Anyone else applying in January from the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Babe.

    (big hug and even bigger kiss)
  2. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I was tempted to smother my sorrows with KFC or a pizza but I'm on a diet and I'm not going to waste all that effort. I've lost almost 2 stone and pizza won't make me happy... (for long)
  3. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    did anyone get a phone call today?!
  4. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    Good luck everyone, I never got it but I'm not too gutted. Que sera sera and all that... By the way, do you think girls are at a disadvantage to boys when applying? There always seems to be more female applicants, and they've probably got a gender ratio to work with?
  5. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I know i just wanted to go down to the shop, and buy a bunch of chocolate, but had to resist!
  6. Maybe, im not to sure how they choose.
  7. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Perhaps. They were very unwilling to answer my questions about the ratio of accepted to rejected etc. We need someone on the inside!
  8. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    u may have a point there nikki, curiouser and curiouser....
  9. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Perhaps I should start strapping my boobs down and drawing on facial hair? ::)
  10. not to be insensitive, but did anyone get word back from michele earlier about their interview time? I imagine she'll sort it all out tomorrow or something?
  11. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Its not insensitive Jasper, don't worry about it ;)
  12. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Mine is currently 411 words but I'm going to flesh it out a little more and re-read over it a few thousand times :) x
  13. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I know, i can't stop re-reading mine, and changing words around. I hadn't too many i know, I'm, and as's, so i been changing all them around.

    I really know don't whether they budge about it though, or just say re apply in August
  14. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Well.. maybe they won't budge. But it's worth a try. And our persistance may be remembered in August if we have to re-apply then.

    Mine is 555 words and I'm sending it. Here's to another day of obsessively checking my inbox :D lol
  15. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I just send my letter this morning. :-[
  16. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Good girl :) fingers crossed sweetheart xx
  17. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Oh my gosh, I've just had to read back like 10 pages to catch up!

    You guys, I'm so sorry that you didn't get through, I know what its like to get all the way to an f2f and still not get the job. Never give up on your dream though!!

    Megan, Todd, Jim/Jasper (I'm confused lol) and anyone else I missed well done!!! I am thrilled to inform you that I am joining the little phone interview crew! ;D ;D
  18. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Congrats Vicki :)
  19. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    I got a reply this morning after sending my availiability yesterday afternoon/evening suggesting a time next Thursday - I was surprised Michele didn't ask me for a phone interview on an earlier date given I was availiable, to allow those who haven't read or replied to their emails the later slots.
  20. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Congrats Vicki :D
    I'm pleased to hear you got through.
    Congratulations to everyone else, and good luck to all of you who are re-applying or trying to get Yummy to reconsider.

    I'm currently at school and can't access my email so I don't know if I have an email from Michele confirming my date and time yet, but when I know I'll keep you posted!!
    Time to start my preparation...

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