Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney-dude, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I did exactly that too.

    Oh and welcome - hooray for more people in the family!

    We're nearly at the month mark (kind of in my head, cos I'm looking forward to pay day on the 28th so I keep telling myself its soon!)
  2. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    I'm counting down the days until I can move back home from Switzerland. 6 months here is farrrr too long...

    So...I'm interested to know...How did everyone find out about the Disney Programs and Yummy Jobs???

    I went on holiday to Disney in 2008 (10 years after the last time I went!) and there was someone from my home town doing the ICP on Pirates of the Carribean who told me how to do it. Got home and first thing I did was apply! Before then though I had no idea about Yummy Jobs or the CRP!!
  3. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Went to Orlando when they held Wrestlemania there in 2008 and went to Pleasure Island to get my drink on...met a dude who was doing the CRP, asked him how he got such a sweet gig and he told me about Yummy. Got home, sent them an email and it went from there.
  4. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I got chatting to a CRP called Jenny when I was last in Epcot and found out about the program from her.
    Years later as I was wondering what on Earth to do with my life after graduation, I googled it and up came the Disney International Programmes website with the link to Yummy...the rest is history
  5. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    I had heard about someone I know working for disney during the summer but that was all i had heard. I googled it and it sounded like an amazing opportunity, looked into it and found out about Yummy
  6. Chris9Wong

    Chris9Wong New Member

    I have 2 friends who have done the program. One did the summer program and the other did ICP. I originally emailed Yummy about doing the ICP but was told that they couldn't take on final year students. They suggested I apply for the CRP :)
  7. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Pretty sure i just googled 'work in disneyworld' and found yummys link ! LOL
  8. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    I was looking for jobs with disney cruiseline found out I had to be 21 with 3 years experience, was saddened by this, then googled "jobs at disney" found disney international programs, looked around the site, found the crp, decided it was a good way to get an understanding of how disney works, and so here I am =]
  9. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I heard about it so long ago that I really can't remember how I originally heard about it. But I re-heard about it more recently when a work colleague of my mother told her about her son doing the program and suddenly I realised 'hey, I'm finishing university soon, I should totally apply'!
  10. citywalk

    citywalk New Member

    Bout yee
  11. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Hi everyone :).
    I'm completely new and a little late applying compared to all of you haha.
    I'm Emma.
    From Hessle (near Hull)
    And it's my first time applying wooo :)
  12. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    welcome feel free to add me on fb, my link is further back in the thread or join the group on fb, or do both or neither ha ha :)

  13. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Hey, thanks :). I'll probably do that if i get any further in the process. I don't want to make myself sad everyday if i don't get through haha.

    Do you know if there are people under 21 applying? I'm worried i'm going to bored with no alcohol for a year :D. Presuming i get a place at all lol.
  14. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    there's plenty of people under 21 :) and there are plenty of parties and opportunities for under 21's to drink out there if they choose to and are smart about it - golden rule is dont get caught - most people dont - welcome to the forums :D

    just over 4 weeks til the apps close now!!!!!
  15. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    Hi Emma,
    I was under 21 last time I was out there and I had an amazing time. I did drink but never got completely wasted (I don't think...). Just be careful and it really doesn't affect your experience! You probably shouldn't drink when out in clubs and things but that never ruined my night.
  16. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Heya and welcome to the forums =]

    I'm under 21 and applying as well =D So don't worry, I think if you just wean yourself off booze this year, or just drink a little and dont get drunk as often (or at all) just so you know when your there its easy as pie and you know you wont be bored because your not drinking =]

    Besides its always fun to watch drunk people do silly things, forget it all in the morning and your the only one who can actually remember what happened xD
  17. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    I don't want to say go ahead and drink and you won't get caught...because you could....

    I used to drink fairly often, but only at Lasses. You just have to be more aware, like if security break up the party make sure you don't have a drink in your hand and make sure it cannot be mistaken as your drink (even if it is) - plastic cups are always a good idea. And try not to have your photo taken with a drink in your hand. People have gotten into to trouble before from photos on Facebook.
    Obviously don't keep alcohol in your apartment - if you do have alcohol perhaps ask a friend who is over 21 to keep it. You have to be aware you would be putting both yourselves at risk then though. Don't wonder round the housing complexes with alcohol, don't drink in a wellness apartment etc. And I would really suggest, as I said before, not drinking in clubs, particularly the ones on Disney property!

    I don't want to suggest drinking because at the end of the day, being caught for drinking is absolutely not worth getting sent home for. You don't need to drink to have a good time at Disney
  18. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    Haha i sound like an alcoholic :D. It's not like that at all, i don't drink too much now (only when my friends are back from university which i didn't do blah blah blah life story :) ). I just might feel a bit weird if everyone else is drinking and I'm not but now i know there are other under 21s it would be okay. I'm 19 next month so the only point I'd be 21 is if i didn't go until late February 2012 which could be possible i suppose :). True about not needing it for fun at Disney, if i got on i can't wait to see the fireworks again. Best bit in my opinion :)
    But merci for all your help :).

    Just reading back through the forum and i didn't include a cover letter, should it be done? If so what is it supposed to contain? Is it like the motivation box but expanded?
    Sorry for being a pain :(.
  19. mushu

    mushu New Member

    There's no correct answer to that. People have gotten through by including a covering letter, and others have gotten throug without it. Believe me when I say some of it is just luck!

    There are some similarities between the covering letter and the motivation box. What did you put in there? Basically why you want to work for Disney? The covering letter I wrote highlighted all of my skills (from working), had a bit about why I wanted to apply and what I felt I could offer Disney / gain from Disney during the year.

    Does that help?
  20. emmaecstatic

    emmaecstatic New Member

    I put why i wanted to work there and my love for Disney. Things like that. But i didn't put too much. I might just include a letter because it can't hurt can it? :). Hopefully not anyway :).
    Thank you so much for your help :).

    Who should i address my cover letter to or is it just a Dear Sir/Madam deal?

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