Any ICP alumni applying again?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by TalkingDug, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    Cool, MK and all four parks talkingdug, I'm kinda jealous lol. Cirque is great though, but I do warn that it often feels that you're not really working for disney apart from the magical moments and name badges, other wise it was great :) if you get it you could request it? cirque is main entrance ops for some reason, although I was told before I went I was attractions, so I was a bit dissappointed to start off with. And we put ourselves through it because, although the waiting sucks, it is so worth it :D x
  2. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Ahhh true of course, so worth it!!!
    You can ask for things in a face to face but there is no guarantee... I kinda wanted spaceship earth and I got mission space, which is in the same area, so close enough! My friend asked for tower of terror and got it, but equally I know people who asked for stuff and didn't. Its all a giant roulette game.....!!
    Yeah, I know its main entrance, sometimes they randomly swap you though (I had a friend who was main entrance but worked at star tours cos they changed her). It's all luck... but cirque is the only thing I'd want to work at downtown!!!!
  3. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    Yeah I guess so, it seems to work for some people :) yeah I think cirque is the best thing there I was worried I'd get the characters in flight balloon but it was all ok lol but having said that the balloon was always down because there was always a storm within however many miles was the limit lol x
  4. Rebecca03

    Rebecca03 New Member


    Well two hours ago I applied again :) Been such a hard decision as I was scared it would not live up to the last program but its what you make of it is't it.

    I did the program this summer and worked at typhoon lagoon as a lifeguard. Best summer of my life. I would love a different role this summer if I am lucky enough to get a place. Hopefully I will hear back soon if I will get a phone interview.

    Rebecca xxx
  5. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I don't think we can be characters in flight, as they are an operating participant so I don't think Disney hires them... friend of a friend works there and I'm pretty certain he said Disney didn't employ him...

    I know what you mean Rebecca - was a hard decision but I decided I'd rather try than not, and I'll always have the memories from before either way :)
  6. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    ME!!! :D

    I need to stop stalking these boards. Btw, I had the same doubts as some of you applying for the ICP again because the first time round was so much fun but I totally didn't regret it. In fact, I think my second program was even better than my first because I had better roomates, more friends at work, saw more during my program and stayed for a few days afterwards... my job at Star Tours was awesome but I enjoyed merch at the Emporium better (my first program) so every ICP has it's good and bad points :)
  7. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    I did this years summer program and did attractions! im applying again for the year program!

    good luck everyone!
  8. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Yep Cat! You!!!! :D
  9. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    Yeah Katie I wasn't sure if they were Disney or not but it was still a concern lol. Just got to wait now and fingers crossed we will get F2F soon, eek, seems more scary this time, I guess it's cos we know we have more to lose because we know how amazing it is lol
  10. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    That's exactly my thoughts. I know what I'd lose by not getting it!!!
    Good luck :)
  11. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    Just wondering how many re-applicants got a f2f? just curious I have quite a few friends who reapplied and didn't get f2f which is sad :/ were they extra harsh this yr :/
  12. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I got one, but there's a lot who don't - yummy aren't extra harsh to alumni, but they are harder. They want you to be going back for the right reasons - in 2010 loads didn't get a f2f cos yummy didn't think they were going back for the right reasons, and therefore wanted to give first timers more of a chance... Does that make sense?
  13. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    yeah it does, just wondering what my friends did wrong then :/ eek, I just mentioned a few random things and steered clear of social life and it seemed ok. Does that mean disney are harsher on alumni too? or do they not mind too much as long as we perform? x
  14. Piglet

    Piglet New Member

    well i didn't get a f2f and it would be my 2nd programme, i didn't mention going there for the social side once tho but i got asked a lot of different questions from last time x
  15. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I don't know about disney themselves, but yummy definitely are harder on us.... It seems so unfair sometimes, when you get one and your friend doesn't, you feel bad for being happy...
  16. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    yep you sure do, I'd love to know what criteria they judge by lol it would make life so much easier! I'm sorry to hear that Piglet, maybe you could try again? or there's lots of other things people have been talking about. And katie let's hope disney don't discrimate between new people and alumni then :)
  17. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I wish I knew - I just really tried to show what else I could get out of another program, and mentioned that although I'd love attractions again I'd also really enjoy merch and said why... I just really tried (and still didn't feel like I'd got it!!!!). I think this time everyone I know who's reapplying who is alumni got a f2f except one (who didn't even get a phone interview... Think he applied a bit late tbh) - but then I did it in 09 and 10 and most people I knew in 10 wouldn't be eligible for this time due to having graduated... I really hope disney are a bit easier on us, I'm so nervous. Two friends on my course have got f2fs for the summer too, I'd be gutted if they got it and I didn't, as well as if I got it and they didn't... Its scary stuff!!!
    Just gotta really show why I should have another shot I guess...
  18. banable

    banable New Member

    Out of interest, which of you, who have been accepted speak another language aside from English??
  19. LauraJayne

    LauraJayne New Member

    yeah i have friends who have got f2f too who haven't done the ICP before, so if they get it and I don't or vice versa I'll be gutted. Just gotta hope for the best I guess and really show them all we can offer, really fight the corner and hope disney aren't more harsh to alumni! I also wanted attractions again but pretty much said I'd do anything, almost put my foot into it though as I mentioned i'd like attractions specifically because I was in operations, fortunately nobody seemed to notice :) let's hope for good things and a sprinkle of magic :D and banable I can only speak english x
  20. LisaInWonderland

    LisaInWonderland New Member

    I did the summer this year, worked in attractions but on to f2f for the year work and study program! exciting! x

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