Anyone else annoyed at the date change

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 2005CP, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    just as i was reading this i got an email from them saying

    " The Disney Recruiters may be looking for applicants to start the program throughout 2012. Of course, as always we may have positions starting earlier than 2012 which will be discussed with you individually if you are invited "

    Its still a possibility
  2. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    i freaked out accidently opened the email realised it was from yummy and screamed a lot ha ha
  3. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    hehe i was the same i was like awww crap its a reject email cos it came from the intern account
  4. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    The Intern account sent out all the f2f invites in the last round, so you never know what it could be!
  5. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    i opened it half unaware of what i was doing then say thankyou and honestly did the scream the vicar of dibley does in the final episode you know the whole arrrrrrrrrghh aarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhh was quite funny
  6. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    That sucks that your lot of applications is being drawn out! Having had a similar wait time during the summer batch of applications I know how frustrating waiting can be - but best of luck to all of you!

    I just thought I'd let you guys in on some information that Hannah told me at the October interviews, Disney used to be able to tell Yummy 2 years in advance that they needed XX amount of UK Castmembers during for example the Jan - July period, so Yummy would know what number of Cast Members were needed each month. However now because of the financial downturn Disney can only predict, hence why they also brought in the wait list. So Disney tell Yummy how many they think they will need (I guess which is reflected as well by advanced hotel & park ticket purchases, peak season & numerous other factors) & then additional CM's are sent over to fill spaces that are available or become avaliable if someone quits/ gets terminated.

    Also Hannah said the stakes for getting in are much harder, before when Yummy first started everyone got an interview but numbers were low back then & now they have well over a 1000 applicants, so the standards are higher. Our arrival dates were extended up until September when previously they were only until June/July I believe. I'm sure once they have told everyone who is on wait list from the October interviews - that they should hopefully have start dates!! which is by the end of March, I'm sure Yummy & Disney will assess the situation & be able to say how many poistions are available & when for you guys! Hopefully starting later on this year!
  7. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    Also what did your email today say??
  8. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Because im to lazy to bring it back up and copy & paste it, My email simplified said this : We had a lot more applications than expected, we are drowning in paper work, disney as given us a breathing space to deal with it all, expect a response mid april as we are replying to each and every application okie dokie =]

    So yea =/ I've decided just to pressum I'm not getting in this time round, and just work on gaining more experience etc. I know it seems luck of the draw BUT if you have a choice between someone who has little to no experience to someone who has a lot, They're going to choice the person with a lot because It's just more practical for the company.

    Good luck all =D
  9. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    sometimes they prefer more of a blank canvas so to speak, to train, so you never know
  10. CazzieAnwyn

    CazzieAnwyn New Member

    Very rarely, But there is a chance.

    Aha I'm just thinking of it as an experience, Plus if I accept the possibility that I'm not getting in this time, hurts less later, and gives me time to improve >=D And you know get money seeing how I have like.. none xD
  11. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Hmmmm, so another update eh?

    I suppose we ought to be happy that we have a bigger window to get start dates, I'm glad Yummy emailed though, cos it was starting to get just a little confusing!

    Now I know for certain, I suppose I'm happy to settle down and play the waiting game! After all, when you consider the fact that I first applied back in July 2008, another few months won't hurt me!

    How's everyone else feeling now its all been confirmed that we're pretty much looking at leaving in 2012?
  12. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    if it means i am going then I am happy - if i fail this time then it sucks lol as it looks like there will be a lonnngggg wait for the next round of applications.

    They had the waitlist thing when I applied last time too so I dont think waitlist is something new they brought in for us unlucky lot - i guess its just the numbers on the list have increased.

    I guess it means we will all be able to save extra to go :)
  13. TreacleMagic

    TreacleMagic New Member

    I suppose it has put me at ease. Now we have an actual date to look to. I can stop scanning emails!

    Will also help save money to make the year our there (if I get it) a lot more exciting!

    I'm gonna put it to the back of my mind for a bit.
  14. Missish

    Missish New Member

    I hope this does really mean that we have more of a chance of getting in. But, honestly, I'm a little annoyed. We were originally told we might go as soon as in 7 months. Now we're being told we might not go for AT LEAST a year. What fun.

    On the plus side, at this rate I might get to go to my friend's wedding (in April 2012), which I'd have missed if I was accepted with the previous dates.

    I don't quite understand this paragraph, though:

    The Disney Recruiters may be looking for applicants to start the program throughout 2012. Of course, as always we may have positions starting earlier than 2012 which will be discussed with you individually if you are invited to the next stage of the application process. This is great news as they may be looking to fill positions over a longer period and not just a few months!

    They 'may' be looking for applicants? Positions to fill over a longer period and not just a few months? I thought the program was always for a year unless you were offered a place to replace someone who had termed?
  15. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Hey I think they mean they will be looking for people "for a longer period" i.e they will have more dates to go for a year - rather than dates like for july-dec they may have dates for july - june, as an example
  16. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    I must say, i am a little nervous now
    as i thought the F2F would be in april, like most of the passed years
    im away from May 16th - 27th and knowing my luck if im fortunate enough to get a f2f will be on those dates! LOL

    Though i am in disneyworld those dates, so thats like a ray of sunshine
  17. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    To be honest, (although it's hard!) it's best just to clear it out of our minds now, because at this rate by April time; we'll all have gone mad!
    I think it's ok to have it pushed back so far - I know we're all a bit disappointed now, but most of us will wait as long as it takes to get out there :)
  18. Missish

    Missish New Member

    Ohh, that makes more sense! ::)
  19. TreacleMagic

    TreacleMagic New Member

    The other good point about the later dates is that we might be working there when the new pricess part of the MK opens in 2013!!
    I can't wait to see it! All I saw in Sep was dirt and a wall!
  20. kristenellen123

    kristenellen123 New Member

    I agree, I have finals this year too so I'm praying the interviews don't coincide with my exams!!....definitely know which is more important though... ;D

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