Anyone else applying in January from the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I know exactly how you feel but try to enjoy your birthday and present as thats an amazing experience in itself and you don't want to ruin it. I'm sure you'll get in though, you're so enthusiastic :D
  2. I know i am excited i love new york, but i cannot stop thinking about this.
  3. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Oh I'm going to NYC too in April, I'm really excited, but i'm even more excited about CRP though!
  4. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    HELLO its ur 21st damn right u gotta b excited. Its the douches bag 21st in NEW YORK. enjoy it. I wish i was going with you. I love to go to NY and dont worry bout CRP. I pray you and i will meet at the interviews and actually meet each other face 2 face. xxxx
  5. Omg mate if we do, i say screw the traditional TGI Fridays meal, lets go to some hot london club and get the drinking goin.
  6. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    Hell yeaaaa.....8)
  7. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I'm after for London clubbing action if I get to the f2f interview.

    Lets do it after the interviews though. We don't want to turn up with hangovers now do we? :p
  8. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Noooo, I doubt that would help your chances of getting accepted. Celebration will, of course, be in order when we've had the interviews!!
  9. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    You'd think being at work would help keep me busy and stop me checking my email every 10 minutes... but nope!

    The phones are pretty quiet today so I'm just sitting here refreshing my inbox and checking on here to see if anyone has heard anything lol. I need a book or something... :-\
  10. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I don't think anyone can stop checking their inbox! LOL
  11. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I'm so glad I can check mine on my mobile!! Gmail is blocked at work :mad:

    Mobile internet is just about saving my sanity lol
  12. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Calm down guys! :)
    I know exactly how you feel.. i'd check my e-mail.. and then be like :( Nothinng, and then id be like :O What if they sent it as i was logging out.. so checked again
    and the horrible circle of e-mail checking lasted all day
    for about a week ;o
    then again
    and again
    and again =]

    Just relax :) I know its hard.. :) Watch something or do something to try and take your mind of your e-mail inbox..
    no its just not gonna work.. its all you can think about when you are awake and asleep! :)
    Sorry kiddies :) X
  13. DanielJ97

    DanielJ97 New Member

    basically they said they were looking for someone with more experience yet at the time i was working for a corporate hospitally agency which mainly dealt with selling concert, special events and sports tickets not to mention tours around london lol and running a foreign currency exchange all in one hit but thats not enough lol they also said they would keep my cv for 6 months and see what happens so obviously i stayed at my current job but it's driving me nuts lol i hope this time around it will work out for me plus also my girlfriend will be starting the program on 17th feb in merchandise.
  14. oh god mate, ur girlfriend is starting and u have 2 wait. that sucks. I guess its either gonna be monday or later...obviously when we find out!
  15. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I've never wanted a weekend to go so quickly! lol
  16. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    Yea me 2.....i cannot wait till Monday or any day next week. My tummy is killing me........omg omg omg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  17. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I'm being strangely patient, or else its just silent panic. Hopefully we'll know by this time Monday!!!!
  18. ToddyBee

    ToddyBee New Member

    Hey guys!
    just remembered that i had joined this website when i was applying for ICP last year haha! I was a character performer which is ace...want to do it agen for a year but sadly cnt do it so ive resorted to doing this instead, but i met a lot of ppl from the UK pavillion cos i worked there too as a certain donkey! haha! They r all really nice and friendly and the social side is immense...they have UK LADS AND LASSES dnt no if n e 1 else has mentioned it, i was fortunate enough to go along with the guys for a few nights out and they know how to party haha! well they are from the UK and thats what we do best...hopefully wanna work in f&b cos its where the money and tips are and its a better social side too! will be mega excited if i manage to get thru...i dnt see why i cudnt cos i got a fone interview for CRP wen i was applying for ICP ddnt need a second phone interview last time...hope the same happens agen cos they sed i did pretty well in the interview!
    ARGH rambling!

  19. Hey Tod, I was in UK LADS! But i did it 2007, so maybe wasnt there when u came along, totally understand why you wanna go back to badly. Alot of folk on here in the same position.

    When did u apply if u mind me asking?

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