Anyone under 21 going?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by sjones, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. ciara-cinders

    ciara-cinders New Member

    I hope so!!
  2. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Trust me you will ;) I was 19 when I went and it was no problem at all...

    Where in Ireland are you from? I was thinking about moving there but now I am going to Canada. Maybe I will still move there next year though :)
  3. ciara-cinders

    ciara-cinders New Member

    Oh good, because i was worried about that, three months is very long hehe, I'm from Wicklow, which is about an hour from Dublin (the capital), cool!!
  4. AshleyDawn

    AshleyDawn New Member

    Mhm, it's fairly even across Canada with the 18/19 age. For a lot of small towns, and I'm speaking for my rural area, it's totally strange if someone doesn't casually drink underage. Not saying that it's frowned upon, but most of us are farmkids and have nothing else to do... haha, nice excuse, huh?

    I've always had an admiration for Ireland (well, most of the Uk, really. But we're not getting into that ;D) and considered doing SWAP (student working abroad program) there, but I really really can't stand more than a few days rain. Torrential rain sure :D Sporadic, strange rain, okay. But not regular rain! Ah! I see one or two storms a year and that's good enough for me, thankyou.


    Oh, I forgot to say. I love pool too, but only because I'm really good at cheating at it :D Mind you, most of my friends were pretty smashed and probably wouldn't notice the apocalypse, but it was super fun to see their faces when they thought I had sunk every ball :D
  5. ciara-cinders

    ciara-cinders New Member

    Yeah, I live in a small rural area too, lol yes very nice excuse!!

    Lol ooooh how interesting-doing the SWAP there, but you'll probably get a culture shock here and if you can't stand the rain then you probably wont be standing a lot!! Lol although here, 19years of it, I've gotten used to the annoying weather, I appreciate Florida soooo much more though!! Hehe but seriously, Ireland is cool, scenery is beautiful and so are the people, very welcoming too.

    Lol oooh you HAVE to teach me how to cheat, that'd be soo much fun, especially to see my friends faces hehehe, ooh good trick-get them locked!! lol Fun times i bet
  6. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Teach me this amazing cheating tool too!!! I can't play pool to save my life- I don't play any more since the rule about having all the balls on the table when the other person one + stripping was introduced :p (Yes, I actually am that bad!)
  7. ciara-cinders

    ciara-cinders New Member

    I'm that bad too, people have actually let me win lol
  8. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Haha I am alright at pool, not the best, but ok. I just played a round of drunken pool when I was in Canada a few months ago...and my friend and I won!!! hehe

    I found a lot of job offers in Limerick, but I doesn't seem like the prettiest place lol I would like to move to Dublin or maybe Cork. Belfast would be nice, too. Anyting that's a little bigger :)
    You are right, it's a beautiful country and nice people ( who like to drink ;) )
  9. ciara-cinders

    ciara-cinders New Member

    Lol hehe, drunken pool must be fun!!

    Limerick is an okay place, I've been there a few times, its a good university place but Cork and Dublin are my favourite places in Ireland, they're filled with atmosphere and the mix between country and city life. Lol yes we like to have a good time ;) :D

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