Anyone else applying in January from the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    That's weird about the number of posts!!!
    It will be weird, but it will also be good to meet everyone in person :) I'd probably be asking everyone if they write on the forums if I get to the f2f's ;D haha

    I'd be 18 when it starts, but would turn 19 when I'm out there.

    Wellness apartment for me :D
  2. dont worry it wont interfere with ur experience. I was 19 when I was last there and it was amazing.
  3. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I know, I'm not particularly bothered... just have to be careful, even if I decide to have only one drink!!
    Plus If I can't drink, I will remember more of the year than the people who get drunk and party hard!! :p
  4. mushu

    mushu New Member

    I'll be 21 and turn 22 when I'm out there. Its weird to think that by the time I get back I'll be coming up for 23 :)

    At my f2f in Oct, nearly 20 of us met up for a meal the night before the interviews, so we were like old friends when we got to the f2f, it was great and soooo helpful, especially as we had to sit around for hours on end waiting to be called for our actual interview.
  5. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    I'll be 18 or maybe even 19(my bday's in jan), depending when i would leave.

    I want to go as soon as possible. Sept would do me fine, for the start of everything, there's the food and wine festival, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, then new years. soo much to get throwed into. I can't wait to get this application process rolling.
  6. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    That's a really good idea about what you guys did for the meal Vicki.
    It's got to be nerve racking enough just having the interview and I'm sure that calmed some of the nerves down!! :)

    Hmmm I was wondering, at the f2f do any of the recruiters watch how you greet the other candidates to see how you interact with strangers?
  7. OMG MEGAN! lol, i think ur being a little paranoid! Its not the F.B.I were trying to get into!
  8. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    haha I know!!
    when I did business studies at AS though we were made to watch a video of an interview process, and people there were observed to see how they got on together- A levels have done this to me!!!! haha lol, I'll be so glad when they're all over.

    even though I'm not even at the interview process, I'm thinking of the possibilities.... I really should stop procrastinating away from my revision :-\

    lol, I'm thankful for retakes!
  9. mushu

    mushu New Member

    That is a very good question because they do actually watch you, to see how you interact with the other interviewees. When we went to sort out our paperwork, Michele asked us 'Have you met any new people today?' etc. You are far more likely to come across as the kind of person they want if you are chatty, happy and approachable.
  10. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I thought they might because competition is so tough, it's another way to help work out if a person is right for the role or not.
    Plus is you are successful, when you go out to florida you will meet so many new people- so it helps if you're outgoing and can approach people easily.
  11. **nikki**

    **nikki** New Member

    You're all so young! I'm 23 now, my birthday is in November so i'll be either 23 or 24 if i get in.
  12. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    I shall be 22 by the time I get out there, which is a frightening prospect. Not sure I'm ready for all this twenty-something not a student malarky :-\.
  13. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    All you guys make me feel so young!! lol, if I get in it will be my first time living away from home which is good in some ways, but scary in others :-\
  14. DivineAphrael

    DivineAphrael New Member

    I don't think age is a big deal if you have the right mindset really. This year I'm living in a flat with 4 other people one's 18 and in her 1st year, one's 27 and he's travelled for years. The other two are the same age as me and we al get on fantastically. I wouldn't let it worry you (if it is worrying you) at worst it will make some of us want to look after you.
  15. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I'm not so much worried, it'll just probably be a shock at first having to do things that I wouldn't normally do such as washing, cleaning and cooking. But I think it will be good for me to gain some independence and not rely on my parents. I might need help with working the washing machine or something though :p
  16. I dont know what its like now, but when I was there, it was mostly over 21's on the whole. But there are a large amount of people under 21 tho. And as i have said before it doesn't make a difference to ur time there. And im sure u will pick up the whole cleaning and shopping thing very easy. And im sure ur roommates wont mind helping!
  17. StephyLewis

    StephyLewis New Member

    I've just turned 21, so i'll have my 22nd out there if i get it.

    I don't think age will be a factor (well it can't be that would be age discrimination) but they probably will want a level of maturity, I havn't been to a f2f or anything yet so i can't offer any real advice but would have thought if your 17 going on 18 or around that age don't go to the meet with a parent in toll. I can remember people doing that at Uni interviews and cringing for them.
  18. sophie123

    sophie123 New Member

    I was only 18 when i applied and i got in so age doesnt seem to be an issue x
  19. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Don't worry, If I get the interviews I had no intention of a parent coming with me! That would make me cringe!! :p
  20. LMAO, i would rather die than have 2 do that. Although my dad would probably get me any job, he could get bin laden a job for looking after WMD's.

    I may have to block this website from my internet, im obsesssssssed!

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