Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney-dude, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    soucy is still there
    but as a GT haha
  2. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

  3. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    my thought exactly!
  4. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Jason, he was a manager with soike, obviously not the years you were there...
  5. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Awww I miss Soike! We used to say we'd go hide in the office if something went wrong LOL. And one night he told me to take the risk of seating lower deck and it chucked it down...we had to move tables from lower deck up into the restaurant just to accommodate people.

    Were you there that night Park? I'm sure at one point you had to guard tables!

    I miss Stilwell too, although he did used to break my board! A bit like Jason really.
  6. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i ac tually liked chef christian i got on well with him i spielled to him and i cocked up umerous allergy orders and he was really cool about it but i know some others didnt like him

    did amber leave too?

    dex is still there or he was in may last year when i was on hols
  7. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    haha yes i was there that night guarding tables hahahaha louisa

    andd dexter and james and michael and jaynette are all still in the chippy!
  8. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    I liked Amber because when my parents came and ate in the Rose and Crown, she went out and said hello-even though she barely knew me, whereas the managers didnt-with pretty much everyone elses parents,friends family etc, they fussed around and bent over backwards to get them nice tables and little extras, but did nothing with mine- so Amber is ok with me!
  9. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Chef Bill has recently moved to Norway. He's been replaced by a Chef John. Chef Tony and Chef Michael are still here.
    Dexter, Michael and James are still working in chippy, I think they always will be!

    Gavin and Carl still work on the bar, Lady Sarah is still serving, and Janet is still on podium.

    Current GTs are Janet, Kista, Bryant (Mr B) and a new lady Karen.
    Current Managers are Ashley (part time), Yelitza, Jack (currently on Medical leave, back in two weeks, being covered by a guy called John), and Marco (recently moved to us from Germany)

    Just thought you'd all like to know!!! :)
  10. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    What I'd like to know, is Captain Mickey (from the DCL) and UK Mickey still in the office???
  11. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    ahaha bloody jack is always on bloody medical leave
    tho i liked it better when he wasnt there :)

    and yay jellybean (yelitza) is still there :D
    and where is Janice? :O </3
  12. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    anyone seen this from YJ webbie?

    "UK Applicants: Applications are now closed for the 2011 recruitment Season. We will re open applications towards the end of 2011 for our 2012 recruitment season."

    Doesn't that make it sound like they are recruiting for 2011 start dates still rather than 2012?
  13. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    I thought that ???. Who knows anymore though lol. I suspect they just mean they'll open the applications end of this year but will do the actual reviewing and interviewing and so on in 2012.
  14. rynobu25

    rynobu25 New Member

    I read it as the applications had closed for the people who want to be interviewed this year for a 2012 start date, and they will reopen the applications at the end of the year for people who want to be interviewed in 2012 for a 2013 start date....
  15. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

    I think it probably means they will open the application process, so you can send your CV in at the end of 2011 and they are probably reviewed in 2012,just a theory however x
  16. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I swear it wasn't this confusing last time I applied! :p
  17. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I wonder if Yelitza is still called Jellybean. I started that nickname I'll have you know! And yes, where is Janice? I wanted to visit her too when I'm in Orlando!
  18. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    Janice is perm canadian now!!
  19. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I had the same thought. As everyone else has said, I assume it's the recruitment that will take part in 2011/2012, but that's not necessarily the year when applicants will go out.

    I'm getting slightly nervous now ... :-\
    I'm basically only looking for 'small' jobs post graduation, in case I get this, but if I'm waiting for over a year to go out there, I'm going to have to look for a proper job, and as much as I REALLY want to work for Disney, I'm not sure it's worth giving up a good, decently paid job (if I manage to get one!) for.
  20. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Ahhhh Canada stole her back!

    Well that's good to know, I'll go stalk Canada too.

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