Aus/NZ Jan 2012

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Broadyfalcon, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. gemmalee7

    gemmalee7 New Member

    This is what I read on facebook on April 19.....

    Disney recruiters will be in Australia in May conducting presentations and interviews for students applying for 2012 program. Deadline for submitting application forms is 2nd of May 2011. Be quick, don’t miss this wonderful opportunity!

    To start the application process, contact:

    For further information, please go to:"

    Definitely go through the online presentation?! That's what I did! I then got an email from Ashleigh asking me to proceed with the online application and the forms..... I'm pretty sure it's for 2012! Or so it seems on their facebook page?! I could be wrong though....?

    Gem x
  2. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member

    Sorry I hope that didnt sound like I was having a go at you *apologetic look* :p

    I lookedo nm their website, i go to RMIT so I have signed up for the info session there and am going to do theo nline presentation I geuss - woohoo exciting :)
  3. gemmalee7

    gemmalee7 New Member

    Nooo, not at all! :) haha, sounds good. Woohoo!
  4. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member

    ha journey begins, fingers crossed :) good luck!
  5. gemmalee7

    gemmalee7 New Member

    It does, it does indeed.... thank-you! Good luck to you too. :) ahh. I just can't wait to hear back from them!
  6. gemmalee7

    gemmalee7 New Member

    AHHHH! So I was just hanging out at home this morning before class and BOOM the phone rings! Wiiiieeeerd Sydney number so I was a bit hesitant to answer....

    ....however luckily I answered because it was STB Australia calling on behalf of Disney! They were just letting me know that they had received my application (I ended up posting everything because for some reason the email wouldn't work on my end?!) and wanted to know if I was free for a phone interview this afternoon! I told them I had class from 1pm-4pm but I could definitely step out any time. Noooo, they made it 15 minutes after the original phone call! So here I was, interview in 15 minutes, shocked/stunned/shitting myself.... I had not prepared anything at all because it was so sudden! I ended up just answering everything honestly and to the best of my ability and i'm now applying for the Jan 2012 intake instead of July 2012!

    So I am going to one of the information sessions in Melbourne next week (Wednesday at William Angliss to be exact!) and having a face to face interview straight after!! :S ahhhhhhh. Sooooo did not expect everything to happen so suddenly and all within a week! The information session is at 12:00pm and then the f2f interviews start at about 2:30pm. Mine will be one of the very first ones because I live about 3.5 hours away from Melbourne so she said that because i've handed in all of my application forms and because I live so far away and need to travel I will have first preference for that.

    I'm hoping for Character Performer/Operations and obviously the 12 month program..... but at this stage, i'm just hoping that I pass the f2f interview with flying colours and get accepted!

    So that is what has consumed my day today..... haha!

    Liam.... you're from Melbourne! Have you got facebook? What are you doing next Wednesday?! Haha! I hope you enjoy the information session at RMIT!

    Gem :)
  7. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member


    Ahh very exciting (god bless those dodgy sydney number scams and the suspcision they have created for all sydney numbers!) I just hit send to Karina in the Sydney office with my application form ect - although last night had the pleasure of 2 hour doing the application as it just stuffed up over and over - inffact had to create a seperate list of phone numbers for her as most simply wouldnt work in the form .... anyway that bit is done! I am probably only applying for 6 months (however if 12 is all thats on the table, bring on 12!) I put basically everything except full service food, lifegaurd (can't swim lol) and charecter performer - i'm a touch under 6foot and can't really dance or act, as fun as it would be may as well not waste time! I definately would like to be a ride operator - something cool like tower of terror or jungle cruise where you do get to play a bit of a "role" or the guy sitting inside the control booth pushing buttons :p

    I work full time at the moment so I will be working Wednesday (but best of luck with the presentation/interview) and then going to the RMIT presentation (and hopefully interview) on Thursday.
  8. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member

    whoops and yeah I do have facebook but i have it locked up like fort knox i dont think you can publicly search for me
  9. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member

    Haha update lol - 2pm phone interview today :)
  10. gemmalee7

    gemmalee7 New Member

    Ahhh! That stupid online application! I had to go and do it at my nan's house because I only own a mac! And it wanted internet explorer, rah rah rah. Haha! Thank goodness it finally worked for you! A ride operator would be great fun, yeah!
    Haha.. that's fine about Wednesday. I'm from a regional town so i'm gonna be bored is all! I have 3 hours either side of this presentation/interview free soooo. :S oh well!
    Best of luck to you too. :)
    You can add me if you like -
    AHHH! How was your phone interview?!
    Gem x
  11. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member

    Salutes - sorry Gem details (I know i added you on facebook but havent really been on here and didnt want to give myself arthritis at 21 typing on my phone) - well the phone "interview" lasted a grand 5 min and I scored an interview on Thursday at RMIT - just asked why I thought I the program would be good for me, after about 2 minuetes of my semi-prepared babble. Debating whether or not to wear a tie (will refer to the disney look guidlines) to my interview. Kinda excited now lol although only applying for 6 months i miss halloween over there which i really wanna experience.
  12. gemmalee7

    gemmalee7 New Member

    Yeah! I accepted your add. :) mine lasted for about 10 minutes! And yeah, obviously scored an interview too. At least you had something semi-prepared! I had nothing! Hahah! Definitely all come from the heart..... That's actually a great idea! I will refer to the disney look guidelines to, I think. I'm SO excited! I'm heading to Geelong tomorrow to stay with family before I head off on Wednesday to the info session/interview! I can't wait to experience all of the holidays, etc. But right now i'm just concentrating on this interview! Good luck. :)
  13. Broadyfalcon

    Broadyfalcon New Member

    That's it :) good luck for tommorrow :)

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