word of advice, deleting your sent messages can actually make things worse...i mean you have no idea what you said then, whereas sometimes you haven't sent anything too bad. i can't remember anything i've sent for your enjoyment hehe
i love sending drunk texts almost as much as i love getting them. I've never actually gone onto facebook or wdwip drunk though
I get drunk.. too much and send drunk messages, drunk facebook messages, and come on here quite a lot drunk and ramblin on in very very ridiculously long posts so i do apologise loves x
Drunken facebook is the worst... They should have a pin code that you can set before you go out, so you can't manage to get on when your drunk! haha...
hahaha i've never done it really! mainly because my friends are always keeping an eye on me and snatch the phone away whenever they think i might make a dangerous call! haha : omg pascha! ur so bad! i've done that too... although i wasn't drunk hahaha just being my usual very evil self! haha na i was 15 and stupid, and never doing that again! :-X
hahahaha see? its true sphinx and dont even try to pretend ur a little saint JP! i think we all know better! hahaha
haha i didnt mean u sphinx! (aunque q risa q te caio el saco jaja ) i meant the dude in the gorgeous blue dress ;D hahaha
Hahaha..Think this blue dress is getting far too appreciated, I might have to wear it a few times in florida for you all!! Hahaha..
hahaha OMG! i'm so excited now! please wear it on your first night in Orlando yeah? hahaha u'll irresistible to us all JP! and we'll be able to pick u out from the crowd so easily
I even think I started this damn thread while I was abit drunk, so writing on internet while wasted, np! If it's smart... I don't really think so However, can't wait to get smashed with you guys!
Isn't there a (UK) phone network where you can set up a block for specific numbers @ specific times... so like, your ex's number between 9PM Friday night and say 6AM Saturday morning?? Virgin I think it was on...
haha we'll see about that in Florida, Mr Young thats handy! wish there was something like that in mexico :-\