Anyone else applying in January from the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Well that solves my problem...

    I got a letter through from Uni this morning stating that I need to do a little extra study after this summer, so I wasnt sure if I should/could apply for a place this time round since I wouldnt be able to go till after December and I couldnt remember the dates they'd be applying for.

    Since they've closed the door on any more applications, I'm gonna wait till August and apply then. I'll have more experience and hopefully have a better chance of getting through.

    Good luck to everyone - you're going to do brilliantly! - and I'm going to be keeping a close eye on whats going on this time round so anything, and everything, you can post about - post! I look forward to reading about it all!
  2. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    I got an email saying the usual "there were more applicants with better experience in tourism etc" stuff, but I don't believe that was the case. I heard a lot of people got in who had no experience whatsoever whereas I'd worked in an airport for 2 years previous. I emailed Michele back arguing (in a nice way of course) that I thought that was good enough tourism experience haha, but she still said no :(

    I think they just say that to make the rejections nicer? I know it's not nice, but it sounds a lot better than "sorry we don't want you".
  3. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    That so weirddd.....yea i know lots of people who have never worked in hospitality and got in. Well last year in Septmeber and October I asked Alexis for one of the hospitality positions in Florida, I had relevant experience but i guess not enough (I did the ICP programme and studied Hospitality management at UCF, then also had 2 - 3 years of front desk, reception) but also got told the same thing, that I didnt have enough experience but i could apply to Colorado. But i decided not to do that coz i really wanted to go to Florida as I loved it so much the first time. so I thought why not go bk to disney as i loved it so much. So i applied again for a different programme. I am now scared there gonna turn around to me and say well you have already done a program before or that you have already tried to apply for hospitality in Florida and got rejected : (((((( im so scared. I mean i have done it before. sorry bout the long message. lol
  4. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    I'm doing my own head in with the constant email checking. My internet sometimes decides not to work for several days at a time, if this happens i will have a minor mental breakdown.
  5. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    Yeah, I sometimes think that they might reject me just because I've already been out there and they want to give new people a go, but then I think that maybe we're a safer option? Probably less likely to be homesick etc...
  6. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    Yeaaaa ur absolutely right.....the fact we have done it before is def a positive. When did u do the program? x
  7. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    June-August last year, I worked outdoor foods at Epcot. The day I got the rejection email for CRP was the same day as the deadline for ICP applications so I applied to that instead, you?
  8. omgholly

    omgholly New Member

    I guess what it boils down to, rejection wise, is that they HAVE to reject some people. There is no way they could phone interview all the applicants.

    Thats what I'm going to tell myself if I get rejected anyway... it's not that the other applicants were better, lots of them were just as good but they had to reject somoene.......

    Of course I'm currently very very optimistic about the whole thing and buzzing at the idea that this time next year I could be at Disney World working for the mouse! I can't wait! :D
  9. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    I did the ICP and studied at UCF. I Went oct 2007 to may 2008. So about 8 months. I was so happy!!!! I think with the CRP programme it is more intense than the ICP as of course its a 12 month programme so it must have more too it than we realise. I guess its also the fact we are representing our countries.
    Does anyone know or can guess how many people might have applied to this programme?
  10. OMG Im gonna honsestly start crapping myself.
  11. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    ctravis, where were u working when you were over there? 2 months just wasn't enough for me, I loved it soo much. Where were you living? I was in Vista ;D
  12. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    Oh god, this is so exciting.

    I feel sick.

    Tomorrow or monday????? NO WAI!!

    I stand on the brink of either one of the happiest or most depressing moments of my life
  13. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    Hey my name is Christina, yeaaaa lived at Vista Way, 2509, right opp the pool and the front security. 2 months is def not enough. I though 7 - 8 months was def not enough for me, thats why i wanna go bk. I miss that jacuzzi, it was so nice and warm, except of course when they told me that alot of stuff happened in there, so i stopped going until everytime i saw the maintenance guy cleaning it, i would run down there hehe. Where did u stay in vista?
  14. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    I was in 3605 right at the back by one of the 'lakes'. I know building 25, some of my friends were in 2501. I know exactly what you mean about the hot tub, I never went in again after I heard what one of my friends got up to ;)
  15. I lived in The Commons 2526, So much classier than vista i have 2 say. Although mickey did go on in that pool.
  16. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    hehehe yea i bet.......OMG i remember when i was there i was friends with my roommates bf who lived in 2501. I remember where the lake was. i am sorry but i am absolutely going mental nooooww. All these past memories make me wanna go right now........
    Seriously, does anyone know at all how many applied. coz i do know one thing.....apparently when there is one position, they pick 1 out 10 people.
  17. OH Motha Fucka! I cant be doing with that kind of info, they're so not going to choose anyone whose been before!! Its ridiculous!
  18. DanielJ97

    DanielJ97 New Member

    hey guys

    little bit new to posting on here but any how i applied for the program on 3rd jan obviously like the rest of you guys were wondering what's going on with the applications so i wrote an e-mail to yummy jobs regarding the applications in january and i received the following message from kristen writing on behalf of michele:

    "Many thanks for your email. We will begin reviewing applications this
    month, and Michele will be contacting you in the next 2-3 weeks with
    more information about the application process. "

    just hope i hear sooner i got rejected the last time lol
  19. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    OMG what did they say to you when you got rejected?
    They will bascially e-mail to tell you whther you will receive a phone interview, and what day u will be free to talk and what time. It is an informal interview, so dont worry. Then they will arrange a date in feb for the proper interview. you will recieve an e-mail for that as well.
  20. Okay this is getting ridiculous, my 21st is in like 2 weeks and im on here depressed and worried, when i should be excited! And my mum and dad are sending me 2 new york with my sister as my present! NEW YORK! And all i can think about is this damn board!

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