves...

  17. Christina

    Christina New Member

    Hey Guys,
    Congrats Bryce!! Well it was hard to know how my interview went, my interviewer insisted on talking about big brother and the apprentice throughout the whole interview. The only relevant question i remember being asked was 'how will you cope living with other people?'.... Neways, I'm Christina and i got accepted into the program 2! My sister, Cass, also got accepted so we're coming in from Adelaide. I just turned 21 this year so i'm happy i won't be stuck in the 'wellness centre'.........that could of sucked!!
  18. stevestone

    stevestone New Member

    Hey Guys,

    Bryce, I am in Operations too. I said no to valid driver's license so I dont think will be put in Parking. Hope not at least. Ride operation is cool.

    @ Christina and Cass, I am assuming you people haven't started any sort of Visa proceeding yet. I believe we have to wait for some sort of DS2019 form from Disney. Wonder when that will come. Also I didn't get the mail from Disney saying they will post out something soon.

    @Peter, there is a consulate in AKL.


  19. Christina

    Christina New Member

    Hi Steve,
    About 4 days ago we received our DS2019 form from Disney. We have also arranged our visa interview for the end of September. Where abouts are you from? Your forms come with your welcome pack, so i'd say they'd be on the way still :)
  20. stevestone

    stevestone New Member

    Hey Tina,

    We havent received either the welcome pack or the form. Maybe they are waiting for our police clearance forms. Thats the only reason I can think of.

    We are from Auckland, NZ by the way.


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