Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney-dude, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. hillsy

    hillsy New Member

    haha,i live in southsea :D
  2. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    me toooo haha if we both get in at least we know we have someone close by to travel with!
  3. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Hi again guyss =D

    Aww not long now like 11 days till they like close (though I realize another long wait afters) BUT this is like official "Where taking the first step forward =D" into the disney Career! Argh so excited! I actually dont mind having to wait, just means more time to prepare for the next stage, and its not so... rushed? I dunno, but I think it will be better this way, give people time to just relax instead of being all OMG OMG OMG for a few short months it more OMG dum de dum OMG etc. but yea thats justme xD

    Aha three days into living in at Butlins and I've already lost my purse, debit card and national insurance number =/ Gahhh got to sort that out =/
  4. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    I am hating the wait, I cant stop thinking about it and its driving me insane lol. I must have updated my profile about 300 times aswell lol
  5. UnderTheSea

    UnderTheSea New Member

    Name: Natalie
    Location: Newcastle
    First time: Applied twice before
  6. bradderz

    bradderz New Member

    how far did you get in your other applications Natalie?
  7. Scottishwoody

    Scottishwoody New Member

    Name: Scott
    Location: Fife, Scotland
    Applied before: A couple of years ago, yes

    Forgot about this website, found it when browsing through my bookmarks. Fingers crossed.
  8. UnderTheSea

    UnderTheSea New Member


    1st time I applied I didnt get any further.
    2nd time (last year) I got to the phone interview.

  9. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    One week until applications close eeeeek.
    I've been reading blogs like crazy haha, does anyone have an suggestions?
    And does anyone know a blog that deals with the rejection side of things? So i can be as prepared as possible lol.
  10. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    mine does i got to phone interview wth last round of apps and it sucked not getting any further but i deserved it cos i didnt give a godo phone interview so is my own fault
  11. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Well I've been on the Waiting List twice before and never got a date, so you could say there's some stuff about rejection, its mostly frustration and ranting though!

    The approximate dates are on my profile <
  12. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    pinkspideruk could i possibly have the link? Does it have your past experience on too? Would be nice to read a new blog haha.

    And Vicki i loved your blog, i really hope you are third time lucky this time. So much waiting you really deserve it. I'd have gone insane haha.
  13. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    it doesnt have my old stuff on there tho just stuff from reapplying and some random bits i am working on updating like the list of things i want to do and disney speak and stuff
  14. andrew1990

    andrew1990 New Member

    I feel sick every time I read someone hasn't got through! Eurgh. What do you guys do? Do you have a plan B? Do you just keep re-applying?

    Do you have any idea why you weren't taken through, i.e. feedback?
  15. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    well i kow i didnt get thru cos i messed up my phone interview. The first time i went through all the way so i dont know what i did right or wrong other than i was just my usual self

    some people get thru first time and some peopel take 3/4 tries there isnt any specific thing you can do to make yourself more appealing its just down to how you compare to the other candidates on the day and thats about it

    not getting through last time tho was quite gutting and i did go through a few hours of screw them i am never applying again but it passed and i decided what the hell i will reapply ad keep reapplyign til i get back out there cos that is what i want to do

    i have no fall back plan - i am currently working full time in a fairly well paid job, im doing an nvq through work ad if i dot get in this time i will just finish my nvq and reapply
  16. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    If I don't get in this time around I will go to work in Canada for a year (maybe two if I really enjoy it) then re-apply after that.
  17. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Thank you for the blog link :).
    I will get reading shortly :).

    I'm so crazy nervous already and it's another months wait :(
  18. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Ooo can i ask what lasses is?
    I've heard it on other blogs and don't really know what it is.
  19. peter_pan_uk

    peter_pan_uk New Member

    Stu, if you go to Canada just apply for citizenship there and then u can eventually apply for the Canada Pavilion lol
    You'd make bank at Le Cellier lol
  20. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Le Cellier coin makes the money I made on the bar at the R&C look like chump change! Superb idea sir!

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