Any arrivals on April 24th?!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by disney_hopper, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    First of all Allan, Matt and I discussed bringing some flapjacks and maple syrup, secondly you can bring the maple candy! See you have options. Oh and no the chocolate is not piglet......................
  2. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    My computer froze and it sent it twice..............................I am already past the newbie stage , this is not a ploy to get more posts in..............sorry for the double post.
  3. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    Aaron!!! Really! Do you want to perpetuate that horrible lie that we're all into maple syrup? Who really eats that? The closest I ever come is Aunt Jemima and that's not real at all. I'm out on the maple candy. I don't hate the people that I'm arriving with as you clearly do.

    Watch out guys - she's trying to kill you will dirty sickly sweet juice from a tree!
  4. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    First of all I said we DISCUSSED it, secondly they were my suggestions to YOU. I wanted you to bring them so I could look like a hero when you see what I really bring.
  5. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    I see your game Devlin. I know what you're about...but I've got a secret weapon don't forget. HOLLA AT BETH Y'ALL!
  6. Rymundo

    Rymundo New Member

    haha excellent. anyone got any ideas of what I can bring from London?? ???
  7. TravelBug

    TravelBug New Member

    I have a plan, but i'm not sure if i want this delivn to know of my brillance. What i think we should bring is only found in canada from what i know of. and it is highly addictive..and no its not a drug;) its even better....alright alright i'll spill what i think we should bring is. LAY'S Chips...only found in canada and is so much better then maple suryp...mmmmm..i wonder what else we could bring.

    Something from London....Candy....London has the best candy...chocolate and other things like that.
  8. TravelBug

    TravelBug New Member

    Or there's always the best hidden secert of canada...Tim Horton's
  9. TravelBug

    TravelBug New Member

  10. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    More Specifically I am bringing Fuzzy Peaches and Smarties, they do not have the wonderful treats in the US - As for specificically Canadian? I LOVE REAL Maple Syrup, and not afraid to let anyone know it's the best on Vanilla Ice Cream

    Specifically with the Lays chips, there are not Ketchup Chips in the states, the S.Africans will know of them but they are called Tomato Chips. They also have something similar to Smarties, but are not made by Nestle!

    Just some inside tips!
  11. Tan

    Tan New Member

    Ooooo the best thing from the UK is definatly Cadburys Chocolate!!!! So i'll bring some of that and a good cup of tea!! (tetleys!) then the tequila later on maybe :D Although i think we might have Traditions on the Saturday and we have the Friday off so the Thurs might be good? Cant wait guys!! I leave in one week!! x x x
  12. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    i'm glad that all of you are willing to bring something typical from your countries....i'm trying to take tequila with me. In case i couldn't it would be something special to eat (don't worry we have lotssss of things) and don't be afraid, they won't be spicy hehe...because i don't eat chili (i confess) so i won't "kill" you as allan said with something i dont even eat...anyways it's gonna be a hugeee event! we just need a red carpet there! hahaha
  13. Eddieh

    Eddieh New Member

    Sounds nice to eat and especially drink all the different things. We'll all be so sick afterwards hehe
    14 days, thats two weeks!!!!!!
  14. TravelBug

    TravelBug New Member

    we should try to figure out dinner types of food to make this rate we'll all be on sugar highs and drunk...before an hour is up...though i'm not complaining it would prove to be alot of fun i'm sure...maybe everyone make there fav. food from their country...doesn't matter if its breakfast lunch or dinner...even a snack kind of food would work. that way maybe we won't be buzzing as high...does anyone have any food allergys??
  15. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    no i don't!!! ....fortunately i can eat everything without any allergy...and it's true we only have "desserts" and drinks hehe...and if we will go with that idea about cooking typical dishes i can do some quesadillas (not real mexican ones but whatever!) guacamole or tacos hehe... we have hundreds of dishes, however its hard to get the things to prepare them there tho!!
  16. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    I'm goign to try and bring some of my dad's smoked salmon! Do a little appy...sorry to those in advance who don't like fish!
  17. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    They sell Smartie's (Nestle's) at Goodings!! hehe
    Hmmmmmm Cadbury sweet's at every tube that a sweet UK or what? I don't mind the sugar/drunk rush if one of our UK arrivals can make treacle tart :D :D :D

    I can make quesadillas!! not to hard to make but all the goodness of cheese in one

    ps-no allergies...though I'm a vegetarian! (promise to try the salmon, Ashi) could live on cheese and sweets
  18. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Technically I am allergic to Tomatoes and Red Peppers, but I eat both...I just go numb, no big deal...
  19. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    So I'm lactose intollerant. HOWEVER - I will take lactade pills but that means I'll be skipping on the alcohol - which is fine with me. :)
  20. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    ME TOO Allan...But I dont' even take lactaid pills, i just end up sick! I might pick some up before I head down...hmmmm it's a new intolerance so I'm still not happy about it

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