Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney-dude, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i just got back from a weekend in glasgow meeting up with all my old cm friends from the first time round and i met daria too :D

    unfortunately now i am just feeling like arrrggghhh i wanna go back and not liking the waiting at all!!!!
  2. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Might be good if they did it like x factor style (not that i like that show but still...) every week one of us gets told they haven't got through, or even better one of us gets told we did, then you would be looking forward to that day each week and it wouldn't feel like 2 months. Did that make any sense ha ha ha?
  3. emmazb

    emmazb New Member

    Imagine being the last to find out though! would drive you insane haha :D
  4. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    ha ha yep but then only one person is waiting till April, admittedly poor person but still :)
  5. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    That's how the waitlist seems to be going at the moment- one person hears each week and the rest of us have to keep hanging on!
  6. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    heyy everyone!

    i'm sophie and am also applying for the program this year, i am soo nervous! was just wondering on the yummy jobs page, where you create your profile and it has the boxes for work experience and important are those bits?! how much are we meant to write and do they pay much attention to them or is it mainly based on your cv??
    also, does anyone know how many people apply for how many places each year?
    any help or advice would be appreciated :D
  7. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Hey Sophie, welcome to the boards! 8)

    I'm not sure how much attention they pay to the work experience and motivation boxes vs. CV and cover letter, but definitely fill them out! In my head they pay more attention to the CV, but I've probably just made that up!
    If you don't want to repeat yourself too much, you could just put something brief and then refer them to your CV. The motivation aspect is super important, though, so whether you put it in that box or in a cover letter than you attach to your CV, make sure you get across why you want the position, what you'd bring to it etc.

    I don't know exactly how many people apply each year, but from what I've heard before I think it's in the thousands!
  8. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    I had my phone interview a few weeks before the applications closed, and was told that at that point they said they'd had over 900 applicants and were doing 300 phone interviews, but I know they will have done more after the applications closed aswell. At our interview I would estimate there were around 80 of us over the two days and places offered I'd guess maybe about 50? Those last two numbers are purely estimates on my part though.

    I know those numbers are a little intimidating but if it helps a lot of people from the forums got through- there's a lot of resources here where u can talk to past applicants, read blogs etc so you will have a better idea of what they're looking for than many applicants.
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    in the past it has been a case of approx for every 10 applicats one gets a phone interview every 3 phone interviews 1 gets a place at the f2f and then its purely on how much room they have BUTTTTT they have chaged the recruiting stuff this time round so i dont think previous figures will mean anything - if they are recruiting for the entire year then they will offer more phone interviews and more f2f interviews to get a good selection of people whop are available for the various start dates.

    the motivation box and / or cover letter are really the most important part of applying - they have loads of applicants so they want to know why you wat to do the programme, if the programme is really for you, what you can give to it, will you be reliable, do yo0u have the sticking power to stay for the year etc... i would sasy it was a lot more importat than ya cv ad previous experience as people with no experience / qualifications have got places so bhave those with tonnes of ecperience and qualifications. If you have f&b experience u can get offered merch and if you have experiece in retail you ca get offered f&b so its obviously the content of the motivation box / cover letter that seals the deal over the info on ya CV
  10. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Hiyaa to old and new, sorry I havent read most of the posts, saw some new names tho, woooo!

    Ahaha might be my last post for a while, moving to bognor regis to work at butlins for the year XD second day of being 18, just got back home from bognor and have been asked to go back down on the 8th xD Wooo fun times, stress. aha

    so exctied. and for me good prepping for florida. cant wait for you WDW So i Do hope I (and everyone on here) Gets in!
  11. sophieplmgto

    sophieplmgto New Member

    ahh thanks guys that's really helped me! it's all sooo scary!
    good luck to everyone :D xxx
  12. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    There were 120 interviews offered over the 2 days for our applications Vicky. So there were 60 interview places each day. But some people decline the offer, some people go and see the presentation but then don't come back for the interview part.
  13. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Wow dunno where I got 80 from then thanks megan.
  14. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    No worries Vicky :) Someone asked Yummy at the interviews, and posted it somewhere on here- and I have just remembered how many it was. I would have no idea how many people were there if someone hadn't asked!
  15. andrew1990

    andrew1990 New Member

    Hi guys!

    I've just joined the boards today.

    I've wanted to apply for this programme ever since I was 14 and spotted someone working at Epcot from Leeds - I thought if she can do it, so can I! It's been an absolute dream since then, and I'm applying to Yummy tonight with the view to work from July 2012, as I don't graduate uni until June '12.

    I've been reading through past discussions and guides on this (fantastic) site, but I still don't feel entirely comfortable. The numbers of people who apply are overwhelming; the more I think about it the more I think "Do I even have a chance?". I dunno. I'm just typing up my CV now and trying to make it as brilliant as possible, but does anyone have any hints and tips for making your CV really appeal to Yummy?

    I'm so desperate for this job, it would be an absolute dream come true. I want to make sure I'm doing everything I possibly can to get it.
  16. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    keep your cv professional - make sure it highlights any skills you have that are relevant to disney e.g. customer service, communication, etc

    then include either a cover letter or use the motivation box to explain why you want the job - what you can bring to it? what you hope to get form it, what working at disney means to you, maybe any personal experience you have with disney, perhaps highlight any experience u have of living away form home / living with other people etc at uni so they can see u would cope with being away form home for a year and with sharing with other people,

    and then just fingers crossed. and if u dont get through the first time try again - lots of people take 3/4 attempts to get through
  17. andrew1990

    andrew1990 New Member

    Thanks a lot. That's really helped.

    Fingers crossed!
  18. laurenaimee

    laurenaimee New Member

    Hi guys!

    My name is Lauren, 21, from Portsmouth. I applied a week ago, to go out July 2012, but have just come accross this forum! Its great to have found a place where everybody feels the same! Long wait now, but thought i'd say hi and good luck to everybody!
  19. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

    im on the isle of wight,it soon come around the interviews etc
  20. natbo92

    natbo92 New Member

    hi nice to meet you and welcome :D

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