Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney-dude, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I was going to say, but for some reason forgot to, that yes, it certainly can't hurt!!

    Doing a Dear Sir/Madam job should work fine as it meant to be a formal application after all!

    Go for it!! Good luck to you and welcome to the January family! :)
  2. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Thank yooooou. Again :).

    Awww i'm getting nervous already about everything and it's such a long wait away :(
  3. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Wooooo times drags when your waiting on good stuff. Only thing I have to look forward to is the possibility of working at Butlins this year ( I know I said haven last time, but thats not until summer, and this is for now until december I think ) Gahh

    So what are people doing to try and fill the time? other than not think about it XD
  4. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Hey everyone, such fun this waiting eh? Well 30 days till the applications close then 28 until the month we find out woo hoo (in a halfhearted voice)
  5. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Keeping busy is sooo important, I know that all to well when applying for Disney!

    Waiting, waiting, waiting....

    ....and then there's the Waiting List from the last interviews, I'm so impatient for them to hear too!

    Only for Disney would I put myself through this for the 3rd time lol :D
  6. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    well I'm still at uni this year so that's taking up the majority of my time :)
  7. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Black Ops...
  8. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    everytime i see your name i think of the simpsons, totally love that show! Im job hunting to pass the time :S
  9. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    That's where it comes from, well spotted! My friends called it me all through school so it kinda stuck.
  10. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    i lovvvvvvvvveeeeeeee the simpsons - homer is a legend as you can tell by my pic and martin cracks me up i went to school with a kid who i sware was the same as him, same hair, short fat and total insane geek was sooo funny. Hows tricks mate?
  11. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    Anybody here an NBA fan (Basketball)? I'd so wanna catch a few Orlando Magic games if I make it to CRP :)
  12. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Im not like a huge fan but im up for catching a few games american sports appeal to me much more than uk ones. I quite fancy seeing if i get into american football, def up for going to a few games :)
  13. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    Yeah I'd quite like to watch an American Football game too, and I know what you mean about the appeal of american sports. very different to sports here in the UK. I hope there's some sort of sports event we can take part in whilst working at Disney.
  14. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Im sure there are sports day and charity runs and i think their is a football (ahem soccer) league
  15. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    I dont know about everyone else but I am getting confused with all the people we have that applied in Jan.
  16. TreacleMagic

    TreacleMagic New Member

    It would be interesting to see your list updated cos its been a while and there have been a few new applicants since then. quite a few on the facebook site.
    I spend my time trying to work out who you all are compared to facebook. Its a little game i play.
    BTW, saw Tangled today! it was a lovely film. I welled up a few times and my niece was sweet too.

    Janey xx
  17. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Hi I would update it but to be honest ive lost track and there are people on fb that I dont think are on here, its all very confusing, i think a seperate fb group will be in order later on.
  18. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Lucky! I wanted to go to uni, to study cruise management, then funding went up and I left college so that became a tad awkward xD What are you studying? If you dont mind me asking

    ARGH Me to!! I loved it to pieces. and near the end just omg, I was trying not to cry XD I hope they make make an appearance in wdw <3
  19. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Hunting for a job that pays :(. Doing volunteer work at the moment, it's nice and everything but i have no money haha.

    As for sports i'm an F1 fan so i'm going to struggle to watch it over there :(. Can't imagine too many people wandering through Epcot will be blurting out F1 results though so i should be able to make it back to the appartments and catch up online :D.

    Uh oh, i cry at everything so i'm assuming i have no chance lol. Was supposed to be seeing it today but my brother isn't well so now i'm going to see it closer to my birthday on two weeks time :(. Haha going to be 19 and i'm going to see a Disney movie :D.

    Can anyone just not stop thinking about it? I seem to talk about it all the time and i'm picking out things in shops that would be useful over there and stuff lol. Hopefully if i don't get through this time i'll be able to at some point in the future. No giving up :)
  20. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    Yeah the increase in tuition fees is ridiculous.

    I study 'Advertising and Media' at Northumbria University (Newcastle). I absolutely love living up here in Newcastle and I'm gonna miss it so much after I graduate, but if I get to move to Florida for a year I guess it's not so bad :) I really don't want to move back home after I finish uni and have to start looking for a job.

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