Anyone else applying in January from the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    omg, arr soo excited!!

    the site only says this bit now,
    "We will review all new applications for this Program from August 2009 onwards in time for the Autumn interviews.", where do you see the other bit?

  2. Click on 'News & Hot Jobs' Then CRP Interviews,

    then at the bottom it has all that jazz
  3. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    oh my gosh, i am check under Opps, then CRP. I'll jave to check this bit aswell now.

    It's say they have more than enough, i wonder how many peopled applied?
    I know they accepted less people this time, how many roles are available for this session?
  4. Fuck Me, I have no idea. Do people ask them questions like that?
  5. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I dunno, i wonder if they'll sent out emails to the lucky ones who got through on Monday then, that gives them 2 days, to go through the apps.
  6. I have no idea how it works. I guess we just have 2 be patient yea?
  7. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    ohh, i can't be patience. I really want to know, i have been checking my email numerous times every day, and nothing. Hopefully there should be something next week.
  8. This is ridiculous, my life is revolving around 1 thing. I need to get a life!
  9. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    Arghhhh :-\ that's so scary!
  10. I KNOW! Im not gonna get it, I can feel it.... :-\
  11. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    don't say that, this is Disney. Where dreams come true... :)
  12. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Think positive - you CAN do it. If you don't its likely to show at the interviews.
  13. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Exactly. You'll be fine Jim, you're an old hand!! :D

    I just went to the YJ website and saw that, I wonder when it went up? The CRP has always been popular!
  14. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    :eek: Oh my goodness, I'm starting to get more and more worried that I won't get a phone interview :-\
    I wonder how many applicants they've had?!

    Nerve racking time...
  15. The thing is, if they're looking to decrease the amount of people they might start with those who've been before, and even tho i came back 2 months into the program cos of the whole family bereavement thing, they might still say sorry u had ur chance!

    Whatever!!!!! think can fly- you can fly- you can fly! LMAO
  16. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    They won't do that, as it's not your fault that you came back and you should be given the opportunity to complete the project.
    I think we're all going to be freaking out until we hear :(
  17. If they dont that would be the only reason, cos u know i got through last time and i havent changed, except my work experience is bigger. So the only reason would be that. SO I AM PRETTY MUCH CRAPPING MYSELF!
  18. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I think we're all feeling the nerves :-\
    I think if I had a phone interview I can express much more easily how much I want to do this than I can in paper.
    It's just getting through the original paper sort really....
  19. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    Yeah, it's true. We're all so nervous.

    None of it's gonna get better though, first we got to find out it we get through, then if so more waiting. It's just a BIG LOOOONG WAITING GAME, that we all want to do!!!
  20. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Waiting should be fun... not. And i'm not the most patient person in the world...
    But at least we have everyone on here for support :) that's always a plus.
    It at least helps me not drive my parents mad by going on about it lol. :p

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