Applications for 2013, help me please...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by LauraJayne, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Laura - you can't apply for the CRP whilst you're still on the ICP, you'll have to wait until after to apply cos you can only have one application going at a time - when I did my first ICP I couldn't apply for the following summer until after my contract end date, even though the applications opened earlier if that makes sense?
    Or at least that was the case in 2009 :)
  2. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    I think they must've changed their policy since then, I did the ICP last summer too and I applied at the end of August for this year whilst I was still in Florida. Just to check, I emailed yummy as well, and Kristen has said that as soon as I arrive in orlando and begin working my profile will be able to apply for a new role, so I'm all set :D unless I choose to wait until January, not sure when is best, looking for the end of 2013 but competition is so tough...hmmm

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