Anyone else applying in January from the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I'm trying to concentrate... but it's just not working :-\
    I just want to know!!

    Lol, impatient much?! :D
  2. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I know, i can not concentrate I have a Biology exam on Thursday, and I have hardly done any revision for it at all. I just want to hear back from YJ.
  3. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Its terrible as I have to keep checking on here too to see if any of you have had an email!

    Hopefully we will have heard by this time next week! :) xxx
  4. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    hi guys, dunno if anyone's done this yet, but here's the dates i had (but obv the timescale may have changed) just in case it helps at all

    9th july 2008 - e-mail confirming my application had been received and saying i'd hear within a month
    28th july 2008 - e-mail saying i had a phone interview and offering dates
    1st august 2008 - phone interview
    13th august 2008 - e-mail saying i had been successful and would be asked back for a F2F (but no dates)
    18th august 2008 - e-mail saying we'd be hearing F2F dates at the end of september
    9th september 2008 - e-mail giving dates and details of the F2F
    23rd october 2008 - F2F
    (6th november 2008 - people were getting rejection e-mails :( sad times!)
    7th november 2008 - phone call saying i had been accepted and giving me my date

    anyway, hope that helps in some way :) x
  5. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Wow, thanks for that Matt, Congrats on getting through.

    Hopefully we should hear form them this week, and see you there, when we all get through!!
  6. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Good Idea Matt
    Heres a List of My Events That I Went Throught

    01st July - Applyed :) (with CV, No Cover Letter
    02nd July - Got told i wasn't what they were looking for :(
    5th July - Applied Again!! (with amazing cover letter)
    9th July - Yummy Jobs replied saying they liked my enthusiasm and would keep hold of me incase i get a phone interview.
    28th July - An E-mail Saying i had a phone interview and a list of dates and times to choose from :) :) :) :)
    August 6th - Phone Interview :)
    August 13th - Saying i was successful and inviting my for a Face to Face interview! :)
    August 18th - No Dates for Face to Face. But a friendly e-mail saying we would hear soon!
    September 9th - Finally Got The Face To Face Dates! :) :)
    October 24th - Face to Face in London Baby!
    November 1st - I'd bitten all my nails off worrying and being nervous and whether i would get in or not - i seriously doubted it
    6th November - Rejection e-mails went out to some friends i met in London :( - I then constantly re-loaded my inox waiting for mine, also people were gettin e-mails saying that they were being held on the waiting list.
    7th November - Morning - Hearing about more people being rejected on here, and people being wait-listed. Afternoon - They Rang. :) I GOT IN! YAY! - Big Smiles! :)
    17th December - Disney Pack Arrives :):)


    June 8th - Fly out to Disney one day early cause it was cheaper :) :)

    June 9th - START DATE! :) x
  7. You got out right rejected the day after you handed in ur cv? I wonder if they do that alot, or even still do that.
  8. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    Maybe they do if you dont include a covering letter?
  9. Do you think they do if they read it and think right away, no your not suitable.
  10. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    My dates were very similar to Matts:

    11.07.09 - Application sent to YummyJobs
    14.07.09 - Confirmation application was received
    28.07.09 - Offer of telephone interview
    04.08.09 - Telephone interview (with Kirsty)
    13.08.09 - Email letting us know we woud be invited to Hammersmith Interview
    18.08.09 - Informing us we would not know exact date of interview until Sept some time rather than Aug (but told us it would be in Oct)
    09.09.09 - Official invitation for interview including date (letting us know you needed to confirm attendance)
    11.09.09 - Confirmation of interview
    23.10.09 - Face to face with Roger
    06.11.09 - Was told I was unsuccessful at the f2f stages but if any job became available they would consider me

    ...a long long wait...

    19.12.08 - Got the call offering me a job to start in Feb 09!
    06.01.09 - Received Disney pack
    02.02.09 - Visa appointment
    17.02.09 - Flight and start date!!!

    So its not the end of the world if you get 'wait listed' - it really can still happen!!!
  11. thats pretty funky that u only waited a month and they offered u a placement starting 2 months away tho????

    LOL! Good on ya, hope u love it!
  12. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    haha michelle you got rejected on my birthday!
  13. MATT!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

    I like your style!
  14. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    ha ha ha ur both douche dookie shitty bags!!!! that is hilarious....imagine Michele wasnt going and u said that hehehehehe OMG i would b like kicking ur bootie all the way to Staines massive!!!! ;D
  15. chris, u are a leg-end
  16. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    sorry michelle, what i meant was "haha michelle you got rejected on my birthday! i'm glad it all worked out and you got in though because otherwise my life would have been over. literally."
    but it's good, michelle's gonna be in disney with me, looking after me when i'm drinking ;) hehe

    and i'll av you no, my uncul and cuz aaare from staaaaaaines. or egham. sumfin like dat. so i iz gangsta innit. i went der last summer. dey ain't got nuthin on me! fo sho!
  17. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    It's my birthday next month.. I wonder if I will get some good news from Disney on that day :)

    Or really bad news that would ruin it :( lol. Oh well!

    Lol @ the boys' banter.
  18. Me 2, 11th of february, ill be 21.........come on!!!!
  19. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    11th Feb? That was my Dad's birthday too :) That might be my good news day. Woop woop! (birthday is Feb 25th)
  20. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    wicked i really hope u guys have the best bday ever with of course the best news which i am sure u will.

    And Matt - i was only kiddin wich ya. and u bein gangsta, oh my mickey sowi bout wat i said init bout ur uncle bein in Staines, they got da best cinema in it. Im ur cuz man too so be checkin it wich ya latersssss.

    hehehe im really crap at that. lol


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