Any arrivals on April 24th?!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by disney_hopper, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    I don't know how many of you will be up for partying, when your country will all ready have to doing "initiation" It's gona get wild!

    Apparently they only thing I was warned was, (for Canada at least), DON'T WEAR WHITE!

  2. Eddieh

    Eddieh New Member

    Partying? of course!!! White doesn't fit me anyway! by the way I'll be the "front-bar tripper" :) :)
  3. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    Hey Hey Hey,

    K - Chandler was the hottest, even when he did gain weight...that may have had to do with knowing what he looked liked when he slimmed down though. Also, he was funny. Joey was not. Being stupid and getting laughs for it doesn't count.

    Beth - you can bring down a year's supply. I have to do it with my asthma (yah - I'm cool) and it does say in the welcome package book not to forget to bring at least 3 months supply with you so a year is even better I assume. If there's a problem at the airport I'll fight 'em with you 'cause we'll be together and I hardly doubt they're going to say that I can't breathe. ;)

    As for this not wearing white - A) not a problem because white is not a slimming color and B) is there somewhere to clean up quite quickly after whatever mess is being made that you can't wear white for?

    ~ Allan
  4. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    I am sorry Allan I am going to have to call upon a few episode refrences to defend my opinion.

    Exhibit A.) When Phoebe finds out she is actually 31 and not 30 and she has lost a whole year of her life and hasn't done any of the things she wanted to by the time she was 31, like REALLY been kissed or meet a porteuguese person, she leaves the coffee house all depressed, Joey goes after her, and kisses her on the street and says "maybe thats one thing you can cross off your list - Plus I am 1/8th porteguese" - VERY SWEET

    Exhibit B) When Rachel gets pregnant, she is upset about not dating anymore, Joey takes her out. He even shows up at the door to their apartment with flowers-VERY SWEET.

    Exhibit C) When Rachel is going to move out because she is pregnant, Joey does up the aprtment with a crib and a mobile to show her they can all live together.

    Sorry Joey is still my favourite, I can appreciatte Chandlers sarcasm because its just like mine but I am sticking with Joey. Perhaps we can agree to disagree?
  5. Eddieh

    Eddieh New Member

    I like this discussion about friends. I liked all of them. They just were a funny bunch of people but not as funny as we are since they were no 24ths :) I also agree with Aaron on the Joey thing. Do you know how many days It is now? Yes Exactly 24 thats a cool number isn't it?
  6. GABRICH!!!

    GABRICH!!! New Member

    YEAHHH RIGHT!!!!! today is a lucky day!! everyone please enjoy it!!! we're almost thereee!!!
  7. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    24 days...........!!!!!!!! its so scary!!! and exiting all at the same time! i started packing today!!! Nothing major,ive just moved clothes from my drawers into my suitcase which is now taking about most of the floor space in my bedroom!!!!! if i do end up sharing a room/apartemt with any of you i apologise now for my untidyness!!!!!!!!! :)
  8. TravelBug

    TravelBug New Member

    Thanks Allan
    We'll fight they airport guys together, if they give us a hard time. You just start to not be able to breathe and hopefully that will do the trick. Happy 24th day everyone. We're almost there.
  9. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    I agree...white's not necessarily a flattering colour.... :p black's so muuuch better! hehe

    Happy 24th everyone!!!
  10. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Totally must agree on the white, just passing on the warning I was given...And the other was "something quick-drying" I found a few picks of past Canadian Throw-ins and they seem to be quite wet in the pics so Jeans might not be the best either.

    I can't seem to fathom wearing Jeans in Florida.

    Have SOOO much to do still!

    Where'd everyone go for the "Extended Medical"? It's still on my list of things to do! :-[
  11. AllanWa

    AllanWa New Member

    Holla! (Like the Spice Girls song, not Hola spelled wrong)

    First - Aaron, learn to love you more. I know I certainly do. You know why? No, it's not the charming smile, or the 80 ft's the wit. Just like Chandler. What I mean is, Chandler is better - no matter what. ;)

    Second - in response to Kerry's pre-apology...what do you all think of living with a messy person? It's certainly crossed my mind that my roomie might be messy and my anal retentiveness is already itching at the idea. Do you clean up after your roommate or just let it be? Thoughts?

    Lastly - I went with CAA for medical insurance. They are the only company that I could find that paid the bills up front (very important) and they covered $5 000 000. They were cheap - with a zero deductable until Aug 15 I paid $191. Also they were one of the only places that I checked with that said I could extend my coverage until later WHILE down there if I wanted. Other companies said I had to do that before I left or come back and do it.

    Alright guys!!! See you soon! SO EXCITED!

    ~ Allan
  12. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    VERY good to know, Thanks Allan. Still doing a few research options for Medical Insurance! But thanks, that helps SO much! Made my decision easy!
  13. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

    Hey guys,

    Well Allan, I will take it like a compliment that you like Chandler and you think my wit is just like him. All I need is someone who can banter back and forth with me. How bout it? Will you be the salt to my pepper?

    As for Insurance I also went with BCAA. they were the best option as well when I was researching.

    As for the cleanliness thing......... I am not fond of cleaning up after someone else mess. Also I have heard that if your roommates don't like you, they do things to try and get you kicked out, so I defiitly would not want to be making any wave while I am there either. Perhaps you learn to live in the mess, or hope for a clan roommate.
  14. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    Definitely clean after myself but not into cleaning after roommies...unless the plates are about to spring fungus and that suspicious pile of clothes in the corner has recently started moving or making noises...hehe. Thus praying for a good roomate to come along, not to go through that!!!

    Guys, three weeks from now!! Can't wait to see you all :D
  15. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    I clean up after my own mess, I have lived with room mates before and first thing I ever tell them, I don't take bull shit and I don't clean up after them, if I need a dish or pot I will clean that one and only that one. I will not constantly do then entire sink of dishes that has been sitting htere for the past week.

    So far I haven't heard any horror stories about gross roomies in Disney, but hey, there's always a first right?

    Was also thinking, I REALLY want to room with you people, everyone seems so "down to earth" and I use the term loosely as NO ONE in this world is normal, but we all seem to get along great...

    About how many in total are April 24's?
  16. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    This is why I ate out... a lot... on my last program. I even refused to clean that one dish or pot.
  17. Rymundo

    Rymundo New Member

    yeah how many of us (24th'ers) are there? ???

  18. Eddieh

    Eddieh New Member

    thats a good question let's just count through: :)

  19. TravelBug

    TravelBug New Member

  20. Aaron Devlin

    Aaron Devlin New Member

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