Anyone else annoyed at the date change

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 2005CP, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    Disney interview? :D

  2. kristenellen123

    kristenellen123 New Member

    Haha, definitely :p
  3. ChantelleKitchen

    ChantelleKitchen New Member

    I was definately alittle annoyed!! My plans have now changed ... i was going to do the CRP on my placement year in uni but because of the new dates im going to skip placement year and finish my final year of uni SOOOOO i will apply in the september rounds of applications for 2012 when ive graduated!! i think thats a plan ... it sucks knowing we wont be going in 2011!! never mind though as long as we get there in the end :)
  4. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    if you haven't already you may want to check that sept interviews are happening as usualy they are for jan the next year (2012) onwards, but now these ones are for that time instead, if that makes sense :s
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Hey guys, I haven't been in this part of the forum before but I've been hanging around for the last three years or so as I've done two ICPs (2008 and 2010)... I told myself that I wouldn't apply for the CRP but temptation got the better of me and I'm gonna just see what happens.

    My point of my post was that applying to work for Disney is all about waiting - for my first program I applied in December, got f2f in February and left in June but didn't get told the result of the f2f for almost a month afterwards (worst month of my life!)... but in 2010, I applied in September, got f2f in December and found out I was going in January to depart in June! So yeah... you've just gotta be patient!

    One thing that's slightly scary is that if I went out in 2012 then by the time I'd come back I'd be almost 25 years old in 2013, anyone else find this scary?!

    Anyways, hi! :)
  6. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Gah! After you said that, I had to sit and work it out! If I started 2012 I would be 25 by the time I came home and maybe closer to 26 than I'd like!
  7. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    shh currently 26 and will turn 27 end of next year shhh shhh, its scary ha ha ha
  8. TreacleMagic

    TreacleMagic New Member

    gees you guys! If I get out there and come back after sept 2013 I will be 33!!!!!!!!!!! Really scary :eek:
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    I will be 31 when I come home if I get through this time!!!!!

    But its not about age its about mentality and I am soooo still mentally aged around 15 lol
  10. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    me too, well 15 and 6 8ths to be precise
  11. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    I'm starting not to feel so bad!! LOL! I just turned 25 yesterday... so I'll be 26 when I come home from the program if all goes according to plan! lol
  12. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I will be a few months away from turning 31 if I get out there early 2012...I was 27 when I started last time! Dammmmnnnn!
  13. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    DiscoStu.. I remember you.. lol I don't know if you remember me? I was dating a guy in UK merch and I worked in Canada Merch.
  14. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Who was it you were dating?
  15. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    James Hare... I left in June though...
  16. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    No way, I remember James well...I only started in February but pretty certain I remember you too!
  17. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    Have you reapplied yet? or just thinking about it?
  18. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    I have indeed...we should know by mid April if we have an interview or not. If that doesn't work out, ironically I will be going to live in Vancouver for a year (providing I get the visa but it's a lot easier than going to the US)
  19. CaseyMac

    CaseyMac New Member

    Ahh! Very cool! Vancouver is gorgeous. I just got the email yesterday inviting me to the final interviews sometime at the end of feb or beginning of march... so hopefully know soon dates and locations! It's such a pain having to wait! I'm sure you'll get an interview though! :)
  20. Chari21

    Chari21 New Member

    I was 19 when I went out last time. I'll be 23 (or almost 23) if I get it in 2012. I think it would be slightly more enjoyable if I got it now I am over 21. Not because I want to go out partying every night or anything like that, but I missed out on a lot where most of my good friends were over 21. It was still great but it would be nice to have the freedom to do anything I want to.

    I was thinking though...if it is for dates throughout 2012 then potentially we could get a position for December 2012 - that's just under 2 years away....

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