Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney-dude, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    yeah a healthy balance is always good
  2. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    I completely agree with you. I went out there and had so much fun and did everything I possibly could (I didn't sky dive because I am hideoudly afraid of heights lol). So many people just go out to party and it actually annoyed me a little because I knew there must be people who wanted to do it for the right reasons. I was the same, I partied as everyone does but I got so much else out of my time there too. Halloween was by far my favourite time there.

    I worked with a couple of people who openly admitted that they hated Disney and only came out there for the party life and all the 'international boys'. I often wondered how they got through the interviews!
  3. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    yeah i think having a list of what you want to do helps, as long as you rem why you went to wdw and rem how lucky you are then it should be cool
  4. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    If I go back I have a list of things I want to do :)

    - Skydive (just cos its sooo much fun)
    - DCL - didnt get to do a cruise last time :(
    - Epcot sedway tour - merch got to ride sedways and stuff for their various celebrations f&b never did :(
    - Busch Gardens halloween thing - even if I have to rent a car and drive for it - totally regret missing it last time
    - MNSSHP - the candy dear gods all the candy
    - Universal HHN - santas with chainsaws - awesome
    - Disney voluntears - so much fun and totally worth taking a few hours of your time to help make a family with terminally / life limiting illnesses effecting them have a great time
    - CIPO volunteers - such a great way to meet interational cast and teach american kids about UK and the free food sweeten the deal
    - Grocery Bingo - never got to do it :)
    - Housing events - actually didn't do hardly any of them which is a shame
    - Victoria and Albert dining - when we get the discount of course otherwise wouldnt be able to afford it :)
    - Cirque du Solie (sp?) - amazing and cms get discounts!!!
    - Dinseyland / LA - just cos I would be able to hehe
  5. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Just wanted to weigh in and say that's a great list! I've never heard of a lot of those things so if I do get out there I'm going to use that list and ask a few other ex-cms what they recommend I should do.

    I've done the crazy partying at uni tbh so I'd want to make it a year of once in a lifetime experiences (finance permitting lol)
  6. kristenellen123

    kristenellen123 New Member

    Yeah I completely agree with you there. Hopefully (if I get the chance to go!) I'll save up enough to not have to be worrying about money.. Sent my application today and now am so ridiculously impatient and nervous about the response!

  7. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Ahh good list
    I wasnt a huge partier, being underage as well made it easier
    but i only ever got drunk a few times, socially of course, in my friends apartments :)

    I managed to pack in quite alot throughout my year, but i would've liked to have travelled more, and mybe stayed in a few more disney hotels!

    I managed to go to california for about 5 days, Chicago, did a cruise, wasnt a disney cruise because they're werent any discount ones available at the time and royal caribbean had a swell deal on! i cant even remember what i did now haha!! I know i had far too much fun though :) :)
  8. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    HAHAHA.. hire us losers who are on all day every day ;)
  9. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    I think I want to try and do everything I can. Like everything that comes up if I can I'm gonna be like SO going to be there matey =D I also want to see all the parades at least once, mostly the holiday ones because omg the christmas & halloween one <3 Just everything I can xD

    I can't understand why people would go on something that literally offers so much and all they want to do is drink and meet with lads/girls I mean you can do that anywhere, this is just like Woah why waste it? I wouldnt I'd want to do a different activity everyday if i could xD

    OMG I LOVE cirque de soleil <3 They came to birmingham this one time, and I went with my family and just omg it was amazing! Definitely going to see them again! Might even (money permitting) Buy one of their masks because Im a mask fiend and they are just lush
  10. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    Did everyone receive an email from Yummy today???
  11. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    i got one yesterday, most people did, it was a standard one, was that the same as yours?
  12. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    Yeah it was pretty much what you said after you rang them the other day.

    I'm gonna use this time to think of ways to make my cover letter/CV better, seeing as there not gonna review them till March now.
  13. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    i am not going near those blooming documents again ha ha ha
  14. TreacleMagic

    TreacleMagic New Member

    I'm with you guys! I'm not a big drinker. I used to be in my younger days. I want to see and do all the things I haven't done in florida yet. If we end up working together we should all get together and do the other stuff like experiance all the hotels! I have never stayed in a disney hotel. Experiance some of the backstage tours. I did the Keys to the kingdome last year. It was amazing!! I also like to find all the hidden secrets that a first timer to the parks would never see.
    Cirque de soile
    weekend trip to vegas
    Florida keyes
    Disney cruise
    Haloween Horror nights. Been once and went in one house and that was all I could take! and from someone who watches a lot of horror films.
    Eat at every disney resturant. A good challenge that I saw on someones Blog
    Who's with me?!! ;D
  15. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    aha I'm with you! I spent ages trying to perfect it last time, if I mess with it any more it will just go to awfulness XD

    I'm up for that =D seems a good way to just not have to cook or actually buy food... Well except at the restaurants but hey ho XD
  16. kristenellen123

    kristenellen123 New Member

    No, I didn't get one today or yesterday? Hmmmm... Maybe because I didn't send my application in til a couple of days ago...
  17. kristenellen123

    kristenellen123 New Member

    Sounds ideal! ;D I'm getting far too excited!!!
  18. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Cirque de Soleil is amazing!!! I've already seen it twice so I think a trip to Vegas to go and see a different Cirque de Soleil will be on my list of things to do!!

    Are you allowed to go work at Disneyland Paris while you have an application for CRP?
  19. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I REALLY want to see La Nouba (WDW's Cirque). I've seen Ka (in Vegas), Ovo and Totem (both touring productions) and I've loved them all. I've been to WDW 13 times, so I can't believe I've never been to see La Nouba!
  20. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    I've seen La Nouba (twice - for free!!) and SaltimBanco - I want to go see the one thats playing in London until Feb - I think it might be Totem..?
    I'm probably going to try and get tickets when I get back to the UK.
    What's Totem like??

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