Anyone else applying in January from the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Thanks for the kind offer. I'll get my mum to read over it she's an Interviewer not that, that help me get through the first time though lol!

    I think I'll email it tomorrow, I feel like they'll just take one glance at it, and say "no, we already have enough people!"

    Argh, couldn't they interview me now for the August appls so I don't have to wait. I can't take this, I'm just sitting at home, suppose to be revising for my stupid exam tomorrow, all I can do is check on here, and check my email, in case it was a mistake lol!
  2. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    I've just got an email saying I've got a phone interview!
  3. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    congrats, i didn't think they would be senting out congrats emails so soon!
  4. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Thankyou, hopefully you'll be successful in future applications, good luck!
  5. My computer went ape, my wdwip profile has reset and my facebook had no friends i am currently searching for folk again so please add me on facebook!

    Just got an email and get accepted to the phone interviews, Guys i am gutted you didnt get asked. Im not acting smug cos this is still early days and i might only get through to this interview, but still im gutted. DAN!!! GUTTED MATE!! Add me on facebook.
  6. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I'm really sorry to hear about you guys who didn't get through, good luck with your future applications.
    I've just read my emails and have been successful in getting a phone interview.

    I wish you all the best of luck, and wish we could be going through this journey together.
  7. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I'm jealous of and happy for you all at the same time lol. Darn conflicting emotions.
  8. It doesn't mean anything yet. just cos we got phone interviews doesn't mean were going by any means. Im still equally as fucked up about it lol!
    But i am surprised at how bad i feel for u guys, seriously. I wish i knew what 2 say, but if ur anything like me there is nothing i can say.
  9. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    whoop got a phone interview, with Michele...she did my last one too, she rang me for ICP late last year and remembered me from the last ICP fone interviews hahaha! ive asked for 11am on friday...get it over with! yaaaaay! fingers crossed i do well in the interview!
    xx ;D
  10. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    got my phone interview, bit panicked as it might be tomorow morning ???

    If anyone is at the moment constructing emails to enquire on their rejection i'll be happy to help you out and proof read it for you if you need it.
  11. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    OMG just read that a few of you guys didn't get fone interviews
    thats so gutting, dont give up though! i dnt even no what they look for, i mean im probs gunna aminly be considered for F&B cos thats all ive worked in really, and ive worked at a Hilton hotel and other hotels so kinda know some stuff about leisure and hospitality, and also the fact ive been before and know the way things work in a way may of given me some kind of advantage but don't know if these are put into account!
    Anyway guys who are getting a phone interview congrats and hopefully see you at the f2f interviews whooopa!
  12. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Hey Steph, added you on msn for rejection email help, any help greatly appreciated :)
  13. Did she email u 2 confirm ur interview date. Cos I emailed her my availability but she hasn't responded yet.

    Congrats 2 u guys, Todd and Steph.
  14. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    And yeah Jasper, I know you're not in yet but it feels so crap not to have even been considered good enough for a 10 minute phone call. I didn't think my CV/covering letter was THAT bad... but apparently so... Oh well.
  15. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    im sure it wasnt ure CV or cover letter hun, its just a shitter really, they may of just filled their quota quickly or sumthing n im sure ull b one of the 1st considered in august!
    what merch or f&b experience have u had? and how old are you?
  16. This is the way I look at it, if you get rejected at the cv round, then its nothing to do with you as a person. Its just that maybe ur work experience, or cover letter didnt fit what they're looking for.
    Now, if i get rejected in the phone or if i make it 2 the face2face, then that is due to my personality, and that is really gonna be upsetting.

    There is nothing i can say cos i know it wont make u feel better. But if i dont get through im gonna apply again, and i hope u do to.
  17. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I'm defo going to apply again, it's just all the waiting. I'll be applying in aug, and you guys we be leaving a month later.

    I thinking should i change jobs, i currently work at a supermarket?
  18. get a job thats more hands on with the customers! Like a hotel, or in a restaraunt or a shop!
  19. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    ToddyBee, I'm 22 and have waitressing, bar work, hotel reception, retail, reception, admin and customer service (call center) experience. I also have an NVQ in customer service. I think the qualifications are there, but I didn't sell myself well enough in the covering letter.  :-\

    I wish I knew what a good covering letter looks like to them... I was worried about being too personal but I think I wasn't personal enough... Oh well. I genuinely am happy for the rest of you, I just really want to come along on the ride with you. I feel kinda cheated for getting kicked out so soon.

  20. Were not going yet by any means mate. We could get told no after this stage and be applying again in august. Which i am definitely going to do.

    Todd you got facebook mate?

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