Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney-dude, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Totally agree with you! Its so confusing, I've given up trying to understand and am just waiting to hear from YJ.

    Also agree with this being a bit wierd, it seems to say something different from what the email from YJ said...
  2. LyleP

    LyleP New Member

    Hey guys. Im Lyle, applied last month...Hope we all hear some news soon ;D
  3. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Haha... I tried to put the idea of the CRP out of my mind when I finished uni and attempted to look for a "proper" full-time job... but alas, I ended up getting a Christmas temp job and I'm still there (and loving it!) at the disney store :p Oh, and of course I have applied for the CRP :D Good luck everyone!
  4. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Yeah, after my first 2 apps I tried to put CRP out of my mind, but when you keep in touch with people who did the programme and read blogs etc, I caved in and applied again. Now I keep thinking...what if I get a proper job in the meantime??
  5. evinrude

    evinrude New Member

    Hey guys, only saw this post a couple of days ago, I applied for the CRP a couple weeks back.

    Name: Dave
    Location: Liverpool
    First Time: Yes

    Good luck to everyone who's applied!
  6. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    In a way i have that dilemma right now I have a proper job it pays well (similar jobs else where get paid around £5000+ a year less!!!) it's solid ie not at any risk which in this climate is good to know

    Last programme i did they gave me a career break for the year to do it but i dont think i will be getting one this time if i get throuh which means quitting which is a little bit scary however i do want to move into the hospitality industry career wise so disney is good for that
  7. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    So long as they dont send me out before I like finish the contract im on currently all will be well =]

    I actually forgot about the CRP and then I looked at the date and I was like O.O OMFG ITS GONE THEY'RE LOOKING AT IT ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    And now I have to calm down because I have a team meeting soon and I would rather like to go buy and iron and a kettle xD
  8. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    I keep changing my mind on a twice daily basis-im in a good job i shouldnt give up in this day and age.....but it is disney, but im in a good job...but it is disney

    oh dear
  9. meelie

    meelie New Member

    I had the same thought and even now I've got a date I keep thinking, should I really give up my career to go away for a year? I will literally have to start at the bottom again when I get back but I reckon, the industry will still be there when I get back and who cares if I have to do a little extra work? We have to take these opportunities when we're young else you regret it!

    However I guess since you've been out before it's a little different x
  10. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    Hi, I only applied 2 weeks ago and already obsessed with checking my emails :p
    Name - SJ
    Location - Wales
    First Time - Yes :)
  11. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    woo big up the welsh contingent :D
  12. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    I'm guessing your from Wales too?? ;D
  13. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Hooray for the obsessive checking of emails...

    Not only am I checking (for no reason other than obsession) my emails for YJ, I'm also checking them for job application replies and personal news.

    :-[ Tense :-[
  14. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    I'm doing the same. I wish i didn't have internet on my ipod because i just check all the time :(. Argh job stress with added Disney stress.
  15. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

  16. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Sooooo... When do people think e-mails will start popping out?
  17. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Mid-April like they said would be a good guess :p
  18. TreacleMagic

    TreacleMagic New Member

    Ah but the email said by mid April so it could really be anytime between now and then. I have read on previous applications that some heard on the closing date
  19. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    They're really hard to predict! Many of us last time had even had phone interviews before the apps closed BUT they were open much longer than yours. Plus, this time they have a whole year's worth of applicants to sort out! So if I were you I wouldn't expect to hear before the date and then u can only be pleasantly surprised!

    But trust me I'm a waiting expert lol so I really hope u all hear asap! Good luck everyone!
  20. jamjam251

    jamjam251 Member

    If you think about it, we are nearly in the middle of March already so only a few weeks to wait until we hear anything ;D Good Luck to everyone :D xx

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