Applications 2014

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Pau1401, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. kristinenorway

    kristinenorway New Member

    This is my first time applying, and I've had the Skype interview, and they told me at the end of the interview that I'm through to the second interview round. Just want to know what to expect if they decide not to choose me. I really really hope they do, though! *fingers crossed*
  2. GeorgieeClark

    GeorgieeClark New Member

    Well fingers are crossed for all of us here applying :). Its soo nerve racking.
  3. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    Thank youu! Yes, I'm applying for this year CRP but I'm from Indonesia. They usually review the application at the end of the year
  4. GeorgieeClark

    GeorgieeClark New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    Oh really. So have they not set a date for you to apply yet?
  5. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    No, actually there is no exact date. As far as I know (and by my experience) we just have to send our CV and motivation letter to Disney International Programs email then they will forward our application to the recruiter responsible and from there the recruiter will contact us if they are interested in our application to have a Skype interview. The next thing is the result whether you make it or in waiting list.
  6. reylasano33

    reylasano33 New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    Oh yaa...? Jadi kita kirim nya sekitar bulan Oct gitu?
    Hahahahahah... dikit banget ya quota nya T_T
    semangat Zsa! Semoga tahun ini lolos!! :))
  7. Kathalizsa

    Kathalizsa New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    Amiiin! Semoga di lulusin semuaaa. Iya kemarin trakir aku coba kirim dibilangnya skrg lagi ga lihat aplikasi, coba kirim lagi bulan Sept dan seterusnya. Tp emg kmrn Dec interview nya. Tapi coba aja kirim, nanti kirim lg hehe. Rey pertama kali apply?
  8. Bubbles29693

    Bubbles29693 Member

    Last time I applied I asked for feedback and got the generic there are so many amazing applicants we can only pick a few response, so I emailed back again asking and got a bit of feedback on what was lacking from my application :) Sometimes you just have to keep asking!
  9. Allie_M

    Allie_M New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    Hi Georgiee! I am liking your page...I have applied for the CRP for the Canadian Pavilion and I'm just waiting to hear back from Yummy with my interview date!

    I think the Facebook page is a great way to support each other and stay connected throughout this stressful process!! :)
  10. GeorgieeClark

    GeorgieeClark New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    Awesome :)
    Do you go through the same stages as what we do for the UK?

    Thanks, i just figured that this is my fourth attempt at applying and i want to be really positive about it all and thought if i get to know more people who are going through the same process it may make it a little easier and fingers crossed this is my year that i will finally get through :)
  11. Allie_M

    Allie_M New Member

    A positive attitude is KEY!

    This is my first time applying so I am not really sure what to expect, but from what I have read the UK and Canada process is pretty similar.

    Are you applying for Merch or F&B?
  12. GeorgieeClark

    GeorgieeClark New Member

    So you go through all the stages we do?

    I'm happy with either merch or f&b. They both sound like great environments to work in :)
    What about yourself, merch or f&b?
  13. Allie_M

    Allie_M New Member

    Well I have my phone interview in a couple of weeks and then if I make it through that I've been told there will be round 3 which is the face to face. Is that the UK process as well?

    I applied for F&B, but I would honestly be happy doing anything!!
  14. GeorgieeClark

    GeorgieeClark New Member

    I don't think we have the phone interview anymore. After reading a few blogs, I'm sure it's like a group interview instead and then face to face but not 100%.

    Yeah I think either role would be pretty cool.
    Have you worked within a f&b role before? Or is it just something you would like to try out?
  15. Allie_M

    Allie_M New Member

    A group interview sounds neat! I guess it's a good way to meet people you could possibly be working with.

    I worked as a waitress for 2 years and I loved it! I don't have any experience in Merch but I would love to give it a shot!
  16. GeorgieeClark

    GeorgieeClark New Member

    Yeah, do like the idea of a group interview.

    Oh really, that is a plus that you enjoyed it :)
    That is one thing that i have always worried about when applying is that i've never worked as a waitress or any bar work and i don't know if that is a disadvantage but i have worked in retail and had a lot of customer service experience. I'm just so nervous. Fingers crossed its fourth time lucky for me haha
  17. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Does anyone know what the deal is with Kidcot and how that works when applying for the CRP? Are you able to go for that?
  18. Jenna88

    Jenna88 Member

    Kidcot is part of merchandise. Those in merchandise swap between the shops, cart and kidcot :)
  19. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

  20. reylasano33

    reylasano33 New Member

    Re: Applications 2014

    yapp this is my first time..!
    hehehe.. gitu yaa.
    well the other countries seem to have their own representative agents like YummyJobs etc, I was wondering how it will work out for us.
    thanks for the info Zsa.

    kamu rencana ngirim lagi September?
    sekarang udah kerja?

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