hey'all! I'm partially a Canadian I'm from Singapore, but I've been here for about 1+ year, I'm studying at the University of Toronto i'm most likely heading out to the Toronto interviews in Spring (montreal is tooo cold for me haha), so if anyone is coming along we should meet up!! xx Mint/Yish
ariella- im at acadia university and that would be so awesome if they had f2f in halifax, a lot more convenient than toronto. If not im hoping they have one in february during spring break in Montreal, cause ill be there anyway. im keeping my fingers crossed
Logan514-Ohh, Acadia, that's awesome! I was told the interviews would be either late January/early February. I was kinda hoping they would be late Feb since my reading week is the last week of Feb but I'll just have to figure things out. I hope we hear before the Christmas holidays when our interviews are since we have to sign up for presentations the first week back in Jan for most of my classes.
Hi I'm not an applicant, i went last summer, but I'm from ottawa originally going to queens now. I'm not on these forums very often anymore but i just made my blog from last summer public and if anyone has any questions about my experience feel free to private message me-- i'll reply cuz it gets sent to my email. good luck guys! disneysummer.blogspot.com
SteffieDavis, Thanks sooooo much for putting your blog up!!! I read the whole thing and it sounds like you had an amazing time and it makes me even more excited to even have the chance to work there this summer!!! When you were talking about your last day and the graduation ceremony I started to tear up because some things you just don't want to ever end. You've also got me interested in maybe working as a character performer. I hadn't really thought of doing that but hearing all the things you got to do, it sounds really fun!!